Birthday Bash (Part 1)

The Greatest Emotion

It was the day. The day of all days that everyone who was high class and important were invited to celebrate the night away for the son who became coming of age. It was Luhan's birthday, he was finally going to turn 18. Now that Luhan was of legal age, this meant more responsibility and work for himself. These type of parties are important for those in the public eye often. Since Mr.Kim has been known for his work, this meant that even paparazzi would try to sneak in and capture the moments of the night on their cameras. Tonight was going to be special and important. Very important.

A hard knock is heard on the door for the fifth time. Abruptly, Sooyoung opens it seeing Seohyun standing there impatiently. "You text me to hurry over and you can't even open the door when I knock a couple of times?" Seohyun asks with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice. Sooyoung steps outside and closes the door silently behind her. Seohyun looks confusedly at her so quiet. "What's wrong?" She asks truly concerned. "I, I did something, Seohyun. Something that I can't take back." Sooyoung says arm crossed over her chest nervously. "Did you kill someone?" Seohyun asks. "Of course not. This is serious." Sooyoung answers. "Killing someone is serious." Seohyun defends. Sooyoung sighs at her friend’s sarcasm. "Just tell me, Sooyoung. What happened?"

Taking a deep inhale and the slowly exhaling, Sooyoung says what's been stuck on her mind for the past few days. "I had with Kris." Once the words are out there, there is no way to take them back. No way to erase them or the history that came from them. "YOU HAD WI-" "Seohyun, quiet down. My parents aren't aware that I'm ually active." Sooyoung cuts off quickly. The maknaes eyes are so wide in shock and surprise, her own best friend was deflowered. "You did it with him? I mean, wasn't it your first time? Oh my gosh, is this your second time?" Seohyun goes off rambling with questions having so much to ask. "Yes, we did it. And I was a , he was my first. Seohyun, you can't tell anybody this. I'm still surprised that it happened but it did and I can't change that now." Sooyoung states.

"Of course. From the looks of you, I'm guessing you’re not happy about it. Was it...good?" Seohyun asks uncomfortably. Joohyun was never the one to talk about anything ual. "It was amazing, really good. It's just what happened afterwards. The same night he stayed over but after that, I haven't heard from him since. No texts, calls, he's just gone. Do you know how embarrassing and stupid that makes me feel? It's like I did something wrong and now he is pushing me away. Ughh that stupid Kris." Seohyun chuckles, "He wasn't too stupid when you decided to do it with him." Sooyoung glares at her friend. "Too soon?" Seohyun ask. Sooyoung nods before sighing again. "Look, eventually you two will be able to talk about it but until then you need to turn that frown upside down."

"Oh my gosh, Seohyun. Your right! We will be seeing each other, tonight!" Sooyoung exclaims shocked. "What do you mean, where?" "Today is Luhan's birthday bash. I can't believe he's 18. Any ways, everyone is going to be there tonight, even Kris." Seohyun then suggest, "If you want, we could both not go. Party's aren't really my thing and I think Luhan would understand." "No, Seohyun. We have to go, you have to go for Luhan and I must go to deal with whatever happened with Kris and me." Sooyoung acknowledges. Taking another deep breath, Sooyoung quickly says goodbye to Seohyun in a rush to keep herself calm and get ready for the upcoming night. Seohyun just waves goodbye before heading home unsure if she really wants to go anywhere tonight.

As the maids tidy up the house and the staff work on getting the place in formal tradition, Luhan is upstairs in his room adjusting his tuxedo that his father forced him to wear. Fixing his tie, a light knock is heard on his door. "Come in" Luhan says clearing his throat. Coming in with a smile on her face is his mom. "Wow. My boy has grown up so fast" She says with a wide grin. Looking at her son in a tuxedo he reminds her exactly of her husband, ex-husband. "Are there a lot of people coming?" Luhan asks concerned. His mom nods as she goes over to help him fix his tie. "Your father is a well around known man. Many people praise him and now they are going to praise you, they already have since I had you so it's not that new. You look perfect, my dear." Luhan looks in the mirror at his reflection, neatly dressed, hair pulled back. For a quick moment he hadn't even recognized that it was him in the mirror reflecting back.

"It suit's you nicely. She's going to love it." His mom points out. "Who?" Luhan asks. "Seohyun, of course." Luhan sighs. "I doubt that she will even be coming. Knowing how proper and fancy people will dress up, I just have this feeling that she wouldn’t come due to it all." Luhan suggest. "Oh don't worry about that, I've gotten it all taken care of. I'll see you downstairs later. Luhan, Happy birthday." Quickly she gives him a light kiss on the forehead before exiting his bedroom door. A few seconds later the door is swung open and Sehun and Kai come in. "Wow, Someone look's fancy" Kai teases. "There are so many people already outside. I don't think I've seen so many people attend a birthday before." Sehun says unknowingly causing Luhan to get more nervous as to how much he was already before.

Kai notices his friend’s nervousness and pats him on the shoulder. "I sort of knew you would freak yourself out a little bit so I got you something." Kai opens up his jacket revealing that inside there is a hidden pocket, and in that hidden pocket a flask contained with alcohol. "Just take a quick sip and you'll get back to your senses, I think." Luhan scoffs at the opportunity given. "What's the worst that could happen? I mean, you are 18 now." Kai says. Luhan slowly thinks of the opportunity and with the words, "Screw it", Luhan takes a swig from the container tasting the awful flavor that comes with it. "Alright, let's go party" Sehun says a little excited.

People begin to enter the big house soon filling up the vast amount of space in there. As everyone makes their way in, the highlight of the night is already made once guests start arriving and entering the ballroom. You would think it's the Great Gatsby if you entered the Kim's household. Mr.Kim stands alongside Luhan's mother shaking hands and conversing with the arriving guest. "I'm so glad you could make it". "Thank you for coming, enjoy your night." "Long time no see, thanks for coming. It means so much." These were just some of the few things the parents had managed to say when greeting everyone. Everyone had smiles plastered on their faces enjoying the nice music, finely decorated house, and such etiquette manners from the staff and household overall. Everything was going fine.

Amongst many of the guest that have come, one of them standing on the spiral staircases and watched as the celebration continued on with a drink in his hand. His tall body standing there like a mannequin, girls who were around the same age group as himself gazed at him from afar loving his charming looks. Yet do they know that despite his good lucks his cold personality could turn them away. Standing silently, Kris continued to just stand there and watch everything go on, lost in his own thoughts. Out of everyone who he had spotted here tonight, it just wasn't the person he expected to see.

Without a doubt in mind you can easily tell that the night was going very smoothly and with such ease. As the guest continue to party on, drinking, dancing, chatting with other guest. Although there were Luhan’s friends and family members here, he was still expecting another important person to come. From time to time, he would look toward the doorway to see which new guest arrived, and to see if any of them matched the face he vividly saw in his mind. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the person. It wasn’t her.

The band that has been keeping the place alive with the music slowly slows down and stops their music as Mr.Kim stands tall and highly in front of the large gather of guest in the ballroom. Standing on the grand stage, he looks upon the people with such honor and a wide genuine smile on his face. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, friends and family. I’m so honored and delighted that you all could make it this fine evening to celebrate the coming of age of my son, Kim Luhan.” A roar of applause is heard from all the guest in the place. Standing near the side of the stage, Luhan looks at the crowd of people that came tonight. Half of them he hadn’t known of but they still came. Maybe they were his father’s friends, although it was highly doubted that his father had many friends.

“Please give a warm welcome to my son, Kim Luhan” His father addresses directing his way towards Luhan’s direction along with the sound of everyone’s applause. Slowly but steady, Luhan makes his way on the stage and stands in the center focused on the gathering of people. “Hello, I am Kim Luhan. I thank all of you for coming out here tonight, it’s very meaningful for you all to be here.” Luhan starts off. From afar, two girls walk into the ballroom joining the crowd of people paying attention to the birthday boy’s speech. Luhan spots the two girls and immediately only focuses on one. Clearing his throat, and keeping his gaze fixed on her, Luhan continues his speech.

“Now that I am 18, I realize that I am no longer a child, yet still growing up fully to be an adult. I know that I have more responsibility’s and should be aware of right and wrong doings, all the bad habits I am very willing to transform into something for the better. I used to be reckless and hurt those around me with my words and actions, this is in which I am deeply sorry. I am not the one to ask for forgiveness but in this case it is worth it, a chance to change something that can be become more positive. I plan on being a positive person, standing my ground for what is right, and being there for family and friends. All of this might not be seen in an instant but over time, I do hope and plan on succeeding as to becoming a better person. This is to new beginnings. As a young adult now, I look forward to a much brighter future. Thank you for coming out tonight, everyone. Please do enjoy your stay here.” Luhan finishes hearing a loud applause from everyone and the band then resuming their music.

Sooyoung pokes Seohyun who stands beside her focused only on Luhan. “Sounds to me like he was speaking to someone, you of course.” Seohyun looks over to her friend and then back at him. Still standing on the staircase, Sooyoung spots Kris starring at her for a quick moment and then quickly looking off somewhere. “I’ll see you around, I’ve got to take care of something first.” Sooyoung excuses herself as she picks up her long dress from the floor and makes her way over to him. (Sooyoung’s dress: Seohyun nods and wishes her best friend the best of luck for whatever happens in the end of their encounter with each other for the first time in a week or more.

He takes a sip from his cup and watches as she makes her way to him. Excusing herself as she pushes people through the crowd just to see him, Sooyoung successfully makes her way to the grand stairway and slowly steps up to reach his height. “You seem silent. In fact, you’ve been silent for the last week.” Sooyoung states sparking their conversation to progress. “I’ve been busy.” Kris simply responds showing his cold image and poker face. Although he was obviously not in the mood for this conversation, Sooyoung didn’t care at all for the moment. It wasn’t right of him to just avoid her the way he did. Something inside Sooyoung just told her to talk to him and try to work things out, find out what the real problem was. “Busy? You didn’t seem so BUSY when you came to my house that night.” Sooyoung scoffs back at him. “What do you want from me, Sooyoung?” “What do I want from you? How about why you did what you did and then started acting like a stranger towards me?” She asks seriously. “I care for you, Sooyoung. I really do. I guess my feelings just got the better of me and things sort of happened.” Kris explains. “That doesn’t explain why you avoided me. What was the reason behind not seeing me anymore after that?” She asks now with a more calm attitude and tone of voice.

“I wasn’t sure what to say or do after that. Things happened pretty fast and I wasn’t even sure if you were okay with what happened. I just pushed away everything and anyone that had to do with that night from my head out of confusion.” Kris explains showing a more human side then his cold side. “Kris, I wasn’t exactly expecting what had happened that night but I don’t regret it either. You know my feelings towards you and you’re the only one left here to figure out what you are feeling at all. I know that we aren’t a couple and that you probably don’t like me that way but I just wish you could be honest about it instead of running away from your problems.” Sooyoung explains as well. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Sooyoung.” He confesses caressing her face. “Somehow, just somehow, you always do.”

The band begins to play a much slower pace of music, couples take the floor and dance to the tune together. Seohyun sits down at one of the available seats looking around at everyone dressed in their beautiful dresses and tuxedos. It feels almost like a fairytale. Looking down at her own gown, the one she found in a box on her doorstep, Seohyun sighs. Feeling out of place, she slightly slouches in her seat, with her long curls tickling her lower back. (What the dress looks like: Making his way through the crowd, Luhan soon reaches her and stretches out his arm to her reach. “Can I have this dance with you?” Luhan asks. “I can barely breathe in this dress, I highly doubt that I am able to dance in it.” Seohyun answers making him break into a smile and laugh.

The two take the center floor right under the beautiful big chandelier. Swaying along to the sound of the beautifully played music, Luhan and Seohyun dance in silence in each other’s embrace. “You look beautiful, Seohyun.” Luhan compliments breaking the silence. “Thank you, but I also believe you should thank your mother. She sent me it. I didn’t think I would come at first.” Seohyun responds. “I don’t care if you wear sweatpants to come tonight, as long as you are here, that is all that really matters to me, Seohyun.” He admits with a smile. Those words, words she remembered hearing before from him. It made her feel safe and protected just being around him.

“Luhan, I also came here tonight to tell you something.” He twirls her around before facing her again and swaying to the music. “What is it?” Luhan asks. “Do you think about us? Like, what we were before, as a couple?” Seohyun asks. “Honestly, yes.” He simply answers. “I’ve been thinking about how things have been going lately and I realized something. Something that I wish I had realized sooner. When we broke up, I pushed you away and tried to hide any feelings I had left for you feeling like I shouldn’t spend time on thinking about you. But the more I tried to stop the thoughts it only grew stronger and before I knew it, I couldn’t stop thinking and feeling some type of way. We began to hang out more and it reminded me of the moments that I missed so much when we were a couple that we had shared together. I know what I want, Luhan. And I want you. I’m ready, Luhan.” Seohyun confesses. Listening contently to her words, Luhan twirls her one last time but this time catches her in his embrace once she finishes the spin. Starring at her eyes and then down to her lips he asks, “Are you sure you are ready to be back in a relationship with me? I know how much is going on with you and don’t want you to feel pressured or suffocated.” She smiles. “You make everything better and brighter for me, Luhan. All I want is you.” Seohyun honestly answers. He smiles before pecking her lips gently, loving the sweet moment.

Screams are heard from afar causing some people to look around wondering where the high pitches of terror were coming from. Abruptly and suddenly, Guy’s wearing all black with black masks covering their faces rush into the house knocking people over as they search for something or someone. Amongst the guys, one in particular takes his time walking into the house and unexpectedly takes out his gun throwing shots in the air resulting in people screaming and running for the sake of their lives.

As the band stops playing and the music stops leaving people to face the horror of reality, the guy with the gun stares directly at Luhan as he puts his gun back up in the air and shoots highly. The sound of something becoming loose is heard from above Seohyun and Luhan. The reunited couple looks up and the only thing seen is their eyes is the beautiful chandelier which is near to falling down on them.


*Authors Note*

WOWOWOWOWOWOW. I can’t believe how much just happened in one chapter. Was it good? Was it bad? Please leave your comments down below and let me know what you think. The time is near and has now come. The next chapter will be the last chapter so please feel free to show your love by upvoting and commenting. Also, if you really like this story please vote for it in the contest (Link is on the foreword). It would mean so much if you awesome readers vote. I’ll update soon. Don’t forget to comment. Bye :)

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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!