You & I, Don't Deny Our 'r² π' U-KISS FanFic

‘Ah, Soohyun oppa~’ Hyunok panted.

Soohyun’s hand explored Hyunok’s skirt, making his way up her leg with his fingertips, whilst his other hand was perched on her shoulder. He kissed her intensely leaving no room for breath.

‘Soohyun, we’re in school… this’ Hyunok moaned provocatively, making Soohyun blush. ‘Soohyun… Soohyun…’ She moaned continuously. Slowly the moan became deeper, turning into more of a male’s voice. Soohyun opened his eyes to see Kiseop looking up at him, scared that his hyung was now rapped around him holding him very close. ‘Soohyun-hyung…’

Soohyun quickly released his dongsang pulling his duvet up to his chest.

‘Hyung, what were you dreaming about?’ Kiseop said sitting on the floor beside Soohyun’s bed.

‘Um, food.’

‘Of course…’ Kiseop laughed. The moment became silent and awkward. ‘So… you’re late hyung. School starts soon…’

With that Soohyun jumped out of his bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready noticing the others, including Dongho, already stood by the door waiting. ‘Um, go on ahead, don’t be late…’ He said thinking of his dream.

‘Hyung, why are you so late…’ Kevin said checking his phone. His face lit up, he’d had a text from Shinhye. ‘At the park, hurry its cold out! :)’

Eli looked over him and noticed Kevin’s expression. Usually seeing another member happy made him smile, but Kevin’s expression put a heavier weight on his heart.

‘I’m going on ahead…’ Kevin said being his usual coy self, which everyone could see through.

Kiseop emerged from Soohyun’s room, after finally clearing his head. He noticed Kevin leave first and Eli watch Kevin enviously. ‘Eli, shall we walk to school together, I need to talk to you…’

Eli nodded.

The two left and Soohyun finally finished getting ready.

Kiseop was worried on how to start the conversation, he knew he wouldn’t get a good reception, but wanted him to open up to someone. ‘Eli, you still have feelings for Shinhye don’t you?’

‘Don’t be silly hyung, Shinhye, I haven’t spoken to in 2 years… and what you’ll have noticed, I’m not her favourite person…’ Eli laughed slightly to himself.

‘Tell me the truth Eli, I don’t like seeing you like this… Kevin would…’

‘Kevin would what? He’s falling for her more and more everyday, plus I already told him I’d route for him…’ Eli said regretfully.

‘Eli, you’re so stupid sometimes! I can see that you love her, every time Kevin gets a text or you see the two in the corridor… you hate it.’ Kiseop began to get angry as he hated people who couldn’t accept their own feelings. ‘You care to much for other people, and not enough for yourself!’

Eli stopped in place looking at his hyung.

‘Be selfish for a change!’ Kiseop began to strop to him slightly. ‘Kevin can’t say anything about your liking for her! Fight for her! She might still love you!’

‘Hyung, I appreciate it but… even though I love her, I don’t have the right to fight for her.’ Eli looked out at the park where Kevin and Shinhye would’ve been sitting if they arrived just minutes earlier. ‘I’m the one that ended it; I don’t have a right to hurt her again… or to hurt Kevin.’ Eli walked past Kiseop who was now sour-faced.

‘Merong!’ Kiseop said watching him leave. He turned to see the other members coming towards him. He smiled and waited for them.

‘Oh, Kiseop where’s Eli?’ Soohyun said looking around the area thinking the prankster was hiding.

‘He’s gone ahead; he’s a little bit touchy today.’ Kiseop said shrugging his shoulders hinting he didn’t know anything. The others walked a few paces ahead leaving Kiseop and Soohyun walking side-by-side. ‘Hyung, can I ask you something?’

‘Sure Kiseop, what is it?’

Kiseop smirked thinking of it. ‘Hyunok… isn’t she the girl we met in the cafeteria?’

Soohyun froze but tried to naturally say ‘yes, why do… do, you… ask?’

‘No reason hyung…’ Kiseop turned his back to Soohyun and hugged himself making movements.

Soohyun’s eyes widened and hit Kiseop with his bag. Kiseop began to run from the scary hyung and the other’s joined in running towards school hitting each other and Dongho was piggybacked by Kibum. They arrived at school laughing and joking, Kiseop smiled catching sight of Hyunok, he moved towards her seeing Soohyun move towards him at a rapid pace. Quickly he spun out of the way and Soohyun toppled over onto Hyunok, the two were now on the school steps, Soohyun with his hand on her shoulder, like in his dream. His heart began to beat faster by the second.

‘We need to stop meeting like this, Soohyun oppa’ Hyunok smiled whilst wiping her leg by her skirt-line.

Soohyun’s expression stiffened.

‘Soohyun oppa?’ She said looking up at him partly confused.

Soohyun’s mind was going crazy repeating ‘‘Soohyun oppa’’ like she moaned in his dream.

Kiseop burst into laughter as did the other members. Eli turned up at the school gate after taking a detour to clear his head. Soohyun sprung up and pulled Hyunok to her feet. He blushed slightly which made Hyunok giggle to herself.

‘Hyung,’ Eli said passing him. ‘Are you taking lessons from Kiseop-hyung?’

‘Wha-at do you mean by that?’ Soohyun said.

‘Well, you have the same moves,’ Eli chuckled. ‘I mean just yesterday Kiseop-hyung was on top of a first year’ He smirked leaving Kiseop speechless.

‘Hyung!’ Dongho said in approval. ‘You move so fast.’ His eyes began to sparkle. ‘Teach me that!’

Kiseop looked up at Eli who had already turned and left them to question Kiseop. ‘I tripped!’ He said defending himself to the end.

‘Tripping! Right!’ Dongho said with a mischievous expression on his face.

Xander and Kibum rapped their legs and arms around each other teasing Kiseop, who had already noticed Sunhee by the door, red faced. He moved up the stairs and passed her saying, ‘I’m sorry…’ He bowed his head and walked towards the stairway.

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aww it's a nice ending, I liked it ^^
do a YG story, that should be fun :D
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
>< Where's Hyunok and Soohyun's bit you promised me??

But other than that your doing great Dongsaengie ^^

Saranghae <3
cute and fluffy chapter, I like ^^