Mysterious Heart

Good Girl, Bad Girl

Mysterious Heart


“Why?” Yoona try to held herself back away from Donghae. It’s strange, because she wanted to scream with happiness that he came to find her. However, they are suppose to hate each other. There should be no communication between these two.


Donghae ponder for a second, then he look up. “Because you are the only person I know that can help me.” She is the only person he knows that is not connected to his father. Donghae had no place to go now. All he wanted to do is to get away from the gang.


He want sometime to think. He is unable to accept Jessica’s rejection and unable to gain his father’s trust. There is nothing in his life anymore. Empty, unfulfilled, hopeless. He notice that he have no dreams and no hope.


For all his life is all about Jessica and his father and nothing more.


After a long pause, Yoona answered. “What do I need to do?”


“Help me to find Jessica.” Donghae replied.


Yoona’s heart sank. She inhaled a deep breath. “I thought she is very close to you.”


“No. She is no close with anyone. I am just a one-side love.”Donghae’s eyebrows furrowed. Yoona place  her index finger between his eyebrows. His clear brown eyes switch the attention to her.


“Ok, I will help you. However, I don’t have a lot of resources.” She paused and blinked a few time. “In fact, I don’t even have a place to live.” She talks to herself. Donghae froze his eyes on her smooth skin and suddenly snap back to reality.


“I know a renting house, but is not any high class place. Follow if you want.” Donghae turn around and start walking. Yoona stood there pondered for a while.


Then she took her first step to a new adventure. This time she is with her enemy’s son.


“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father refuse thy name, thou art thyself thou not a montague, what is montague? tis nor hand nor foot nor any other part belonging to a man

What is in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,

So Romeo would were he not Romeo called retain such dear perfection to which he owes without that title,

Romeo, Doth thy name!

And for that name which is no part of thee, take all thyself.”





“Where are you going, Heechul?” Kihong, Heechul’s father, said in a commanding tone.


“My room.” Heechul said with a bunch of plates in his hand.


“Sit down and have a meat with the family. Why are in such a hurry?” Kihong complained.


“I am full.” He answers trying to get away.


“What is all those food then?” Kihong point to Heechul’s hand.


He hesitated for awhile. “In case I get hungry.” Before Kihong can say another word, Heechul walked away from the lunch table.


“For the past few days, he is eating more and more.” Mrs. Kim  informed. “Maybe is depression.” She gaps on her own guesting game.


“Oh, please! He is living in the biggest house in Korea. Why would he be depressed?” Kihong shoot off Mrs. Kim’s gabblish and went back to his meal.


“Jessica!” Heechul enter the room carefully. With his right leg on the door and making sure the plates won’t fall on the ground.“Time for dinner.”


Jessica try to sit up from bed. This fever is turn on and off. It's been ten days since she had been laying in bed.


“I told you I don’t want them.” Jessica said it in a cold voice. The smile on Heechul’s face faded away.


“Ya. You are really stubborn.” Heechul till his head side to side. He place the plates on the table. He knew Jessica will eat the food eventually.


“I don’t want people’s help. Staying here is enough help. I don’t want the food.” Jessica climb out the bed and started to stretch. She bit her lower lips trying to endure the pain from her wound. Heechul didn’t bother to nag her. The past few days she didn’t let any of his nagging stop her from doing what she wanted.


Heechul sigh and sat down on the sofa.


“You have to be careful.” Jessica didn’t look up. She continue to stretch her leg. Her pale white lips moved as she continue her words. “They are going to find me. They will find me.”


“Who are those people you are talking about?” Heechul crossed his arm.


“Knowing too much will kill you.” Jessica stood up straight.


“I am going to be killed anyway.” Heechul looked up at Jessica. Their eyes met. This time her eyes seem to be much softer than before. A look of pity and guilt.


“I am an orphan. The Underground leader tried to save my mother while she is giving birth, but I killed her. I was born as a killer. I am guessing the Underground leader hate me so much. He took me in as a daughter.” She paused rethinked her sentence.


“No... As a killing machine.”Her eyebrows furrowed. “I had been trained to kill. They gave me missions every month. I complete them in secret. Never once I failed to do so. You are right. I am a headless puppet.”


Heechul smiled, “It’s the first time you talk so much.” He stood up from his chair and turn to the glass window.  


Jessica started at his reflection the window. “It’s the first time I met someone like you.” She keep her face emotionless. “Someone who is not afraid of me.”


Heechul turn around and took a step closer to Jessica. She didn’t step back. There is something strange about herself. She had let down her guard on this man. But what is this strange feeling, it is scary to feel her own heartbeat slowly raising without exercising.


She took a step forward and raise her right hand to trace the man’s well-define jawline. She raised her head and move toward Heechul’s lips. A smile curve on Heechul’s face.


“This is love. The sound of heart beat. Jessica.” Heechul whispered the words. “Isn’t it beautiful?”


“But heart is weak, it shatter like glass.” Heechul finished off with an intense stare.


Jessica’s eye met with his. She suddenly felt the power of hatred.


The huge glass windows shattered behind them.


Jessica quickly took a few step back. There are three men armed with weapons jump into the room. Heechul didn’t dare to look into her eyes again, when the three armed man pinned Jessica to the ground.


She didn’t say a word. She is afraid of betrayal.




“What is this?” Mrs. Kim complained as the police enter their house.


“Heechul! How come we didn’t hear anything about this?” Kihong’s eyebrows furrow as they force Jessica walk down the stairs.


“I apologize, Mr. and Mrs. Kim. This is a top secret mission. We can’t let the criminal die in the enemy’s hand.” One of the young man explain as the move out the house.


“How does that gave you the permission to put my heir in such dangerous position?” Kihong’s face turn furious.


“Father.” Heechul bow to apologize.” I requested to help them.”


“What?” Kihong calm down by his words.


“It was a revenge.” Heechul clenched his teeth. Because he knew partly deep inside his heart, he had been shaken by Jessica. However, he don’t trust himself, the womanizer.  


Kihong sighed at the word revenge. “Come talk to me after this.” Then he stormed back to his room.


The police push Jessica by Heechul. She didn’t look at him. Her eyes are fixed on the ground, but she slowed down.


“Move!” The police pushed her back. Without even thinking, Heechul grab the police’s arm.


“Gentle. She is injured.”The words slip out his lips.


Jessica glanced at Heechul with those questioning eyes. Their eyes met. The police scout Jessica out the house. Heechul turn to face her as she step out the house. The second she turns her head to the side. Heechul saw drop of tear run down her cheek.


Heechul try to ignore it, but he can’t control his own mind.




“Father. You want to see me?” Heechul knock on the door of his father’s office.




Heechul step in and close the door behind him. He walked towards his father’s table. Kihong put down his glasses and joined his two hand on the table.


“Heechul. What do you think about death?” His father asked.


Jessica’s image flashed before his eyes. The conversation between the two of them is carved in his mind. “Some people see it as an artwork.”


Kihong raised his eyebrows at his son’s surprisingly serious words. “Yes. Some do think is an artwork. It is a chance for rebirth to them. Some think is a game. Just like a chess game, to kill the opponent's piece. I think of it as a chess game.”


There is a long silence between them.


“Father. Are you trying to teach me the meaning of revenge?’ Heechul lifted up his head.


Kihong busted into laughter, “Indeed my future heir. It seems like you are more than a womanizer. This one kidnap had changed you.” His father stood up from the chair and folded his hand behind his back. “Heechul-ah. Revenge is something that one should not touch. It brings your into a pool of quicksand. Don’t take any revenge unless you are trying to stay alive. Just like in a chess game.”


Heechul know the meaning of his father’s words. He know that he had a hot temper for everything. That is why he couldn’t help to find Jessica. That is why he couldn’t help to betray Jessica.


“Did you take anything from this revenge?” Kihong turn to his son.


“Yes. Father.”




“I received a broken heart.”


“A what?” Kihong’s eyebrows furrow unable to understand his son.


“Just a hint of regret. I kind of liked her. But the selfish me decide to take revenge, because I was humiliated.” Heechul’s eyes danced around unable to think straight.


“No, son. You got the wrong idea...”


“Thank you, Father.” Heechul storm out the room, before his father can finish his sentence.


Heechul clenched his heart as he run towards his car. Waves of regret hit him again and again. All he wants to know right now is Jessica. He worried that she is crying. He worried that she is still hurt. He worried that she is tortured.


The heart is a mysterious thing.



Author's note

Thank you for reading.

I will start to edit some of the chapters, but is only grammar changes.

The story line is still the same :) 

Hope everyone enjoyed  ^ ^


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Chapter 10: This is really good!!
yulyoonhyoseo #2
Finally!! i found this story again!! i've been looking for this for a while now and the problem is i forgot the title and the only thing i remember is that it has Romeo and Juliet hahaha gonna read this again~ :3
mimomimi #3
Chapter 29: Waa.. like the story so much :) interesting plot, beautiful love story, and deep relationship. Awesome!!
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 29: AWESOME!!! The story is really... different to the other stories that I've read in regards to gangs and all that, it's different in the sense that authornim has incorporated Shakespeare into it!

Great job authornim :D :D I really enjoyed reading your story ^^
tanjane262 #5
Chapter 29: Omg this story is awesome! I feel in love with heesica after reading this!!! Good job!!! And thank you for writing this!!!
I've read this a few weeks ago, it's one of the first fics I've read since I became a fan of YoonHae ;) And I enjoyed reading it.. Jessica is cool, and so is Heechul. And of course, my ever sweet YoonHae <33 Thanks for writing this ;)
SapphireBlueWorld_18 #7
Nice story, I enjoyed reading ^^
lkimgirl #8
great story. the story line, writing style and feelings. i loved it.
Chapter 29: Wow, This has a great story flow. The action and emotion and everything really blended well.
Chapter 29: This was definitely worthwhile. I always looked foward to the next chapter since the first one. I hope you'll continue to write more! I love your ideas!