
The Greatest Emotion

Early in the morning, the Kwon family prepares for their day. Yuri is taking her time picking out her clothes lazily while Seohyun washes up. Downstairs, Umma has busied herself with making breakfast for her girls. Seohyun stands under the shower head, letting the water pour down on her. Her long hair soakens as the water continues to rain down. Although it's only been a day or two since finding out about her brother, the news makes her so numb yet curious. And the shocking truth about her fathers affair and kid that he had before that he hadn't let be revealed until 19 years later was difficult to take in and digest. Seohyun turns off the water, grabs her towel and dry's herself before getting out the shower and heading back into her bedroom to change into her school attire. Walking into her bedroom, Seohyun quickly changes into her clothes before blow drying her hair lightly. A light knock is heard on her door. Looking into the mirror behind her stand Yuri leaning on the door.

"You could come in" Seohyun states continuing to blow out her hair. Yuri walks in and closes the door silently before looking back at her younger sister. Yuri clears before crossing her arms and looking down at the ground at loss of words. "What's on your mind, eonnie?" Seohyun asks turning off her dryer and pulling her up into a quick ponytail. "Yesterday, When Umma told us about the whole thing with Appa and him having a son. It's really allot to process and I'm not sure what to think of our father anymore. I'm not sure how to feel about the who thing." Yuri explains. "You seem lost. I'm kind of in the same position, yet I'm curious." Seohyun responds. "Why are you curious?" Yuri asks with furrowed eyebrows. "Well to many things that we have just found out. I'm curious as to why our father didn't tell us about his son, our brother. I'm curious about who this other women is in his life that even our mother had a little knowing of. I'm even really curious about our brother. What he looks like, maybe he's just like us. I don't know. I'm just really skeptical over the whole thing right now." Seohyun explains.

"Don't tell me that your actually thinking of meeting this guy. If Appa really didn't want us to know about him then we should leave it at that." Yuri states. "It was just a thought of actually meeting him, nothing set in stone. Plus, that just makes it all the more better if we meet him. Find out if he knows anything else that Appa has been hiding from us. Yuri, he is family. Blood- related." Seohyun reply's. "We don't even know him! He's not our brother, just some stranger we found out about in some will. Don't even think of bringing that kid into our family, it would hurt Umma." Yuri defends. "Why are you being so defensive about this subject. Why are you so anti against him. You don't even know him." Seohyun states. "And I would like to keep it that way. Don't make things more worse on this family. It's already ruined as is." Yuri states before storming out the room. Deep down, Seohyun had already knew how hard it was for Yuri to accept that their father his secrets and had passed away. Anything having to do with him made it hard on her.

"Excuse me, move please, excuse me, pardon me, sorry, out the way please" Sooyoung says making her way through the crowded auditorium trying to get to an empty seat in the front. Successfully she finds one not too far away from the stage. She plops herself down in the chair and waits for the assembly to start. The person who is sitting beside her has their back to her and when they sit back up straight, Sooyoung sighs. "Must I have to see your face everyday?" Sooyoung mutters. He looks over at her and scoffs himself. "I ask the same question to many times." He agrees with a smirk. "Just don't bother me and I won't bother you. No more fights and arguments this week. I'm sick of it. Agreed?" Sooyoung asks. Kris lends out his pinky to her. "I prefer pinky promises. They seem more meaningful." Kris states. Sooyoung chuckles before entwining her pinky with his. "Agreed" Kris says. Sooyoung smiles as she sits up and looks forward waiting for the assembly. Kris looks at her before smiling as well and waiting for the assembly to begin.

Amongst the students in the noisy and full auditorium, Luhan sits among many of the rows placed in the middle. Next to him sits Sehun, and Kai. "It's only the beginning of the day and we are already forced to come here in this crowded place" Kai complains. "I wonder why they gathered all of us Junior's here" Sehun says aloud. Luhan who is busy thinking about his father's work, his mind is off somewhere. Sehun nudges Luhan's arm. "Hey, Don't worry. Kyungsoo agreed to come over tonight to help get into your father's computer. Don't fret it, hyung." Sehun whispers to him. Luhan nods and exhales trying to relax himself. He looks around bored wondering when this assembly will begin, and suddenly he spots 'her' coming through one of the entrances to the auditorium. Seohyun instantly spots a free open seat and heads towards it.

As Luhan watches her, he remembers their least conversation. They had still loved each other yet weren't together. It pained him that they couldn't be a couple, but for her own good and for what she wanted, it was best to respect her wishes and best for both to get their minds in the right state. A stable relationship was better than no relationship at all. However, the idea of Kris possibly being one reason as to why she won't go back out with him does make him wonder. No. Seohyun couldn't have feelings for Kris. Kris. How was his distant friend? Were they even really friends? So many questions left unanswered. It seemed easier to leave these questions unanswered for Luhan. It was almost like leaving things left unsaid simplifies everything. Luhan watches as Seohyun looks around a catches a quick glimpse of him. She lightly smiles and makes a quick hand wave towards his way. Luhan smiles as well and waves. Her smile even till this day made his heart thump. Almost jump out of his chest with her beautiful stare.

The whole assembly was about the finals and exams that the Junior's will be taking before the school year come to an official end. With these high and important tests required more dedication to studying and prepping for the exams. Luckily for Seohyun, She had gotten used to studying hard every week so it wasn't something new to her. Moans and sighs were heard from students when the assistant principal announced that every must study at home and that they will be given work to study at home. This assembly was highly important that it had lasted a couple of periods. For some students who weren't into the whole speech about studying, Luckily the bell rang quickly which signaled Lunch. Student's rushed out the auditorium and quickly into the lunch room. Everything went back to ease when everyone got back into their usual schedule and routine.

Seohyun sits quietly at the table that she usually sits at that is as well accompanied with Sooyoung. Waiting for her best friend to arrive, Seohyun occupies herself by browsing online. However, this wasn't just any browsing. Seohyun was officially on the search to find Kwon Donghae. Although her sister or even mother were against the idea of finding out further information regarding this distant family member. Some part of her knew that it was okay to look into him, seek him. Just knowing that there was someone else out there related to her made her feel at ease. To know that she wasn't alone in grieving his death. Suddenly someone sits down at the table and clears their throat loudly. Seohyun looks up and makes eye contact with the person. It's not Sooyoung, the first thought that creeps into Seohyun's mind. "Is it alright if we talk, now?" Luhan asks. Seohyun turns off her phone and nods slowly. "Not here. Else where." Luhan says. Seohyun nods and gets up as she follows him towards outside in the school's garden.

Luhan hides his hands in his pockets as he looks up to the sky and admires the nice blue sunny sky. Seohyun looks around at the beautiful flowers already in bloom and then back at Luhan. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Seohyun asks. "I actually need your help." Luhan claims. "With what?" She questions. Luhan approaches her. "I know that this is sudden but do you think it's possible for you to come by my house tonight at around ? I need to distract my father while I get something personal." Luhan says. "You want me to be a distraction?" Seohyun asks confused. "Yeah, If you can't do it, Its o- "No, I can do it. I'll stop by." Seohyun states. Luhan smiles in satisfaction. "For how long do I have to distract him" Seohyun asks. "A couple of minutes. 10 minutes at most" Luhan responds. Seohyun nods. She then begins to laugh lightly.

"What's so funny?" Luhan asks. "Oh nothing. I'm just hoping your not getting yourself into any trouble. Somehow whenever you become mischievous, your actions are really funny and have consequences." Luhan smirks. "It's almost as if you know that your not supposed to do something but end up doing it Anyways just in a more difficult and complicated way." She explains. Luhan as well begins to chuckle at her words. "I miss this" Luhan mutters but loud enough for Seohyun to hear. "Me too" She agrees. He looks at her and gently caresses her shoulder and pushes her hair off it and back. "Luhan, W-We've already talked about this" Seohyun says stuttering due to her shy heart. "I know. Even though I want you more than anything, I'll continue to wait." Luhan agrees playing with her hair. "I miss those brown eyes." Luhan states staring into them. Seohyun slowly leans in and gives him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll see you later on, Luhan." Seohyun says before turning back and leaving. Luhan sighs and looks back up at the sky. "I love you, Seohyun" He mutters to himself.

 *Authors Note*
Hey guys, Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you find that things are interesting and like the chapters. I'm not sure if you have heard about it by now, but Kris from EXO is suing and trying to terminate his contract with SM ent. I know many people immediately think that this means that Kris is leaving but not necessarily. I think it takes awhile to officially exit the group, so I don't believe Kris will be leaving as of right now at the moment. Many fans are upset at Sm, which I don't blame them. And some are mad and sad at Kris for wanting to leave. Honestly, overall as a fan of Kris and as a human being, I would want to get out of a contract too if the company was 'slaving' me and not worrying about my health issues caused from them. Besides, Not that I wouldn't love to see Kris stay in EXO for a very long time, cause I would love that, I rather Kris be happy and healthy at his best then sad and almost miserable at his worst. Just my opinion. I mean wouldn't you rather have him being an idol than enjoys every aspect of his job or an idol that feels like an object to SM. Thanks for reading my little mini rant. lol. Please share your thoughts and comment down below to let me know what you thought. I'll update soon.​





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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!