Friendships Scorn and Kiseop’s Love Advice?

You & I, Don't Deny Our 'r² π' U-KISS FanFic

A week later, all the still trying to get into the routine of getting up early, Soohyun as always was prepared and almost leaving for school an hour early, he’d been feeling eager since the first day, but no one quite knew why.

‘Hyung, why are you waking us up earlier every day?’ Kevin said though as always he was still rather chirpy.

‘School’s fun don’t you think, I didn’t realise how much I missed it…’ Soohyun said packing everyone’s lunches.

‘Hyung, you do know apart from you and Kiseop-hyung, we all eat bread from the Cafeteria.’ Kevin said trying to make less work for him.

‘Well, I like doing this too!’ With that Eli came through his bedroom door dressed, but still half asleep. He and Kevin haven’t spoken properly since the week before Kevin had even been sleeping on the floor in the living area. They exchanged short glances looked away. ‘Oh, you two, just speak to each other already, I thought you two were best friends… the fans even call you ‘Elvin’’

‘I thought we were best friends too.’ Kevin said leaving out the front door without his lunch which made Soohyun more irritated.

‘Aish…’ Soohyun looked at the packed lunch and then called, ‘Dongho! Take Kevin’s lunch to school with you!’ Without an answer he stuffed into Dongho’s bag.

Eli grabbed his lunch and bag and left after Kevin to try and explain a little about what was going on. As he made his way trying not to draw attention to himself, he noticed Kevin sitting in a park swing by himself. Eli entered the park, he was startled as Kevin got up, then he noticed Shinhye walking towards Kevin. He moved so that he was out of sight and saw Kevin and Shinhye laugh and joke together, Eli suddenly remembered what it was like to joke and mess with Shinhye and once more was reminded of what he had done to her. He always thought of her and what she would be doing now, but seeing her again made him reincarnate all his old feelings. Kevin was jokingly playing with her hair and flicking it to hit her in the face, which made her show some aegyo, of course making Eli jealous.

‘Kevin-ah!’ Shinhye said trying to flick him back with her long ponytail.

Eli was shocked that they were already so close. He pulled the strap of his bag adjusting it on his shoulder and moved away from the park leaving the two. At this point the other members had caught up to him. Eli shook his head and smiled to the other members.

‘Didn’t you catch up with Kevin?’ Kiseop asked.

‘I did, but he met a school friend.’ Eli said whilst attempting to trip up Kibum.

‘So you haven’t spoken to him?’ Soohyun said rolling his eyes already knowing the answer.

‘He was already with them when I got there, I didn’t want to intrude.’

‘Merong. You know Kevin won’t just suddenly be fine, he’s like a child, you have to him on his level, approach him first and you’d know that at best.’ Xander said half smiling at the now over tit Kibum.

‘Yeah,’ Eli said starting to run from Kibum.

The others watched the two run off and around the corner. ‘I wonder if he minds that Kevin likes Shinhye’ Xander queried.

‘Of course, that’s why he didn’t tell us that Kevin met her this morning, he obviously saw them and felt heartbroken.’ Kiseop said nodding.

Xander, Soohyun and Dongho stood shocked at Kiseop knowledge. ‘How do you know he met Shinhye?’ They all spoke in sync.

‘Because it’s obvious…’ Kiseop said nodding once more. ‘Plus I saw them sat in the park we passed.’ Kiseop moved forward and started walking away.

The other threes faces dropped. ‘I feel kind of cheated…’ Xander said looking at Kiseop’s silhouette.

‘Common else we’ll be late,’ Soohyun said walking towards Kiseop.

Dongho was still shocked at Kevin was meeting with a girl at all. He started walking and caught up with his hyungs. ‘Hyung, what would you do to get a girls attention?’ He asked Kiseop half confused.

‘Well, to get her attention you need to put yourself out there.’ Kiseop started. ‘Is she in your class?’


‘Okay, is she in a class near you?’


‘Is she even a student Dongho?’

‘Of course’ Dongho said shocked that Kiseop would say that.

‘So a different year…’ Kiseop continued with his investigation. ‘Do we know her?’

‘Xander-hyung and Soohyun-hyung… I’ve seen you with her.’

‘She’s a 3rdyear?!’ Kiseop said more shocked than if it was a teacher.

‘Mm. Shinhye older sister…’ Dongho said walking at a slow pace.

‘Okay… this could be hard to get her attention…’ Kiseop said trying to think of a plan.

‘Wait, you mean Jungeum?’ Xander stood shocked at the little Maknae. ‘Why?’

‘Oh hyung do you like Jungeum too?!’ Dongho didn’t want competition especially from Xander.

‘No way… I got my sights set on someone, a bit more timid… well compared to Jungeum…’ Xander pondered the thought a little.

‘Oh good, I wouldn’t want us to end up like Kevin-hyung and Eli-hyung.’ Dongho shook his head. I’m so tired.’ He yawned.

Kevin and Shinhye had started walking to school when Kevin noticed the other members in front. He started walking slower, which made Shinhye copy his pace. ‘Kevin, I hope you and Eli aren’t fighting…’ Shinhye said worried.

‘Why would we be fighting?’ Kevin said, though he was lying he didn’t want Shinhye to feel responsible.

‘It’s just in school you have been avoiding each other and the other members seemed awkward.’

Kevin laughed. ‘Don’t worry about anything.’ Kevin put his arm around Shinhye playfully and move forward.

Arriving at school Kevin and Shinhye noticed Eli stood outside their classroom. ‘Hyung’ Kevin said shocked to see him.

Can we talk Kevin?’ Eli said in English.

What about…’ Kevin said back to him.

It’s just important

‘Ok’ He said back and told Shinhye he’d be right back.

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aww it's a nice ending, I liked it ^^
do a YG story, that should be fun :D
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
>< Where's Hyunok and Soohyun's bit you promised me??

But other than that your doing great Dongsaengie ^^

Saranghae <3
cute and fluffy chapter, I like ^^