The first official date.

A whole new beginning.

YOU'RE MY LADY~ YOU'RE MY LADDYYYY~!  Youngmin is freaking hot please? ^^ <3 ; 


It was finally Saturday. You woke up in the morning & rushed to work.

"Annyeong _____-ah!" Junhyung smiled. "Annyeong Junhyung oppa!" you beamed.

"Me & the guys are having dinner later , wanna join us?" he asked. "Not today oppa, I have plans today. Mianhae.." you put your hands together & curled your lips down.

"It's okay, there's still next time" he smiled & patted your head.

As usual, the restaurant was packed with families eating their breakfast. You wiped the tables clean.

"Urm,Im sorry sir, but are you done eating this? Can I take this plate away?" you kindly asked.

The customer was busy reading his newspaper which covered his face.

"Excuse me sir." you waved but he ignored. You walk to his side but he pulled the newspaper closer to his face.

'I smell something fishy~' you furrowed your eybrow & pulled the newspaper away.

"Youngmin??" you eyes widden,"what are you doing here?"

"Urm, breakfast?" he gave you a foolish smile. "Aish~ I have about 2 hours more. Come back here later."

"Nope, I'll wait.It's fun looking at you working" he grinned. "Tch."you took the plates & walked away.

After your shift ends, you changed into your new 'couple tee' & went out. Youngmin was playing his game on his i-phone."Im readyy"

He looked up & smiled, "It looks cute on you" he complimented. "Thanks"


"Which movie shall we watch?" he tapped his finger on his chin. "I hate going to cinemas." you pouted.

"Wae?" "I cant see in the dark." you lowered your head. "Night blindness?"

You nodded. "It's okay, Im here." he winked. You smile in relief, "Okay then."

"I Iove ghost stories" you admitted. "You're not scared?"

"Not at all" you shook your head proudly.

The movie you're watching is 'The Cat'. As you went into the hall room, the lights were off & it was dark. Youngmin lead you to the seat but unfortunately, you didnt see the steps & stumbled down the step. "AH!" You were lying on the floor but you can feel something on top of you but you cant see it clearly.

'. I fell on top of her!' Youngmin cursed & his heart was thumping fast.

He stood up, "Let me help you" he pulled you straight back up. "Thanks" you smiled.

"Hold on to me tightly" he grabbed your hands & went to your seat.

As the movies start, you drooled at all the cats on the big screen. "They're so adorable~"

"AH!" you shouted at the woman lying in the elevator being murdered by the white cat.

"I thought you're not afraid of ghost stories?" Youngmin whispered.

"Bad cat." you pouted angrily. You screamed at the scary parts & Youngmin was not even paying attention to the movie. Instead, he stares at you through out the movie. He chuckled when he saw how scared & concentrated you were watching the movie.

When the movie ends, you sighed, "At last, that cat was super scary. I should stay away from cats from now on. " you nodded.

"Hah, you just said that cats are adorable.." he said.

"I know but. that cat, was the scariest cat I've ever seen."

"To be specific, you should stay away from white cats only." he corrected. "By the way, the movie was scary, right?" "Nope." 'coz I wasnt paying attention on it.' he shrugged.


Youngmin spotted a Neoprint machine, " _____-ah, You wanna take some photos?" he smirked. "eh?"


You did a peace sign with Youngmin,

"Okay, one two three, KIMCHII!!!!"

"One More, One, two-" To your surprise, he kissed your cheeks. You eyes widdened & your heart feels like it's going to pop out soon.

"One, two -" he hurriedly wrapped his arm aroud your waist & grinned. But this time, you smile happily towards the camera. "KIMCHIII~!"

Both of you took more pictures & finally went out of the neoprint machine to see the pictures taken.

"OMO! I like this" he pointed out at the picture he kissed your cheeks.

You turned pink. Both of you divide the pictures for each & ate dinner together.

After the mouth-watering, srumptious meal, pulled out a necklace from his pocket & walk to your side. You looked at him, confused.

He place the necklace around your neck & you were surprised. You look at the locket & it was key that looks like a heart . It was red in colour.

He smiled, "Do you like it? It's my present for you." he showed his best smile ever.

"Yeah.. thanks" your heart melted , you wish time would stop at that moment.

"Look, I have one too!" he was wearing a necklace with a lock. "urm, you know, that heart necklace of yours is the key to my heart." he smiled & gazed at you.

Your heart was racing very fast that you think you'll going to die anytime. 'KYAAAAAAAAAA!'

Youngmin stopped smiling & there's a tap on your shoulder,

"______-ah?" a familiar voice called. You eyes widdened, 'Oppa?' & turned. It was Taeil oppa.

"OPPA!~" you threw your arms around his neck. Taeil was grinning but stopped when he saw Youngmin, "Who is he?" he furrowed his eyebrow.


Youre my lady, you're my ladaaaaaaay~
Im addicted to that song alrdy. When the MV released, I watch it & BAM! I died when I see Youngmin.
omg.. Youngmin.. *drools*

Okay, stop spazzing... Anywayss, Just had my art exam. :DD
& IM BACCKK! :) Well, not really..
I have 1 more test +( 2 languages) oral exams. -.- aigoo~
Hope you liked this chapter <3  ;))


cammers  - Yeahh .. haha,i always  hated exams.. :/  :))


pinkypn  - Okay..~  Im not sure between Dongho & Youngmin..  yeapp, a suspicious-looking guyy.. Yeahhh.. I agree. :)


iheartchicken  - Haha :) Im nt sure about that actually.. Thanks. I hope I'll pass & I'll hope you'll pass all your subjects too :) Oh, music in the 90's? What subject is that for? is it for music? ohh, goodluck on your project :D HWAITING! :) Thanks! :DD


youngminnie_lover - Updated! :))



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seohinnie #1
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
fifiloveseverything #2
My birthday is the same as yours!!! We are even the same age!
syirahkissme1339 #3
update soon~
your story is amazing....
It really heartbroken story
Park_Yoonji #4
Wahhh^^ Her brothers are gonna help her! Hwaiting 'oppas' xD
bebepantheon #5
Wah!!! Iluv it when the brothers interfers on their sister's behalf!! Poor girl!!! *rage face* -> towards the haters for the two lovely couple!!!
Yes I am. Hehehe.
Keep updating!!!
please update soon !
bebepantheon #9
This is great!! Hey just a sudden thought, what will happen to Lee _______'s bf if her oppas found out what her boyfriend's mother do.?

Will there be more of the brothers coming along into this story? Update soon xD