The Guys

The Undomestic Nanny

Chapter 23

Meanwhile, Annie found herself pacing around Miranda's apartment as Daniel was receiving his lesson from Himchan, who arrived earlier than she did. She was taken by surprise but decided not to think much of it since her encounter with Yongguk was on her mind most of the time. Gripping her phone as she was pacing, she reached into her back pocket and produced a crumpled piece of paper. Well, it was a business card to be exact. It had his contact information but he had informed her that he could be reached via cell phone since he rarely answered his work phone.


She took a deep breath, “Relax, Annie. It's only a phone call. What difference will it make? It's not like you're trying to date him, you idiot.” she told herself.


What was that?” a voice rang out from behind therefore startling her. It was Himchan. He smiled once she faced him. “Who are you talking to?”


No one,” Annie immediately shook her head.


Well if I didn't know any better, you were talking to yourself,” he said crossing his arms over his chest still smiling.


So what if I was? What's it to you?” she asked in a challenging tone.


I'd say you're some nut-job,” he remarked which earned a light punch from Annie. “See what I mean?”


Oh, would you shut up?” she sneered.


Someone can't take a joke,” he pouted rubbing his arm smoothly. “Anyways, is something on your mind? You've been quietly pacing all morning and it's starting to worry me.”


Annie scoffed. “Ladies and gentleman, guess what?! Himchan is actually showing empathy!” she applauded.


Well, of course! What do you take me for? Some heartless bastard?” he retorted.


Uh yeah,” she replied immediately which in turn earned a glare from the other guy.


Okay, I'm being serious,” his tone suddenly showed concern. “What's wrong?”


I'm contemplating,” she finally said.


About?” he asked curiously.


You know that offer you made about heading over to the studio?” she asked looking back at him.


Yes?” he nodded slowly. “What about it?”


I just thought I'd take you up on that offer,” she finally said.


Really?” he raised his eyebrows. “Today?”


She nodded. “I ran into Yongguk this morning and he had told me about wanting to bring Danny along but wasn't sure if Miranda would allow it. I know she wouldn't but I'm willing to make an exception without her knowledge. Maybe you can help me.” she said giving him a hopeful smile.


Bang already invited you?” he gaped at her in astonishment. “That's a first.” He remarked.


Well the visit was meant for Danny, not me,” she explained.


That's what he wants you to believe,” he muttered under his breath. “Maybe you should just give him a call. I mean he did give you his number, right?” he asked motioning to the crumpled business card in her hand. “Go for it.”


She laughed softly. “Right,” she said. “I'm right on it.”


Whoa!” Daniel's eyes widened as Annie was helping him out of Himchan's car as they arrived at a huge building. “Yonggukie hyung works here?” he asked curiously looking up at Himchan.


That's right, little man,” Himchan nodded ruffling the little boy's hair lightly. “Are you excited?” He asked eyeing the young boy expectantly.


Yeah!” Daniel beamed excitedly. “Can I play games too?”


You can play whatever you want,” Himchan assured him picking him up and carrying him into the building with Annie following closely behind. Annie couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable exchange. Seeing Himchan interact with Daniel was almost just as adorable as seeing Yongguk interact with him. Overall, she could tell both best friends loved and cared for Daniel very much.


Once inside, Annie found herself admiring the interior of the posh little building. Carrying Daniel deep into the building, Himchan greeted the other staff members along with Daniel. Of course, the females gathered closely just to admire the four year old lady-killer. It came as no surprise that everyone else would ignore Annie's presence but she didn't make a huge deal about it since she didn't aim to get attention from anyone. She merely came along with Himchan and Daniel. However, she did happen to note the stares she was receiving from some of the staff as soon as she came into view. “Who is she?” they murmured.


That must be Himchan's new girlfriend.”


He could do so much better, I mean look at her! She's not even pretty!”


He's seemed to have downgraded. Tsk, tsk, tsk...”


I've seen her before, wasn't she the one who got onstage with him when he was teaching her how to play the janggu at some kid's birthday party?”


What is she doing here?”


As soon as the three of them entered an elevator, Annie sighed in relief. “Thank God, I don't have to survive another minute in that room!” she exclaimed.


Don't let what they say discourage you,” Himchan advised her catching onto her sudden behavior. “People will say what they want to say. They don't know anything.”


Annie turned to face him. “No wonder you and Yongguk are best friends,” she remarked. “You guys think alike.”


I don't know whether to be flattered or offended by that,” Himchan gaped at her in astonishment.

Before she could respond, the elevator doors opened and he stepped out prompting Annie to follow along. “Right this way,” he said carrying Daniel along with him.


Hyung, what's that?” Daniel would often point and ask along the way. Himchan would dutifully answer him as they continued down the hall. “What about that?”


There were less people on this floor so Annie did not have to deal with a group of murmuring staff members. These guys must be special for them to be the main topic of gossip. She couldn't really blame them, Yongguk and Himchan were good-looking guys so of course they were bound to break a few hearts here and there. She, on the other hand, was just here doing her job and part of her job was to learn not to take things personally. The task at hand was to allow Daniel to bond with Yongguk and she just had to stick around until it was time to go. Miranda didn't have to know and Himchan did promise to keep his mouth shut.


We're here,” Himchan finally announced as they made their way to the end of the hall in front of a set of double doors. With his free hand, he knocked on the door.


The door opened to reveal a smiling Jongup. “Hello,” he greeted them with his signature smile.


Annie's mouth was agape upon seeing him. “Jongup!” she exclaimed incredulously. “I didn't know you were here.” She said pulling him close for a hug. “It's nice seeing you again.”


Youngjae hyung invited me to come along with him,” he said returning the hug then looked up at Himchan. “Oh hello, Himchan hyung.”


Hey, how's it going, Jongup?” the older guy nodded a greeting to the young man.


And who might this be?” Jongup looked up at Daniel who buried his head into Himchan's neck shyly.


Annie chuckled. “This is Daniel,” she introduced him. “Danny, say hi to Jongup. It's okay, don't be scared. Jonguppie is a really nice hyung.” she turned to Jongup. “Sorry, he's just shy around new people.”


It's okay,” he said eyeing the little boy curiously.


Daniel looked back at Jongup and gave him a slight wave. In turn, Himchan set him down on the ground allowing Jongup to lead the little boy inside to join the others. “Hey Zelo, guess what? I made a new friend,” he announced holding Daniel's hand as they walked inside. “This is Danny.”


Hi Danny,” Zelo said leaning down to the boy's level extending his hand. “I'm Zelo.”


Daniel giggled as he shook Zelo's giant hand. “That's a funny name, hyung,” he remarked which prompted Zelo to pout slightly. Daniel then hid behind Jongup's legs when Youngjae and Daehyun were next to approach him.


Guys, I think you're scaring him,” Zelo pointed out.


Danny, it's okay these guys are noona's friends,” Annie assured him then turned to her best friends. “I'm sorry, he's kind of shy at the moment. Give him a while to warm up to you guys then the next thing you know, he might start chatting up a storm.”


Will his mom be okay with this?” Daehyun asked.


Nope,” Annie answered matter-of-factly.


But you brought him,” Youngjae pointed out.


Yep,” Annie nodded.


And you're not worried about getting into trouble?” Daehyun raised an eyebrow.


Well, I look at it this way, Dae,” she turned to him. “What his mother doesn't know won't hurt her. I mean Yongguk wanted him to come and it's the least I can do, you know.” She then put her arms around Youngjae and Daehyun's shoulders. “And besides, I get to see you guys! Aren't you guys happy to see me?” she asked beaming excitedly.


Both guys chuckled nervously. “Yeah,” said Youngjae. “Of course we're happy to see you. Why wouldn't we be?”


As if we don't see you every day,” Daehyun muttered but immediately shut his mouth when Annie shot him a look. “What?”

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Chapter 7: "I wonder what happened-" of course you do asdfghjkl
On another note I'm back to read this again :')
bunnyxxx95 #2
Chapter 63: I just came to read this fic. And..... I dont know. I cant help myself.
I LOVE HIMCHAN SO MUCH BUT IN THIS FIC...... I dont know if I can continue. I cant see him this way. Noooo Omg my heart hurts.
sulminnie #3
Chapter 80: Omg!!! ends already...i love the whole story...please write another story...gomawo author-nim...☺
xxEXATOxx #4
Chapter 63: OH HELL NO. THIS BETTER NOT BE TRUE. OH LAWD. THIS BETTER JUST BE A TRICK OF THIS . i really wish its not himchans. If it really is, i wont be able to continue reading this without feel disgust and hatred towards him. Meh ><
sulminnie #5
Chapter 48: oh no, she totally likes yongguk..kinda thinking that himchan still had a chance..well, i love annie-yongguk cute... :)
sulminnie #6
Chapter 28: i can't believe it..himchan and miranda? oh come on, himchan... can't wait to read the other chapters.. interesting.. :))))
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 80: I love it so much!!!!

I cried when Danny and Annie parted from each other - their relationship is so special; I just broke down when Danny told Annie his birthday wish "I want you to be my mummy" I really felt so sad for him with his parents both screwing around (ya know what I mean? )

There was sure a lot of drama, and I like it (even though there was a bit too much drama ^^)

I really enjoyed the story... Great job authornim :D :D
sulminnie #8
Chapter 5: i love how you portray himchan's character...he really is gentleman..kekeke...i love himchan. so namja. :) i like the story so far. i'm gonna read this till the end. :)))
Chapter 28: I knew it! About Himchan! You indeed have been hinted at it and that's so good about this story. There is so much going on, but not in am over dramatic way, which is good. The Shin's are really something... I'll read further and let you know what I think about the story as a whole, but up until now I'm very much pleased :)
Chapter 80: it's been a long time, I read a story and this helped me a lot, because I laugh too much about daehyun and it help me go through my bad days, you deserved a thumbs up author. /big hugs!/