His Point of View

The Bad Guy I'm In Love With
Chapter 15

His Point of View 

Hold it! 

There has to be a halt on this.
Head banged on this concrete walls.
The air in this cubical is thinning, and still I can't find myself, still can't get myself to think straight. Bang. Bang! BANG! "Yah! Open this damn door, Seon-mi..." Chansung yelled.
But I can't get myself to stand and open them.
These legs too weak, too fragile.
Gripping both ears, dimming all the nuisance that may came across.
I don't know what got into me. 
Before I know it, tears are drizzling down my face. And all I could hear is his voice, plea-ing. "I'm sorry, alright? Will you please get the hell out of the fitting room?" He continued. I shook my head. As if he sees that. No. No. NO. "I'm sorry if she reminds you of anything you want to forget. She didn't mean it." Chansung rested his forehead and his right palm on the door of the fitting room. "How is this going to help with anything?!" 
He grunted. Alongside with a bang on the door. Startled me. "Will this save anything at all??" He asked, this time with a little more urgency. 
"Yes!...My sanity." I answered. "Why the hell did I say yes to you? Why did I ever thought that this will eventually get me out of my old insane life? Why do I ever get to Jeju in the first place?! Why did I ever do anything? Why... Of all jerks out there. Victoria had to marry Khun? Why did he have to fall in love with her? Why did I fall in love with him? Why him?" I blurted non stop.
Like an insane psychopath who is most likely to stand on the ledge of a tall building, waiting to jump off. Come to think of it, it may not be such a bad idea. But how do I get out from this fitting room with Chansung right in front of it?
Chansung leans his back on the doors. Although he is a bit hurt by the words she said, he is shrugging it off his broad shoulders. "She's not in her right mind...Be strong-be strong" He chanted under his breathe. Started with a sigh, he sits on the ground. "Fine. Take all the time you need. If you need anything, I'll be out here." He leans back, and reached the salesgirl. "I don't need anything. 
I am perfectly fine on my own. Yes, I am." Denial."The essence of being a female is falling in love, and be loved. Do you know how it feels like to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back? No. Of course you don't. She loves you. You love her. Aren't all love story be that way? They say, to fix a broken heart, is get a new one. Well they don't exactly sell them on gift shops now do they? Tck. Screw guys. Screw love. Screw world. You all are delusional, pitiful creatures who believes in fairytales! Hah!" Chansung was disagreeing with her words but he is not saying anything that would ignite any sparks, or else bomb squads won't be having a happy summer's holiday.
"That's unfair. Fairytales has got nothing to do with this." Chansung peeled a banana. "What does she know... My best friend says I'm too nice. And nice girls don't get good guys. I don't even get a bad guy either...I basically have no place in this world." She blabbered. "Right you are." Chansung nodded. "She's gonna be here for awhile, so... what's the latest garments you have?" He asked.
"We have the ones from Spring Collections, fresh from Monaco Fashion Week." She politely answered, while the sounds of Seon-mi blabber is clearly heard. "Okay. We'll take that...and these stillettos." He grabbed the closest Christian Luboutin pair of heels that he could reach with his hands. "These are new... Don't you want to look at the prices?" She seems sceptic. 
Chansung threw his head back to the salesgirl. "Do I look like I'm worried about the price tags?... Go." He shoo-ed them.
After awhile...
"Chansung-ah..." She called, timid but clear enough.
"What." He answered cold-ly.
"I'm coming out."
Chansung stopped his game, and stood up. "Finally." He said with a sigh.
Avoiding all eyes watching, I braced myself, and held my head high, strut my walk, and vanish from the scene.
He walked behind me, carrying my purse. I peeked once in awhile if he is still following. He smirks, and sneered, and making faces that he always does. Until it reached to the point where I just want to smack his face. I turn to him. He 'brakes' immediately.
He just stood there, looking at me. "Well?" I tilted my head, in aggitation. His cluelessness. Gawd. "Um?" He asked.
"I don't know where to go." I muttered. He scoffed a laugh, but held them back when he sees the death glares in my eyes. "You walked as if you knew exactly where you're going, you pabo-yah..." He said. 
He took my hand and walked me through a hallway, and let me remind you that we are in-fact in a mall. Yes, a freaking mall. So, how did it got this way?
How did I end up flustering in a fitting room?

Thanks to dreamer2000...for injecting ideas back in me... I owe you a lot... <3 


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this story is getting darker and slightly disturbing... r u guys up 4 it?


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2pm_taecmabias #1
Omg. Please update xxx
junsolover11 #2
Chapter 38: Thanks!!! I hope you update again soon
red_sneakerz #3
@winterJJ you little patootie.. >.<
Do u have a good video of chansung, so that my brain would work...? I'm seeing less and less of him these days, with Got7 amazing visuals and all... *sigh*
red_sneakerz #4
Guilty as charged, my angels