Sing Me A Song

The Undomestic Nanny

Chapter 24

Can I hear you guys sing a song?” Annie asked finally once they settled into the recording room.


Daehyun and Youngjae glanced at one another then turned to their best friend. “If we do, will you promise not to laugh at us?” Daehyun asked, his tone sounded serious.


You act as if I never heard you sing before,” Annie remarked crossing her arms over her chest.


Well you heard us before we decided to take this seriously,” Youngjae butted in.


Annie turned to face Yongguk, who had Daniel propped on his lap as he was showing Daniel the control panels. “Hey Bang!” she called to him. He turned in his chair to face her. “I'm allowed to call you Bang, right? Is that okay?” she asked.


If you want,” he shrugged. "I don't see why not."


Okay, Bang, You've heard my best friends sing, right? I mean you do work with them,” she said pointing it out.


He nodded matter-of-factly. “Yes, yes I have,” he replied eying her curiously.


Are they any good?” she asked curiously.


He glanced at Daehyun and Youngjae then nodded. “Of course they are!” he smiled. “They're really talented.”


Really now?” Annie raised an eyebrow then turning to her friends. “If you guys are so great, can I hear a song?”


That depends,” Daehyun crossed his arms over his chest raising his own eyebrow at her.


I already promised you weekly cheesecake what more could you want?” she retorted back. “C'mon, just one song! Please!” she was practically begging then turned to Daniel. “Danny, wants to hear a song! Right, Danny?”


I want to hear a song!” Danny said mimicking Annie.


Alright, one song,” Youngjae finally gave in then turned to Daehyun expectantly. “Dae?”


Daehyun sighed, “Fine.”


Soon, Yongguk released Daniel, who immediately ran over to sit beside Annie on the leather couch. “Okay boys, what song are you guys singing?” he asked looking at the two best friends. Youngjae and Daehyun leaned in to whisper it to their producer friend then glanced at Annie with a knowing smile.


Annie returned with her own smile along with a thumbs up. She turned to Daniel and ruffled his hair softly clearly anticipating what her friends had in store for them. Before long, the music started to play and Annie found herself swaying to the beat with Daniel joining her. Gasping, she realized the beat was from one of her favorite songs. She had to contain her excitement as Yongguk did the spoken part of the song (she had to admit that his deep voice suited that part very well):


Girl you know we belong together
I have no time for you to be playing
With my heart like this
You'll be mine forever baby, you just see


Youngjae sang the first verse:


We belong together
And you know that I'm right
Why do you play with my heart,
Why do you play with my mind?

Said we'd be forever
Said it'd never die
How could you love me and leave me
And never say goodbye?


Then Daehyun joined in:


When I can't sleep at night without holding you tight
Girl, each time I try I just break down and cry
Pain in my head oh I'd rather be dead
Spinnin' around and around


As they both sang the chorus, Daehyun and Youngjae made their way over to the couch towards Annie. She was clearly gaping at her two best friends in astonishment as they serenaded her. Clearly, it was as if they were reading her mind when they chose her favorite Boyz II Men song to sing.


Although we've come to the End Of The Road
Still I can't let you go
It's unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you
Come to the End of the Road
Still I can't let you go
It's unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you


Any fangirl would die at that moment but because these guys were her best friends and Daniel was in the room, she had to maintain her composure. But then, a girl couldn't help it as she found herself swooning like those other fangirls.


Then as if on cue, they were interrupted by the sound of the door closing. Himchan along with Jongup and Zelo stood still with their mouths agape as they watched the scene unfold before them. They had just returned from picking up snacks and drinks.


What's going on?” Jongup asked looking at the scene in confusion.


Zelo shrugged. “I don't know,” he said. “What's going on?” he repeated Jongup's question as they observed Annie.


I think Annie's about to get a nosebleed,” Himchan pointed out.


She flushed hiding her face in her hands. “Sorry...” she took a deep breath then looked up. “Boyz II Men?! AHHHHH!!!!!!!” The whole room plugged their fingers into their ears once she screamed. Catching her breath, she turned to her best friends. “Wow...”


I think she likes it,” Daehyun muttered to Youngjae. She heard him clearly.


Like it? I love it!” Annie exclaimed excitedly. “I've got to tell Lucy about this!” She took out her phone to dial but Youngjae snatched it from her. “What is it now?”


No Lucy!” Youngjae exclaimed. “The two of you in the same room will cause all of us to go deaf!”


Annie pouted. “Fine,” she huffed. “But you guys have to show off your talents to her somehow! Because she's clearly unconvinced about your abilities.”


We will,” Daehyun said. “We just have a lot of stuff to work on. As a matter of fact,Yongguk hyung is working on something new as we speak.”


The attention shifted over to Yongguk, who was fiddling with his jacket. He immediately sat up. “Huh?”


Annie got up from the couch and walked over to sit beside him in the adjoining swivel chair. “So, Daehyun tells me you're working on something new?” she asked expectantly.


Yongguk glanced from the others than to Annie. Clearing his throat, he replied, “Yes I am.”


Can I hear it?” Annie asked with a warm smile.


I don't know about that,” he said turning away from her shyly.


Please!” she begged. “I'm only asking for one song not the whole album. Himchan's told me about how talented you are.” She said giving Himchan a pleading look hoping he could help her out.


Did he now?” Yongguk glanced at Himchan with a raised eyebrow.


Well, it is true, Bang,” Himchan said matter-of-factly.


Yongguk actually felt touched by this statement. “I-I don't know what to say,” he uttered then turned to the other guys. “Alright then,” he said glancing at Zelo and Jongup. “I'm gonna need the two of you to help me out a bit.”


Okay, sure thing,” Jongup nodded eagerly.


How can we help you?” Zelo asked finally.


Sing a few lines in this song for me,” he instructed them as he handed them the sheet music.


Wow! We're actually gonna sing with Bang Yongguk!” Zelo exclaimed excitedly turning to Annie.


Annie beamed. “I know!” she hugged Zelo and Jongup tightly. “I'm so excited for you guys! Make me and Lucy proud!”


We will try,” Jongup said with a smile.


Okay, are you guys ready?” Yongguk announced. The other guys gathered around as he turned to start up the music. Annie then proceeded to sit beside Daniel on the leather couch. Anticipating the new song, she felt honored to being able to see her friends do what they love. It was very refreshing knowing how talented they were.


As the music started to play, Daehyun began vocalizing his part as Yongguk spoke his part. There was something about his deep voice along with Daehyun's sweet voice that sounded kind of y, she thought. Zelo's part soon came up and Annie's mouth was agape upon hearing him rap for the first time. She always knew he had all that talent in him but this was taken to a whole new level and she wasn't complaining. Jongup's part soon came up and she was even surprised by his voice as well. She never knew she worked with such talented guys this whole time. Lucy would've been proud, she thought noting to herself about telling her best friend later.


The chorus soon came up and of course, Daehyun and Youngjae's voices complimented one another. Her best friends were just full of surprises today and she had no complaint whatsoever. She looked forward to hearing more from them.


Of course, when Himchan started singing she was taken aback as well. Aside from being the instrument prodigy who liked to pick on her, he had a decent voice, she thought. But it was Yongguk's rap which had her mesmerized to no end. His deep-voiced never ceases to amaze her.


Grinning from ear to ear, she was in love with the song right away. Even though rap wasn't her preference when it came to music, she actually was willing to give this one an exception because of the sound. It had soft rock touches which was just what she liked.


Once the song ended, Annie and Daniel applauded. “Whoo! That was awesome!” she exclaimed excitedly.


Wow! That was so cool!” Daniel chimed in.


Thanks,” Yongguk grinned from ear to ear scratching the back of his neck.


What's the song called?” she asked curiously.


The song? It's called Zero,” he answered.


Well, I really love it,” she complimented him. “And you did an amazing job. You all did. I'm so proud of you. Heck, I think I got goosebumps from all that awesomeness.” She remarked which earned a chuckle from everyone else.

A/N: Hi guys! This chapter was a lot longer than I thought. It might be a little boring to you but Annie and Daniel snuck to the studio to hang with the guys for a reason. Not just to hang out but they may as well sing a few songs, right? The song that DaeJae is singing is "End of the Road" by Boyz II Men. It's like my favorite song ever by them. And I did see them in concert a few weeks ago so as I was writing this chapter I was imagining DaeJae singing this song and I was totally fangirling the whole time lol. I think their voices suits the song very much. Of course, Yongguk's deep voice fits the speaking part in the beginning of the song. If you guys haven't heard the song you should listen to it.

The last song.. I'm bad at adding lyrics but the last song is "Zero" of our boys' One Shot album. I picked that song for them to sing in this chapter because I love the message of the song. It totally fits for some reason. And it is actually one of my favorite songs now. I almost made them sing "Voicemail" but felt it didn't suit this chapter lol.

Just an fyi, I had to rewrite this chapter so many times because I had no idea where it was going and thought about the recording studio and bam! This idea came up. I hope you like it. I'll stop talking now. Enjoy! ^^

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Chapter 7: "I wonder what happened-" of course you do asdfghjkl
On another note I'm back to read this again :')
bunnyxxx95 #2
Chapter 63: I just came to read this fic. And..... I dont know. I cant help myself.
I LOVE HIMCHAN SO MUCH BUT IN THIS FIC...... I dont know if I can continue. I cant see him this way. Noooo Omg my heart hurts.
sulminnie #3
Chapter 80: Omg!!! ends already...i love the whole story...please write another story...gomawo author-nim...☺
xxEXATOxx #4
Chapter 63: OH HELL NO. THIS BETTER NOT BE TRUE. OH LAWD. THIS BETTER JUST BE A TRICK OF THIS . i really wish its not himchans. If it really is, i wont be able to continue reading this without feel disgust and hatred towards him. Meh ><
sulminnie #5
Chapter 48: oh no, she totally likes yongguk..kinda thinking that himchan still had a chance..well, i love annie-yongguk cute... :)
sulminnie #6
Chapter 28: i can't believe it..himchan and miranda? oh come on, himchan... can't wait to read the other chapters.. interesting.. :))))
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 80: I love it so much!!!!

I cried when Danny and Annie parted from each other - their relationship is so special; I just broke down when Danny told Annie his birthday wish "I want you to be my mummy" I really felt so sad for him with his parents both screwing around (ya know what I mean? )

There was sure a lot of drama, and I like it (even though there was a bit too much drama ^^)

I really enjoyed the story... Great job authornim :D :D
sulminnie #8
Chapter 5: i love how you portray himchan's character...he really is gentleman..kekeke...i love himchan. so namja. :) i like the story so far. i'm gonna read this till the end. :)))
Chapter 28: I knew it! About Himchan! You indeed have been hinted at it and that's so good about this story. There is so much going on, but not in am over dramatic way, which is good. The Shin's are really something... I'll read further and let you know what I think about the story as a whole, but up until now I'm very much pleased :)
Chapter 80: it's been a long time, I read a story and this helped me a lot, because I laugh too much about daehyun and it help me go through my bad days, you deserved a thumbs up author. /big hugs!/