Jeju Trip...

You & I, Don't Deny Our 'r² π' U-KISS FanFic

After what felt like forever they arrived, they got to the hotel and were given their rooms.

Xander, Kibum, Soohyun and Kiseop

Eli, Kevin and Dongho

Jungeum, Lia and a girl from their class

Shinhye, Sunhee and a girl from their class

They were told to rest from the long journey so they went up to their rooms and shoved their suitcases where they could and all was quiet, for now.

‘Hyung, are we really going to sit in our rooms?’ Dongho started to moan. ‘It’s not even late yet!’

‘Dongho-ah… there’s nothing we can do, the teachers said…’ Eli started.

‘But I want to see noona!’ Dongho threw himself on the bed and kicked his legs in a tantrum.

‘Dongho we’re in the same group as noona, we can see her tomorrow… all day!’ Kevin said trying to cheer him up. But Dongho wasn’t having any of it. He wanted to see Jungeum now. ‘Now, I’m going to see Shinhye quickly, I borrowed her headphones.’ He pulled the white headphones from his pocket and smiled.

Eli nodded. ‘Be quick.’ Kevin left and Dongho sat up.

‘Why does Kevin get to see Shinhye-ssi. And I can’t see noona?!’ He said standing up and moving towards the door.

‘Shin Dongho… you leave I’ll tell President!’ Eli said still sat on his bed relaxed but giving a sore expression to him.

‘Hyung!’ He moaned walking to the bathroom to be away from him.

Eli shook his head. ‘Babo…’ He got up and walked to the balcony and looked out. He noticed out the front Kevin and Shinhye… He didn’t want to stare but he couldn’t help it.

‘Here Shinhye-ah.’ Kevin handed over her headphones.

‘Oh, thank you Kevin-ah… but I didn’t need them back so soon.’ She smiled. Eli always liked her innocent smile. He shook his head again and looked out at the view. But without realising it his eyes were fixed to Shinhye again. Kevin pulled Shinhye close and hugged her.

‘Hyung!’ Dongho came out the bathroom and came to the balcony but Eli had already moved back in the room and out the front door. ‘Hyung’ he said again looking at the closed door confused. ‘Hey! Why can you two go out but I can’t!’ he pouted.

Meanwhile at the other boy’s room, Xander was already asleep. Kibum mocked, ‘He’s really that old!’ Kiseop half laughed but was more concerned about Sunhee. Was she okay in that room? Where was that room? Why hadn’t she spoken to him properly since they left Seoul?

Kiseop pulled his phone out. ‘Oh…’

Soohyun looked at him. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘I don’t have Sunhee’s number…’ He said thinking of who he could ask for it.

‘Ask Kevin to ask Shinhye?’ Soohyun said simply then rolled his eyes. ‘Master of love doesn’t know what to do…’

‘What?’ Kiseop said half absorbed in texting Kevin.

‘Are you and Sunhee dating?’ Kibum said sitting next to him on the bed.

‘I think so…’ Kiseop looked at his two hyungs who smirked.

‘You think?’ Soohyun said tilting his head to the left slightly.

‘Well she confessed and we went on that date… so… I guess so.’ Kiseop nodded.

‘Did you say yes to her confession? Tell her you like her too?’ Kibum said watching Soohyun sit the other side of Kiseop.

‘No? Was I meant to tell her I like her too?’

Kibum looked away and looked back. ‘Yes!’ He shouted in sync with Soohyun.

‘Nnn… I’m not King Kong! Stop hitting me with that incredibly large stick!! I won’t eat your city!’ Xander fell off his bed and woke up rubbing his which made contact first. He noticed the three dongsaengs laughing at him. ‘What?’

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aww it's a nice ending, I liked it ^^
do a YG story, that should be fun :D
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
>< Where's Hyunok and Soohyun's bit you promised me??

But other than that your doing great Dongsaengie ^^

Saranghae <3
cute and fluffy chapter, I like ^^