Chapter 3.2:~ Place: Seoul, Korea~ Mission: Get the Girl

The Sky Will Always Comeback [Complete] [3:56 am]

Taecyeon’s POV
“Wooyoung, why are you driving so fast? We’re going to get pulled over.”, I asked, glancing nervously over my shoulder. The speeding meter read eighty.
“They kept us at rehearsals for over four hours! I was suppoused to pick up Hanul an hour ago… I hope she didn’t wander off…”, Wooyoung glanced nervously at the rearview mirror before speeding into the next lane.

“Just call her or something! Or take me home first, your driving scares me!”, I whimpered.

“Sorry, there’s no time to drop you off, besides Hanul told me her phone broke or something”, Wooyoung replied, distractedly.

I felt a little pang of guilt. That was my fault… maybe I deserved this fear. Wooyoung increased his speed to ninety. I gripped my seat. Mommy…. T_T

Hanul’s POV

Where was he?

He was more than an hour late. I sighed, where else would he be but at rehearsal? The next awards ceremony was coming up and 2pm needed a new song, fast.

I decided to go back inside, it was ridiculously hot outside.

Just as I stretched my hand out to open the door, someone pushed it from the inside and knocked me back. I fell on my .

I looked up to see a familiar belt… Dazed, I just stared, wondering where I had seen that belt. A hand slowly came into view, covering the crotch. Confused, I looked up. 0.0

“You-!?”, we exclaimed at the same time. 

I couldn’t believe it, it was him from the airport.


G Dragon’s POV

Fate is only supposed to go so far. I mean, how did she end up here, now, in the same exact place as me? And in a situation in which I found her staring at my crotch again! Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I watched her mutely as she picked herself up on the floor and wiped her .

“He-hello”, I stuttered.

She formally bowed. -.-

I tried to make things less awkward by pointing out there was no need for formals, we already, er, were acquainted with each other, after all.

“We’ve met before, er-, on the airplane…”

“We have?”, she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“Yeah… on the flight to Korea”, I said… how did she not remember?

“Really? Refresh my memory, what happened?”, she asked,.

“Well, you, I mean, you”, I sputtered. There was no way I could admit what happened in YG vicinity. I’d never live it down if anyone from Big Bang, especially T.O.P. found out about this…

Then I saw her grinning.


She broke out laughing.

“You remembered all along?”, I asked, my voice a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

“Mmmmm…. A little. I don’t really remember.”

I gave her my look.

“Really!”, she protested, “I was half-asleep, remember? ”

“Anyways”, she continued, and held out her hand.

I stared down at it.

“Your phone”, she demanded.

I looked back up at her. Her expression was deathly. Was she like, from the mafia?

“Please”, she said, and then tried to appeal to me by smiling warmly. I blinked. She looked so different from just a second ago. Did she have Multiple Personality Disorder or something?  

“Ji Young”, someone called. She and I both turned towards the door, where T.O.P. was walking out. Then he saw her, and he stopped and stuttered out, “You!” It seemed that word was being used a lot that day. -.-

“You guys know each other?”, I asked.

“No, definitely not”, she answered, hiding a little behind me.
“You little-!”, T.O.P. said, raising her hand, as if to hit her.
Instinctively, I moved in front of her. And regretted it half a second later.

T.O.P. ignored me. “You totally know me! Don’t deny it! This is the kid I was chasing when I ran into you in the hallway!”, T.O.P. yelled at me. 
I had to think back a little, but I remembered. “Oh, when I said to stop pretending you were in the C.I.A?”

“Yeah”, T.O.P. said.

I looked over my shoulder at her.
She was clutching onto the back of my sweater and slightly ducking her head.

“So…rry?”, she said awkwardly.

“If you’re really sorry, don’t be our backup dancer for America.”, T.O.P. said.

“What, really, you’re our backup dancer?”, I said. She worked here? Since when?

“What? What kind of deal is that!?”, she yelled from behind me.

“You said you were sorry!”, T.O.P. shouted back.

I wanted to move… T.O.P. was spitting on my face. But she was still holding onto me. -.-

“Fine!”, she screamed. I wanted to cover my ears. “I’m not sorry! Why should I be sorry? I even cleaned the hallway!”

“Hey, if you didn’t mess it up, I wouldn’t have made you clean it!”

“Be quiet!”


“I told you to shut your mouth!”, she yelled back.

Omo. T.O.P looked like he was going to murder her.

Not a good idea, the YG President was walking out the double doors.

“Hey… someone’s coming”, I said softly.

Both she and T.O.P spotted the president. T.O.P. immediately left, heading for his car somewhere.

She, on the other hand, pressed herself close to me, her head on my back, hiding from the President as he walked by.

As soon as he was gone, I gently eased away from her.

She seemed to realize that she had been holding onto me, because she stepped back. Until we were about ten feet away…. She was so weird.

“Anyways”, she said, “it was nice to see you again.”

“Right”, I said, and left. I needed a long, therapeutic shower. And some ice cream.



Hanul’s POV

It started to rain. T_T Why? It was summer.

I stood under a tree for a little while, and then when I was thoroughly drenched, I decided to go find shelter somewhere that wasn’t YG-related.

I started to walk down the street.

After about a block of business centers, I came upon a little coffee shop. I started to go in, but I realized it was jam-packed with cameramen. I frowned and peered inside to see what was going on.

My heart dropped.

It was Nickhun.

I had forgotten Nickhun started filiming “We Got Married” today.

He was smiling at someone.

I followed his gaze.

His “wife”.

Victoria from f(x).  

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pleaseman #1
it will take me long i think
I LOVE ITTT ! i really like your writing style . its really good .
i was wondering . do you plan on writing a spinoff for Taec and Suyeon ? i think it'll be cool if you did (:
OMG ! Taec's confession made me cry :'(
hellopanda23 #4
ahhhhh sooooo cutee...ending short and sweettt... ha ha ha of course uncle jay would want to try and make things dirty ha ha ha... it was a really good story.. to read around more than twice.. i think i will probably one of my all time faves : )
marikrismas #5
aww i remember reading this before....maybe before i was a member so i didn't comment? but i'm glad i got to read it a second time, you may be right and it was better the second time around (; haha
and the epilogue is so cute! jay should not be telling a 5 year old where babies really come from! not yet anyway :P haha
congratulations on a great story! i really enjoyed it (:
eee.. hheeee. I can't wait for the next chapter(s)!
hellopanda23 #7
I didn't even have time to read the other chapter yet and write out a ridiculous long email to you : )!!!<br />
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ahhhh this chapter was so sweettt... the long awaited scene.. for me anyways!!!! ahhhhh i reallly love it!!!
..... really. I don't even remember >.< gah!
hellopanda23 #9
ahhhhhh... i know who saved her... its Taecyeon isn't it ha ha ha kidding.. i know who it really is! i was like you better not have killed Hanul off with car!! ahhhhhhhhh<br />
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i liked the last part with Jae and Khun. Khun took his ramen without warning and ate it whole.. that was funny to me. a homeless man eating from the great jay park : )
Khun's eyebrows are monsters that are going to leap off his face and eat me alive. His macros are hella funny though.