I Didn't Know Where Else to Go

The Greatest Emotion

The glass of ice tea sits infront of me untouched on the dining room table. For the last at least 10 minutes, Luhan has offered us a drink and Sehun and Sooyoung sit there awkwardly uncomfortable by the whole situation. Not once have I dared to look up at him, I just simply focus and stare at the figure of the ice tea glass that sits perfectly still infront of me. Sooyoung takes her last gulp of the drink and glares at Yoona who just smirks back at her. Sehun watches for something, just about anything for the two obvious love birds to make a move. Sooyoung leans over and whispers into Seohyun's ear, "I'm telling you, there is something not good about this girl over there. She's up to no good". Seohyun slightly looks up and gazes at Yoona who sits there smirking at her and then places her hand on Luhan in which he shakes it off.

"I think it's time I leave, I'll let myself out" Seohyun finally speaks up as she as well gets up from her seat. Yoona gets happy at her words until Luhan stands up and responds, "I'm the host here, I'll exscort you out" Luhan says clearing his throat. He looks at her with pleading eyes in which she trys to avoid. She was not going to cave in, not now. Not after what she saw before. Seohyun looks down towards Sooyoung who motions her to go with him. Sehun looks back at Yoona who seems dissappointed by the sudden change of event that is taking place. Seohyun walks outside the house with Luhan following behind her. As Seohyun trys to speed walk her way down the stairs to return home, Luhan calls for her name and grabs her arm holding her back from leaving.

"Don't touche me!" Seohyun yells yanking her arm free of his embrace. Luhan steps back confused and shocked by her tone of voice and action. She releases a sigh before tucking some loose strand from her messy ponytail behind her ear. "I-I just can't do this. I can't pretend and act like something infront of you when it's not me." Seohyun states hesitantly. "What do you mean?" He asks. Seohyun remains silent. "After that night at the party, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I confessed and you didn't get to say anything back. I tried calling your phone but you never answerd, so- "Just save it, Luhan. You obviously didn't care about my feelings for you when you got with Yoona" Seohyun responds teary eyed. "I got with Yoona? You've got it all wrong, Seohyun. It's not even like that" Luhan dissaprovingly says with furrowed eyebrows. "Not like that? If taking showers together isn't hooking up then you are just one odd guy" Seohyun responds arms crossed. "Where would you even get this from?" Luhan asks confused and angered by her assumptions.

"She told me herself, Luhan. You know what, it doesn't even matter- "Yes it does. Becuase what Yoona told you isn't true. Seohyun, Yoona and I are not what you think. I don't have feelings for her like that at all" Luhan confesses. Seohyun looks down not believing a word he says, hands now deepened in her pocket. "I like you, Seohyun. Only you" Luhan states causing the girl to remain footed in her place. She slowly looks up and sees his genuine and sincerity expression. "It was wrong of me to keep Yoona hidden from everyone but I don't like her and me and her are not a thing at all. She has no one and needs to fix herself up. I cant turn my back on her, She'll be going off to a home any day now so that's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to start getting assumptions like this" Luhan admits. "But I didn't assume anything. Last time I came here, Yoona herelf told me that you were both a thing and that you guys take showers together which is really disturbing my mind right now" Seohyun as well admits. Luhan curses under is breath at Yoona. "I promise you Seohyun, I don't have feelings for her like the way I have for you" Luhan confesses. Taking all of this in was hard, especially since Seohyun went through a simple heart ache after what she witnessed.

"It hurt. When she told me that, it really did hurt." Seohyun admits. Luhan steps closer but at a loss for something to say. To be honest, no matter what he said he couldn't cure the pain that she had already experienced. "I never meant to hurt you" Luhan admits. She looks down and then back up at him and giggles a little. "So I kind of overreacted, didn't I?" She asks switching the topic of her own sadness back on the misunderstanding. "You had every right to be. There was clear evdience there yet it wasn't the real truth. I'm sorry" He apologizes. "It's fine, I should be the one apologizing, I'm sorry" She replys. He nods and looks up at the sky that is slowly darkening since night is soon to fall. "Your really not a bad guy at all" Seohyun confesses.

He slightly looks at her confused as to why she blurted that out. Slightly tilting his head he asks, "What makes you say that?" She chuckles. "You take in a girl under your own care to help her get over he addicion, bad guys don't do that. And despite all the negative things that people have claimed to see you do and what you have done, not once have you really showed that side to me. So thank you, Luhan" She says shyly. He smiles. He approaches her and gets close to her, like past personal space close. "I need you to tell me Seohyun, tell me honestly if you have feelings for me. I dont know when the right timing is to ask so I'm just going to ask you, Do you like me?" Luhan asks. Seohyun stares at him trying to spit out what she has had bottled inside for so long but can'ts budge to get it out. "I know that it's sudden but I really like you, Seohyun. More than I have for anyone in a long time." Luhan confesses taking her hands in his. She blushes at his action and her heart feels as if it's going to jump out of her chest.

"The whole week, I wanted to talk to you but was afraid and felt like you needed some time to set your feelings straight and know what you wanted, Did I help?" Luhan asks. "You did, and I did get my feelings straight." Seohyun answers. "I- "Seohyun-noona, come quick" Sehun yells from the door. Luhan looks up at Sehun and then back at Seohyun wanting for her to finish her answer. Seohyun gives him a quick look before walking up to Sehun. "What is it?" Seohyun asks Sehun. Sooyoung comes walking and approaches Seohyun as well. "Your mom had called your phone, it seemed pretty important and she told me to tell you to get home now, sounds like an emergency" Sooyoung says worriedly. "Alright, I'll see you then tommorrow" She says leaving the two friends and hurrying out. She gives Luhan a quick hug in which he holds her tightly before hurrying off home.

"Umma, Appa?" Seohyun calls out as she unlocks the door to the house and searches for her family members. When she walks into the living room she spots Yuri impatinetly sitting on the couch and her mother pacing back and forth in one spot. "She's here, finally" Yuri states getting up and hugging her younger sister. Surprised by the sisters actions, she doens't at first hug her but then embraces her too. "Where is appa?" Seohyun asks confused as to why they seems so worried. Finally looking up, Her mother has swollen eyes and a wet face from crying too much. "He's in the hospital, we need to go now" She says grabbing her car keys and fast pacedly walking to the car. Seohyun gets a little emotional as well when hearing those heart aching words. The girls get into the car and make their way to the hospital.

While Yuri and Seohyun wait in the waiting room not knowing what to expect but praying for the best, Mrs.Kwon goes off to see what condition her husband is. "What happened? How did you find out Appa was transferred here?" Seohyun asks Yuri afraid of finding out what happened. "He was at work and began to complain of getting these really bad back-pains and getting a headache and began to feel dizzy. One of the workers found him passed out in his office and was uncocious." Yuri explains. "Is he going to be okay?" Seohyun asks Yuri in need for assurance. She remains silent for a minute, "I don't know." Suddenly their mother comes to the room and tells them to follow her to where the father is staying. As they go into the doctor room and see the father laying unconsiously on the bed with needles injected in his arm, the scene breaks their hearts. The doctor comes in and closes the door silently behind him.

"Your his family right?" The man asks. We all nod in usion. "What's going on with him, is he okay?" Umma asks afraid to hear the answer. "Mr.Kwon has Fribomyalgia" He answers. "What is that? Is it bad?" Umma asks confused. "It's something to be very well aware of. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread, unxplained pain in the muscles and joints. It also is cuased by stress and can come from genetics. The symptons that he had been experiencing included headaches, dizziness, back pain, and chronic pain; which is what we saw through some of the skans taken earlier and from what suspects had told us when they sent him in." He explains. "Is he going to be okay?" Umma asks. "I'm sure of it, Just give him a few mour hours to get some rest and im sure later on he will regain consiousness." The doctor states. Yuri sighs out of relief when hearing the doctors words and I do too as well. "I'll leave you all alone with him and check back in a few" He says before exiting the room closing the door silently behind him. "He's going to be okay, he's going to be fine" Yuri tells the mom who is still shocked by all that is happening.

"You know this is just perfect! Perfect timing and everything" The mothe exclaims looking down in disappointment. "Umma, don't do this again" Yuri asks quietly sitting near where the father is. "Out of all the times he ends up getting injured or sick, now out of all times it happens" She responds. "It's not like he planned for this to happen" I state upset by her sudden outburst and attitude about the whole incident. "Do you know how the hospital bill is going to look?!" The mother asks upset as well. "Umma, don't do this!" Yuri asks irritated by her words. Confused as to whats going on with my mother and as to why shes more concerned over time and money rather than her own husbands health disappoints me. "What's going on here!?" I ask feeling like something is up that I don't know about. Yuri sends the mother a glare, "Your going to have to tell her sooner or later." The mother scoffs and then looks at me, "We don't have any more money. We're Broke!" She states. Yuri looks down and sighs as soon as the word come out of my mothers mouth.

"Broke?" I ask. My mother nods and takes a seat. "How? When?" I ask surprised by the sudden news I'm hearing. "Your father's company is going broke and workers from left to right are being fired and droped out. He's taken later work hours but it still won't make up for what he's loosing, Sooner or later he's going to loose his job just like the others" The mother states wihtout one care; emotionless. "Umma!" Yuri calls out for her bluntness. "How long has this been going on? How long have you all kept it from me?" I ask more disappointed with everyone. Surprised by my answer, Umma looks up confused as to why I'm asking. "I didn't want to worry you, you had enough on your plate from school work" She responds. "Don't you think that I have a right to know what goes on with this family just as much as everybody else does?!" I asks angered. "Seohyun" Yuri says, "No! You never told me about this while you knew about it the whole time too?" I ask. Yuri remains silent and continues to look at the father. "You know, I'm tired of you all thinking that you know what's best for me when you really don't know anything about me!" I state running out of the room in tears.

Luhan lays on the couch as Yoona takes a nap in his room. What was he going to do with her? He couldn't just throw her out but he couldn't let her get in the way of things between Seohyun and him. The sound of his doorbell interrupts his thoughts as he swiftly gets up and opens the door. Standing infront of him is a crying Seohyun who looks like she just witnessed soemthing so tragic. "I didn't know where else to go" She says with a shaky quivering voice and begins to cry much more again. I take her into my embrace and smoothe her head down, "It's okay, everythins is going to be alright" I reassure her taking her inside and closing the door.

*Authors Note*

Seohan!!! Updated today so I hoped you liked and enjoyed. So much kind of happened within one chapter, which is crazy. Please leave your comments down below and let me know what you think. Stay tuned for the next chapter. By the way, SNSD- Mr.Mr song came out today and it was just wonderfull. I'm looking forward to the MV so Ihope you guys check that out too. I look forward to updating again and reading your thoughts.


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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!