First Encounter

The Greatest Emotion

The screen of the computer fades to black as Seohyun gets out of her seat and heads near the printing area. She gently picks up the printed piece of paper with the needed information for her quest on it. Releasing a sigh, Seohyun heads out the library following the advised directions for her desired location. Walking down the steps that lead to the library, She pulls out her phone typing in the same direction's that the paper reads on it. An address that is 5 miles away appears on her screen, with that Seohyun begins walking quickly. She had allot to think about while on this walk. How to introduce herself. How to state her reasoning behind why she came. When to explain why now out of all times she was visiting. It was going to be an unambiguously strange yet awkward meeting with this person. It was going to be her first encounter with Kwon Donghae, her brother.

Luhan tosses the printed documents and files that he found on his father's computer in front of his father at his desk. Mr.Kim who was just writing down something looks at the papers on his desk and then up at his upset looking son. "What is this?" Mr.Kim asks. "I should be asking you the same thing" Luhan answers staring straightly into his father's eyes. Kim feel's the stare but doesn't budge to look back at him. "Were you snooping around, again?" Mr.Kim asks with a hint of anger in his voice. "How else would I find the truth when all you ever do is lie to me?" Luhan says with a much louder voice. "We've been through this all before, Luhan. You know that I don't want you involved in this business-" "Stop it, just stop it!" Luhan yells. "Do you know how it feel's to be in my place. People ask me about your work and I barely even know what you do anymore. They think I'm some kind of a horrible son and that it would be a mistake if the business get's passed down to me. I am your son, I deserve to know the truth about everything. The whole truth!"

Mr.Kim gets out of his seat and closes the door to the room leaving the two gentlemen in private. "I am your father, Luhan. If I want you to know anything I will inform you myself. I care and have so much love for you, So if I'm not telling you something it's all for good reason. Due to your own feelings based on my decision to let you out of this type of information gives you no right to snoop around my office and go through my files and things. If you really want to be in my shoes then show some respect and get professional, Have responsibility. Don't you ever again dare to do this, Understood?" Luhan slowly nods. Before the father could dismiss his son, Luhan asks, "You still haven't answered my question. Why are you hiding this creation?"

Seohyun stares out the window as she sits patiently on the bus. Riding it to the last stop, She quickly gets off and looks around at the much different atmosphere she is used to. Apartments crowded next to other apartments, few houses in sight. Pulling out the paper folded neatly in her back pocket, Seohyun reads the directions once again and begins walking up the street in search for the correct place. In a short while, Seohyun slowly approaches a huge apartment building placed between other apartments. She rings the buzzer which appears to be broken. Slowly, Seohyun turns the knob to the entrance door and goes up the stairs to the written apartment number on the printed piece of paper. Once she finally reaches the 3rd floor, Seohyun's palms begin to sweat a little and she gulps nervously. Lightly, Seohyun knocks on the door. Patiently standing there waiting for someone to answer the door, She stares down at the foot of the door nervous. The door opens revealing a young looking man, who immediately reminds her of her father.

"H-Hello, I'm Kwon Seohyun" She greets with a formal bow. The guy looks at her weirdly as she does bows. "Are you here for the house again? I told your people that we will be paying again by next week, we don't have the money right now. Not like you care about it, anyways" Annoyingly he says. "No, I'm not here for that, I-" "I know what your here for, Did my mother send you over to look after me, That woman just doesn't understand how good I am on my own." He cuts off. "What? No, I'm not your care taker either. Do I really look that old?" Seohyun asks feeling a bit offended by his words. "Your still pretty cute, Did you see a fake profile of me online and come as a date? My friend's do those type of pranks allot." He states. "Noooo, Just No." Seohyun says loudly irritated by his accusations. "What do you want from me then?" He asks irritated as well. "Your Kwon Donghae, correct?" Seohyun asks. He nods slowly yes. "It's not that hard to find people online anymore. I'm Seohyun, Kwon Seohyun, your sister. Kwon Do-hyun's daughter."

Seohyun is instantly pulled inside the house by him and hears the door shut loudly behind her. "What do you know about him?" Donghae asks angry at the sound of his name with a tight grip around her arm. "Your hurting me" Seohyun winces. He suddenly lets go surprised by his own actions. It wasn't him to get upset so easily, yet when it came to his father things were different. Emotions and feelings were different. "I know that this is sudden and that you might not believe me but it's the truth." Seohyun states. "Believe you? You are just some stranger I met a couple of minutes ago and you want me to believe you. The only thing that I believe in and I think is true is that you need to leave, now." Donghae states mad. Seohyun takes out the piece of paper she printed of his birth certificate and her address, and places it slowly on the nearby coffee table in sight. Donghae picks up the paper and reads them. "I'm sorry for causing any trouble. I'll leave now." Seohyun says with a polite bow before turning away to exit the apartment.

"Wait!" Donghae calls out behind her. She turns back around waiting for him to say something, anything. "If this is all true, what you are saying. Why come now? Why are you telling me this? What do you want from me?" He asks confused. Seohyun is hesitant to answer. "I'm not sure. I guess I just really wanted to know for myself if there was someone really out there related to him. I wanted to grieve with someone that might actually understand my pain from him." "Pain? Did he leave you too while you were young?" Donghae asks. Donghae walks back into the apartment waiting for Seohyun to follow and close the door behind her. In the small cramped home, The two siblings sit on the couch placed in the living room/ kitchen. "You never stayed in contact with him?" Seohyun asks. "I only knew of him, never really met him. My mother told me that he was around during the first few months of my birth but after that he left. I'm guessing to be with your mother. He left just me and my mom here alone without any support. So yeah, I never did or even wanted to stay in contact with him." Seohyun nods understanding. "I'm not sure how to put this but he passed away sometime ago." Donghae looks at her expressionless. "Wow. I'm sorry for your passing. Is that the pain you meant, him leaving you?" "Pretty much" Seohyun responds. The conversation was awkward at first but who would have know that later on these two were going to be able to unravel the truth about one another.

Around an hour later, Seohyun with a light smile exits the apartment building followed by Donghae. "I guess this is it." Seohyun says stuffing her hands in her pocket. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I finally met you, I got to know you a little. That's all I really wanted." She admits. He nods. "I'm not sure what happen from here but it was a real pleasure getting to know you, Donghae." Seohyun lends out her hand and he looks at it confused. "Your parents raised you with such good manners it still surprises me. It was nice knowing you too, Seohyun." He says shaking it gladly. "I'll be going then. Have a nice night", And with that she turns around and heads for the bus stop. "Wait, Can we still keep in contact?" He asks loudly from behind. "There's still so much we can catch up on." Donghae reasons. Seohyun smiles and nods. "Sure thing, brother." Donghae rubs his neck and flashes a grin. "Get home safe, sister." Seohyun just shakes her head and continues to walk back. For a first meeting, things went smoothly.

*Authors Note*

Sorry for the late update, Things have been extremely hard right now. I'm graduating in a month and with the upcoming finish of the year many trips and projects are due. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please share and leave your comments down below and let me know what you think. I'll update soon. Bye :)












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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!