This Feeling

The Greatest Emotion

I fasten my steps to my house and quickly enter slamming the door behind me. With my back against the door, and my hands curling around my bag, I can't get the thought of what just happened back at school out my head. While walking home, I couldn't stop thinking of Luhan holding my hand. No guy has ever showed skinship towards me, and out of all guys I hadn't thought Luhan would be the first. Trying to convince myself to just let it go and stop thinking about it never really helped ease my mind. In fact, I only began to think about the incident much more than before. I lean off the door and place my bag on the chair at the dining table. I slowly walk into the kitchen and prepare myself a glass of water.

The sound of someone running down the stairs is heard, and suddenly Yuri shows herslef by quickly running into the kitchen. With excitement and a grin plastered on her face she speeds towards the fridgerator and pulls out a bottle of water. I silently look away and continue to drink my water still in deep thought. After a quick gulp of the clear liquid she raises an eyebrow in question. "Well hello to you too, Seohyun." She says sarcastically. "I'm sorry, Hello Yuri." I respond back and tug on the sleeve of my cardigan. "What's with the akward hand gestures and the sad tone of voice?" Yuri ask. "It's nothing" Seohyun denys. "C'mon, you can tell your unnie anything" She says rubbing her arm and then giggling playfully. "It's just this guy - "Oh my gosh, Is my sister really getting involved into boys now?" She asks excitedly cutting the younger one off. Seohyun rubs the back of her neck in embarrassment, "I'm not sure if he likes me and I don't know how to tell or even ask him if he does" Seohyun states. Yuri immediantly begins to nod her head in disaapproval, "No,no, and no. You can't ask him if he likes you, thats a definite no." Yuri scolds. "So what do I do, Yuri?" Seohyun asks. "Well first things first, Do you have feelings for this certain boy?" She questions.

Seohyun stares down at her cup and begins to think to herself. Had she fallen for Luhan? Was she begining to get the feelings that most girls describe when they have romantic feelings for another special someone? Yuri rubs the other ones back, "Does your heart flutter whenever he is around?" Well todays earlier event had made Seohyun blush madly, so that would be a yes. Seohyun slowly nods. "Waahhh, My little sister has her first crush, this is so cute!" Yuri exclaims. Seohyun begins to pout and scold the other one for her teasings on her. "But I don't think we can be together" Seohyun mutters. Yuris brightened face fades to a confused yet concerned face, "Why?" With a light sigh Seohyun continues, "We live two completely different lives. It's just too odd for two different people like us to get together." Yuri then says, "Oppisites have always attracted, I'm pretty sure anyone can be compatible with another." "I really hope that is true, Yuri. But until I guess I'm completely sure about what I'm feeling, I don't want to push my feelings any further. Thats much safer, right?" Seohyun asks. "You always have the right answer to everything. I'm sure with whatever you decide is right" Yuri responds.

The next day at school is filled with students rushing into the big building in escape from the snow falling hard outside on this cold morning. Having harsh strong winds come by this week and lots of harsh snow, the weather is found to be insane right now. Inside the homeroom class that Seohyun and Sooyoung sit inside with the students who majority are complaining about snow, Seohyun just can't hide whats been on her mind no longer. Her tall figure sits quietly at one of the desks with her chin in the palm of her hands, gazing out the window at the snowflakes that swiftly fall down from the grey skies. "Let it out Seohyun. I know you haven't been paying attention to anything I have been saying for the last 10 minutes" Sooyoung states as she adjusts the sleeve to her sweater. Seohyun immediantly snaps out of her deep thoughts and looks at the smirking Sooyoung. "So whats going on in that big brain of yours?" Sooyoung asks slightly ruffling the younger girls head. Seohyun whines as she has to fix her hair back to the way it was before. "I'm sorry, What were you saying before?" Seohyun asks trying to get more involved into whatever just occured. "It doesn't matter" Sooyung says earning a glare from Seohyun. "Fine, I was just babbling about which korean boy friend would suit me best, but that doesnt matter as much for right now. What's going on with you?" Sooyoung asks. "It's nothing. I'm just stressed over a upcoming test." Seohyun lies. "You? Stressed? That doesnt sound like the Seohyun I've known for the longest." Sooyoung says smiling.

"It's nothing, Sooyoung" Seohyun silently responds rubbing the back of her neck. Sooyoung gives her a quick look before not pushing the matter any further. Even though Seohyun says one thing, Sooyoung believes its something else. She can't put her finger on it now, but sooner or later it will eventually be unveiled. The sound of the bell interrupts the conversation. This casues Seohyun to rush to the next period of class leaving Sooyoung to linger behind with the thought of what could be on the maknaes mind. As the tall one walks through the crowded hallway, she's suddenly pulled aside with a tight grip on her arm. She looks at the tall guy infront of her, Wu Fan Kris.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Sooyoung asks angrily yanking away from the tight grip he has on her. "Your friend over there, Seohyun is it?" He asks with an uneasy tone and clenched fists. "What about her?" The girl asks with one hand on her hip. "Haven't you noticed anything different going on with Seohyun? Like has she started hanging out alot with a certain person?" Kris asks her. Sooyoung sighs before replying, "What are you trying to infer Kris?" He exhales deeply before continuing. "It's obvious that something is going on with Seohyun and Luhan. They out of nowhere begin talking and then become close friends. Don't you see what's going on?" Kris asks. "Are you mad that your friend is finding someone new to hangout with" Sooyoung teases pinching his cheeck which Kris reacts by pushing her hand away. "You know how guys like us are, Sooyoung. In the end, everyone will face the suffering" Kris states. The late bell begins to ring, and soon the hallway is much clearer without any students. This leaves Sooyoung and Kris there alone. Sooyoung's eyes widen at his words. "I really can't believe that your worried about your own friends love life and not your own. Let the two of them be, Maybe you might realize that not everything is the way you think it may seem." She states before walking away from Kris.

The next class period Sooyoung and Seohyun share is Gym. After changing into the required uniform, Both girls make their way to the provided benches to wait for further instructions. Seohyun again stares blankly at the floor in deep thoughts. Sooyoung who watches as the girl's thoughts drift off somewhere else, clears as she fixes her bun. "So you and Luhan, you two seem pretty close." Sooyoung says. "I guess" Seohyun mutters silently snapping out of her thoughts at the sound of his name. "You know, you never did tell me what you got caught up with yesterday afterschool. Was it with him?" Sooyoung curiously asks. Seohyun's thoughts travel back to that evening when she was running around the school with Luhan and the other guys. The feeling of such a rush and bad misbehavior overwelmed her. But was it wrong that she actually liked it? The whole thought of that activity gave her a sense of enjoyment.

"I was studying afterschool, Sooyoung. You know this already" Seohyun states not telling the whole truth to what happened after studying. "Oh. Okay" Sooyoung responds trying to push Kris's words out of her head. What Kris had told her earlier kind of made sense, his words lead her to asking such things to Seohyun. Maybe there really is nothing going on with Luhan and Seohyun. And if there was, Was it all just eventually going to end in an bad way? The sound of the coaches whistle blows in which all the students get off the benches and make their way to the center of the gym surrounding the coach. In one part of the gym, Seohyun spot's Kris who is glaring at her accompanyed with his friends. Luhan lightly smiles and waves at her in which she smiles back in return.

"Alright, Listen up becuase I'm only going to say this once. Everyone, I think you know what game time it is!" He says excitedly. All of the students groan and whine already knowing what to expect. "I hate this game, I would band it from ever existing if I could" Sooyoung complains. "It's alright" Seohyun says patting the skinny ones back. "Volleyball! Were dividing the game in 2 sets since alot of you are present today. One half boys other girls. Split up!" He commands."Which ever team wins gets extra points on their grade. Loosing team does 50 pushups."  Some of the students take their place on the benches and the others split up on the center of the floor in game play form. Kris and Luhan fist pound eachother as they take they floor. Suddnely the coach goes up to Luhan and pulls him to the side, "You two boys are not together for this one." Kris whines but Luhan comprimises with the coach and agrees to wait out this game. Kai slaps the tall one on the back and smirks. On the girls side, some of the girls playing are Sooyoung, Yuri, and Jessica.

The game starts off with immediantly the boys getting an average of 5 points. Their heads show beads of sweat that trickle down their necks. The girls catch up with 3 points showing off their determination and skills to beat the males on the other side of the court. The game ends with the guys getting 15 and the girls recieving 14. Next, The other half of the students trade. This time some of the boys on the guys team is Luhan, Tao, and Sehun. For girls, some you may know is Seohyun, Hyoyeon, and Yuri. Sooyoung bends down as she tries to catch her breath and drinks her water with 2 big gulps. She looks over to her right and sees Kris from afar gazing at Seohyun. When she adverts her gaze to Seohyun she notices Seohyun slightly glancing at Luhan who is focused on her. Something was definantly going on here.

The sound of the sneakers gliding on the floor, and the heavy pants from the participants playing the game was heard. Seohyun's loose ponytail bounces as she paces to hit the ball and with such force and power hits the ball earning their team a point. Luhan smirks at her which she notices. She tucks some strand of hair behind her ear and trys to focus back on the game which is hard since she can still sense and feel the doe eyed boys stare. The game goes on for another 5 minutes, within that time the boys have scored 6 and the girls 7. Tao is spotting in the back and from there Kris quickly mumbles something in his ear which causes both to smirk unaweringly. Luhan pushes his hair out of his sweaty face and feels the wetness touch his hand. Sooyoung cheers loudly for the girls team causing all the other girls to feel more encouraged and determined. Since the girls team got to hit the ball the last time, this time guys team is responsible. Luhan hits it and it gets thrown back twice as hard from Jessica back to them near the back. This time Tao is in the back which is equal to his turn. Luhan looks at Tao and notices his very determined and fixated face on Seohyun. Kris silently watches the ball go towards Tao and anticipates for the moment to happen. Sooyoung notices Tao's glare too and looks at Seohyun who doesnt realize such thing.

Usually when it hit's the back, when it's thrown back it hits the area where Seohyun is. However, the thing about Tao is that he has such power and force when hitting a ball that it can be an unlucky hit for some people. Tao with all his might hits the ball towards Seohyuns direction and in just a split second, the ball is seen about to hit Seohyun until Luhan blocks it from running into her moving her out the way. He pushes her out the way with a tight grip aroun her waist sliding on the floor. The students and coach all look in astonishment at what just occured. Tao is too surprised by Luhan's actions and what was actually supposed to become of that throw. The bagged eyed boy looks back to Kris whose fists are clenched tightly with a not so proud expression. Luhan who is atop of Seohyun looks at her in the eyes as she gasps from what just happened. No words exscpaed the two teens mouths. Her eyes fixed on his. His eyes fixed on hers. They both only look at eachother.

Looking at Luhan like that, she was surprised yet felt a sense of protection and care from him. He too was surprised by his action but this was his inital reaction. When he saw Tao's glare he felt like that was the right thing to do. He felt like protecting her.His eyes lower down to her delicate lips. The thought of kissing her crosses by, was this a good attempt. Before anything can further happen, Sooyoung rushes to Seohyun's aid and helps her up. Luhan gets up and rubs himself down cleaning himself from just being on the floor, still looking at Seohyun. "Thankyou, Luhan" Sooyoung says. "Yeah, thanks" Seohyun agrees not looking at him. "Are you alright, Are you feeling hurt?" Sooyoung begins asking the maknae as she fixes her up. Sooyoung looks over to where Kris is and sees hes no longer in the back of the gym but now exiting through the doors. Something was definantly up. This feeling couldn't go away.

*Authors Note*

Updated!!!! I'm now on a winter vacation which gives me time to update more frequently. I hoped you enjoyed and please your comments down below. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for the next chapter.


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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!