Where's My Oppa?

Our Love


You were already fall in deep sleep. You were dreaming about something and suddenly, you fell down from your bed.

YOU  : Ouchh! It’s hurt! *trying to wake up and go to the bed again* *looks at the clock* Aigoo~ It’s already 6AM. I was thinking to go to sleep again just now. I should go and take my bath now. *walk to the bathroom* Wait! I’m supposed to wake up Changjo too.


Then, you make your way out from your room and went to your oppa’s room nextdoor. You were still half awake at that time. It’s your daily routine to wake up Changjo as you always wake up earlier than him. You opened his door and went to his bed. You saw he was still sleeping on his bed with his back towards you.

YOU   : *trying to wake him up* Changjo-oppa.. Changjo-oppa.. Wake up.. It’s already 6 AM. We might late for school if you’re not waking up now.

HC      : *open his eyes and turn his back* *rubs both of his eyes and see you with a shocked face* Where’s Changjo?

YOU   : *shocked face* Omo~ I’m the one who supposed to ask you that question. Where’s my oppa? And why are you the one that slept here?

HC      : *makes a blank face and wake up from the bed and walks to the bathroom*

YOU   : *shouts angrily* Yah! I’m asking you. Why are you ignoring me?


Changjo then came in into the room and heard you shouts at Himchan.

CJ       : ____-ah. Stop it! It’s only early in the morning and you’re already shouting at him. What’s wrong now?

YOU  : Oppa, where were you last night? Why you’re not sleeping in your room and let him sleep on your bed?

CJ       : Ani~ I sleep here too last night. It’s just I woke up too early and can’t fall asleep again. So I decided to go to the living room and watch movie. That’s why I’m not at the bed.


You then just walked away from Changjo’s room and go to your own room. You quickly went to take a bath and dress yourself up. After done with everything, you went to the kitchen to have your breakfast. Your parents already went to work just now. You ate cereal and drank a glass of milk for your breakfast. You were in the middle of eating when suddenly Changjo and Himchan were there too to have their breakfast.

CJ        : *walks towards you* *kiss your cheek* Good morning sweety~ What’s the menu for breakfast today?

YOU     : Just cereal and milk. Ppalli and eat your breakfast. Or else, we might be late for school today. *wake up from your seat* I’m done eating, oppa. I’ll wait for you guys outside. Don’t be late or I’ll walk alone then. *take your bag and walk away from the kitchen*


Changjo then having his breakfast with Himchan. After a while, they were done with their breakfast and ready to to the school. They went out from the house and you were not anywhere to be seen. Changjo then knew that you already gone to school alone.

HC         : Where’s your sister? She said that she will wait for us just now right?

CJ          : She already gone to school alone I think~ Well, let’s go to school then.


Both Changjo and Himchan started to walk to the school. During walking, they had some sort of conversations.

CJ          : *taps Himchan back* How’s your feeling now? Are you nervous for your first day at school?

HC         : To be honest, I do feel kinda a nervous right now. *laugh*

CJ          : Chill dude. Calm down. I’m sure that everything’s gonna be fine later. Don’t worry. I will introduce you to all my bestfriends later on.

HC         : Yeah. Thanks. I hope I will get along well with them. Err.. *awkward laugh*

CJ          : Wae? Just talk to me.

HC         : I just.. I just wanna ask something about your sister.

CJ          : What’s wrong?

HC         : Does she always act like that?

CJ          : Act like what?

HC         : Well, you know. Always raising up her voice and shouting. And get mad easily too. Is she always like that since young? Please don’t misunderstand me. I just wanna know. I can’t help it but feeling very uncomfortable around her as she seems like really hate me.

CJ           : Aaa~ Just ignored her. She normally didn’t act like that actually. It’s the first time for me too to see that side of her. But I don’t think she hate you. She just still having a hard time living with someone that she doesn’t know that well. Don’t worry too much about her. Just like what my father said yesterday, I’m sure she’s gonna be fine with this situation as time pass by.

HC          : *sighed* Arasso. I’ll try to be nice with her later on.

CJ           : *laugh* Take it easy dude! Don’t think too much about my sister or else you might ended up stressing yourself too much. Or perhaps, you already fall for her? *evil laugh*

HC          : Ani~ No, I’m not falling for her. And will never fall for any girl including her. Never.

CJ           : Whoa~ Are you saying that you’ll never fall for any girls? Like forever?

HC         : Yup! I hate girls! They’re annoying. And liar! I’ll never love again.

Changjo then take a look at Himchan and it seems like he’s trying hard to hold his tears from rolling down his cheeks. He then decided to just end the conversation as he afraid that Himchan will hurt more.

“I guess he might really loves someone and that girl dumped her just like that. Aigoo~ What a pity. I shouldn’t talk about love just now.It’s all because of me.” Changjo whispered in his heart.


After a while, both Changjo and Himchan already arrived at the school. Changjo accompanied Himchan to the principal room and then Changjo walked away to his class alone as the principal needs to talk to Himchan first before he can go to his new class.

Changjo didn’t went straight to his class but he went to your class first. When he arrived at your class, all the girls were looking at him without even blinking their eyes as Changjo is known as one of the hottest guy in school. Finally, he spotted you were at the back of the class and shout out your name.

CJ        : *shouts* _____-ah! Come here!

You were talking with Hani and the others when suddenly you heard someone was calling for you. You realised that it was your brother who was calling for you just now. You quickly stand up from your seat and went to him.

CJ        : *flick your forehead* Yah! Pabo! Why did you left home alone just now?

YOU    : Ouch! *rubs your forehead* *shouts* Yah! It’s hurt you know?

CJ        : That’s what you get because you left before me this morning.

YOU    : Changjo-oppa.. You do know how much I hate the blonde guy right? So, don’t expect me to wait for you and walk together with you and him. No, I won’t. I’d rather walking to school by myself than walking with him. Plus, I’m ashamed for what had happen this morning. That’s why I want to avoid from him.

CJ         : Haish! *want to knock your head* This pabo! Yah, ____-ah! Why did you hate him so much? He do nothing towards you. Why should you hate him then? Aigoo~ I really don’t understand my own sister.

YOU      : Molla~ I just happened to hate him. That’s why.

CJ           : *sighed* It’s up to you then~ Just don’t be too harsh on him. Ok?

YOU       : Hmm.. Arasso, oppa.

CJ           : *pats your hair* That’s my girl! ___-ah.. I have to go to class now. See you later ok?

YOU      : Nae, oppa. See you later too~

CJ          : Here. *showing his cheek to you*

YOU      : What??!

CJ          : As usual~ Ppalli. I’m already late now.

YOU      : Oppa, this is school. The other students might misunderstand and think of us badly. They might think that I’m dating my own older brother. Just go now~

CJ          : *sulk* Arasso if you don’t want then. Annyeong~ *walked away without wave at you like usual*

YOU      : *talk to yourself* Haishh.. Ottoke? This oppa really makes me crazy! *follow him and stop him*

CJ          : *look at you* Wae?

YOU      : *kiss his cheek* You’re just like a little kid, Changjo-oppa.

CJ          : *smile widely* Gomawo, ____-ah. *kiss your cheek too* Oppa have to go now then. Annyeong~ *wave at you happily*

YOU      : *wave back at him* Annyeong~

You walked into your class and take your own seat. A few minutes later, the teacher came into the class and the class started. ~

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Grats on the random feature !
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
totoro23 #5
Chapter 25: I cried so much! This was soo sad!!
But it was a very good story!!
Chapter 25: I cried so much authornim... iT flow like tap water... Seriously I could not take it anymore.. It's so sad and my tears still falling!!! AAAAHHHH!!! Best story ever!!!!!! I'm in love with it...
Chapter 3: aWEEE... Having a caring oppa rocks~~!!! LOLOL
Him_Chan #8
I LOVE IT ......