Getting Ready

The Greatest Emotion

The tight grip Sooyoung has on my wrist as she drags me out the party is so tight that I wince in pain loud enough for her to here. She quickly lets go and stands there one arm on her hip and the other covering her face in distress. "I'm sorry if I ruined your perfect moment but I just had to get out of there" She says. Rubbing my wrist I ask, "It's fine. What happened back there to you?" We continue walking home and discuss. "It's Kris, he happened!" She exclaims. Hearing this never really surprised me. Kris and Sooyoung have had some important history together. Rather than the fact that Sooyoung has had the biggest crush on him since middle school, Kris has never really payed any attention to her. Always trying to get him to notice her and him teasing her whenever she is around caused these two to have a love/hate relationship. I'm not positive if Kris ever did or has feelings for Sooyoung but right as she gets over him he begs for her attention again and the whole cycle repeats.

"Sooyoung, Just avoid him. You know that he's no good for you" Seohyun suggest placing her hand on her shoulder. "It's not that simple Seohyun, There is just something different with him that causes me to act like a stupid fool in love" Sooyoung responds kicking a spare rock to the curb that was infront of her as they walk on the sidewalk. "So what exactly happened at the party between you two?" Seohyun asks. Sooyoung responds, "Well I was trying to search for the bathroom and when I do find it, I open it to unveil Kris making out with some random girl. It was disgusting and that girl wasn't even as hot as I am. Ughh I could have been her!" Seohyun stops the girl by holding her arm.

"Do you hear yourself? Why would you want to be a girl that makes out with a guy in random bathrooms? Why would you want to date a guy who prefers to make out in a bathroom with girls like that? You deserve so much better which Kris isn't. Sooyoung you can do much better than him" Seohyun cheers her up. "Your right, once again. Thank you, Seohyun" Sooyoung says pulling her into a hug. Seohyun smiles as she's pulled in. Sooyoung breathes in and exhales releasing the thought of what happened back there and easing herself and her mind. "So, Did you two kiss or not?" Sooyoung randomy questions causing Seohyun to blush. "No" Seohyun easily answers. "But I bet you wanted too" Sooyoung infers only making Seohyun blush harder.

Sooyoung begins to lean against the other one and tickling her since she knows it's true. "Did you see how close he was to me? If you didn't come sooner I'm sure that he would have kissed me" Seohyun explains. "Are you ready for that?" Sooyoung asks. "I'm not sure. But Sooyoung when I tell you this I mean it honestly. Being with him is much different than when I hang out with other people. He's different from the image that he's known as and surprises me in good ways. I feel protected when with him, So I-" Seohyun sudenly stops. "You what?" Sooyoung asks. "I-I really do like him" Seohyun confesses. Sooyoung hugs the girl excitedly and the whole walk home Sooyoung teases her and thinks of name to call the couple to be.

The next morning, Luhan lay in bed still thinking of what almost happened last night. Was it wrong to make a move like that on her? Had she even liked him the way he he liked her? Due to Soooyoung interrupting he didn't get to make his move or question the littlest things that did matter. His father abruptly opens the door and looks at his son with eyes widened. "Did you think I wouldn't find out about your 'little' party, last night?" Luhan looks at his father and then stares back up at the ceiling. "It was rather a big party than little" Luhan responds. "One of the maids have told me that they have spent the last 3 hours cleaning and they haven't even reached the second floor. It's only 9am! You better get washed up and help clean up your own mess" His father demands before walking back downstairs. Luhan rolls his eyes and does as told by lazily dragging himself of his bed and into the bathroom.

Farther from his house another family was getting ready for the day. Yuri pours herself a bowl of cereal and watches as Seohyun messes with her cereal in deep thought. "Seriously, what's going on with you?" Yuri finally asks getting bored of seeing nothing new come from the teenager. Seohyun stares up blankly, "Huh? What do you mean?" Yuri sighs and brings her bowl of cereal to the seat next to her sister. Suddenly their father comes into the kitchen stretching his arms with an aching back. "Slept on the couch again?" Yuri asks after having one spoonfull of her delicious corn flakes. He looks at her and then goes to open the refridgerator. "That would make it 3 times this week. Why don't you just make the trip to your bedroom?" Seohyun asks concerned.

"No duhh. Umma is mad at him obviously" Yuri replys continuosly munching on her cereal. "What's going on between you two?" Seohyun questions. "It's nothing for you to worry about, honey" The father states. This time Yuri doesn't say anything but instead stare at her father while drinking the remainder of the milk left in the bowl. "Ohh Appa, I was hoping that today I could just go shopping with a few of my friends today. Their having a sale at Forever 21!" Yuri says excitedly. Seohyun rolls her eyes at the older sisters words. "I'm not giving you money, Yuri. I gave you some last week and you spent it right away on shoes" Appa states. "I didn't have any shoes that matched with my cardigan" Yuri lies. "Matched your cardigan?" Seohyun asks in disbelief. "Maybe you should spend some time today helping around the house? The living room needs some cleaning" He states causing Yuri to cross her arms and Seohyun to laugh at the scene happening.

"That's not fair. Seohyun gets to go out somewhere tonight and I can't even spend a few hours out" Yuri complains. "Seohyun? Where are you planning to go tonight?" He asks. "Well I was invited to attend one of The Kim's grand opening for one of their upcoming business's. Umma actually wants me to go" I defend. "Of course, That's a great oppurtunity for you. This will show you what goes down at occasional events when your older and have been working for quite a while" Appa states sipping his cup of orange juice that he's prepared. "Seriously? She gets to go to a party with ease while I have to do things to get to go out. This is so unfair!" Yuri complains storming off to her room. Both Seohyun and the father silently laugh as Yuri walks off.

Later that evening as Luhan finish putting on his Tux and is about to head out to pick up Seohyun, one of the maids inform him that he has a guest. Luhan continues his way downstairs and finds Kris standing there all cooly in a plain white tee and jeans with a simple black jacket. "I was just going to head straight to the location but Tao and Kai said they were meeting here too" Kris explains. "Tao just sent me a text saying that he's over there right now with Kai. Umm Sehun is supposed to be here soon though" Luhan responds. "Cool" Kris simply replies taking a seat on of the nice soft plush couches. As he sits there quietly he notices how Luhan focuses on himself in the mirror trying to make sure that he looks just right. Kris laughs at him wondering why so busy on focusing.

Sehun rings the door bell and one of the maid's let him in. Dressed perfectly for the occasion looking at his best caused the maids to even smile at him. " Are you two ready to go?" He asks. Kris nods and so does Luhan. Both exit the house and get into one of the limos that the father assghned for them to take before he left. "Before we go to the place can we make a stop here" Luhan says handing the driver a piece of paper and him doing as told. Kris gazes out the window as the driver takes them to the assighned place.

"It looks beautiful on you" The mother says happily looking at her dressed daughter who stares at her own reflection in the mirror. "You think so?" Seohyun asks looking back at her and then to the relection in front of her. Wearing my hair in a bun and a short simple black laced sleved dress, Im about finished getting ready for the night. (Link for dress here: "I hope it's alright. I really didn't know what to wear" Seohyun exscuses. "You look perfect. Absolutely stunning" Her mother responds coming closer and looking at her in the mirror as well. Seohyun then goes to her bed and sits down as she places on her black pumps. Although they weren't hers, She hoped Yuri wouldn't mind for her to borrow them for tonight. "I'm going to try and make it back as soon as possible so don't worry for me" Seohyun states and the mother nods. The doorbell rings aloud signaling that she must leave now.

Seohyun's father opens the door revealing three finely dressed handsome looking young men. Sehun and Luhan bow to him while Kris rolls his eyes at the two others. "Good evening sir, I'm Kim Luhan here to take your daughter to have a wonderful evening tonight." Luhan introduces. Sehun just glances at the father and is taken into a hug. "Sehun-aah, you have grown so much and your friends here are quite the good looking type as well. Should I worry about this one here?" He asks referring to Luhan. "She's fine in his care. If not, I'll handle it" Sehun teasesingly answers while Luhan's palms sweat out of nervousness.

The sound of her heels walking down the stairs causes the boys to stop their conversation and watch as the beautiful girl slowly approaches all four of them. Sehun's eyes widen in astonishment and Luhan nervously gulps. Kris's eyes cant move off of her and hopefully and silently plead for her to take a look at him. Just one glance from her and it will drive him crazy. "You look really good" Luhan nervously confesses earning a light smile from her. "I'll be back soon, Appa don't stay up too late" Seohyun says giving him a quick hug goodbye. Sehun and Kris get in the car first while Luhan polietly exscrots her to the car.

*Authors Note*

Hey my lovely readers! I won't be able to update tomorrow so a double update was needed. The continuation to this party will be in the next chapter so don't stray afar. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and like the story as it goes on. Please leave your comment's and thoughts down below, I look forward to reading them. Stay tuned!  

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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!