Himchan : I'm Really Sorry, Changjo.

Our Love

Himchan was still watching movie at the living room when Changjo arrived home. Changjo walked inside the house and went to the living room.

CJ  : Himchan-ah!

HC : What is it, Changjo-ah?

CJ  : Ani~ *laugh*

HC : So, how’s your date with Hani just now?

CJ  : Well, as usual, it’s great to spend my time with Hani. And how about you and my sister then? I bet you guys must went out together too just now right? And where is she right now?

HC : Ani~ We’re just walking home together like usual. She’s in her room right now. She said that she had a lot of works to do.

CJ  : Owh~ I see. Err.. Himchan-ah.. I want to ask you something. I hope you will be honest to me and tell me the truth. Don’t worry. Even if it’s true, I won’t be mad at you.

HC : You sound so serious, dude! What is it?

CJ  : I just want to ask you. Do you and ____ already have, you know, that thing, before this?

HC : Are you talking about that thing?

CJ  : Yes, I’m talking about that thing. So, you guys already done it right?

HC : Changjo-ah.. I’m really sorry. I knew you already asked us to no go overboard but it’s just happened like that without we even realised about it. I just can’t control myself.

CJ  : Ani~ It’s okay. I’m okay with it. I knew it. Actually, I say you guys at that time. But then, I went back to my own room and woke up early that morning and went out from home. I just pretended that I know nothing about it. Don’t worry. I’m not even mad at you. I understand. But, I want you to promise me something.

HC : Mwo? So, you already know about it? Omo~ How could you pretended that you know nothing about it? *laugh* Arasso. What is it?

CJ  : I just want you to promise me that you will take a good care of my sister and be with her for the rest of her life. Stay with her no matter how hard the life is, okay? Don’t ever hurt her. She’s my one and only sister and I love her so much. I believe that you can take a good care of her well. Promise me that okay?

HC : Nae, Changjo-ah. I promise you that I will take care of her and I’ll protect her forever. I will always be with her no matter what happen. I love her more than I love myself. Don’t worry. And thank you for believing in me.

CJ  : It’s good then~ I should go to the room now. Enjoy the movie~


Changjo then walked away from the living room and went to his own room and so his thing. Himchan was still watching the movie at the living room alone. Suddenly, his phone rang.

HC : Yeoboseyo~

YJ   : Yeoboseyo~ Is that Himchan-hyung?

HC : Nae, this is Himchan. Is it you, Yoo Youngjae?

YJ   : Nae, hyung. It’s me, Youngjae. What are you doing now?

HC : Nothing. I’m at home now and watching movie. How about you?

YJ   : I’m alone at the rooftop now.

HC : Where’s the other?

YJ  : Junhong and Daehyun went to the store just now to buy some foods and Jongup was dancing by himself as usual. Meanwhile, Yongguk-hyung, I don’t know what he’s doing right now. He was with me just now, but then he just walked away after we had some talk.

HC : Owh~ I see.

YJ   : Oh ya, Himchan-hyung! Yongguk-hyung told me that to ask you to go out with us tomorrow. Since it’s Saturday and we didn’t have to go to school, how about we’re hanging out together? Is it ok with you, hyung?

HC : Well, I think, I’m okay with it since I also got nothing to do tomorrow. Where and at what time we should meet?

YJ   : I’ll text you our address later on and you just come to our place tomorrow morning at 10AM. We’ll wait for you.

HC : Arasso~ Just text me your address later on and I’ll go to see you guys tomorrow.

YJ   : Himchan-hyung! Don’t forget to bring your girlfriend too. We would love to know her more. *laugh*

HC : Yah! Yoo Youngjae! *laugh* Arasso. I’ll try to talk to her later on about it. But, I can’t promised. I’m afraid that she might busy with her own works. I’ll bring her along if she got nothing to do tomorrow.

YJ   : Nae, Himchan-hyung. We’ll wait for you tomorrow. All of them were really excited to see you tomorrow. See you later!

HC : Nae. See you later too!

Then, Himchan disconnected the call and continued to watch the movie.

Half an hour later, the movie ended and Himchan decided to go to the room and take a bath. After he was done taking his bath, Himchan felt very hungry and he took a look at his watch. It’s already 7.45PM and it’s supposed to be dinner time.

HC : Changjo-ah.. I’m hungry now~ What should we eat for dinner?

CJ  : Me too. I’m hungry too, Himchan-ah. Hmm.. How about we go and eat outside tonight?

HC : Great idea! Wait here for a while. I’ll go and get ____ first. We should bring her along too.

CJ  : Nae. Ppalli ppalli. I wait for both of you here.

Himchan then quickly went to your room and knocked your door first before entering your room. He saw that you were still doing your homeworks at that time.

HC    : ___-ah~ Let’s go and have our dinner now.

YOU : *still doing her work* What do we have for dinner tonight?

HC    : We will go and eat outside. Come and join us!

YOU : Really? Sounds great! Wait for me. I need to change my clothes and get ready right now.

HC    : Nae. We’ll wait for you in the car. Ppalli okay? I’m already hungry right now.

YOU : *laugh* Nae, oppa. Don’t worry. I will not take too long time.

Himchan then nodded and went out from your room. You then started to change your clothes and put on a little make-up. You were satisfied with your own look and quickly went out from your room and went to the car. You saw that Himchan and Changjo were already waiting for you.

YOU : Mianhae~ Hehe.

CJ     : It’s okay. Haha. Let’s go now~


Changjo then started to drive to the restaurant. Fifteen minutes later, you guys already arrived at the restaurant. You guys went out from the car and went into the restaurant. Changjo spotted an empty table and you guys went and took your seat there. The waiter then took your order and left.

CJ     : Waa~ I can’t wait. I’m so hungry right now.

YOU : *hits his head* Yah! Oppa! Please be patient. Our food will come soon. Haish~

CJ     : *mehrong*

HC   : *laugh*

YOU : Himchan-oppa.. Why are you laughing just now?

HC    : Ani~ It’s nothing. Hehe..

YOU : Alright then.

HC    : ___-ah.. Do you have something to do tomorrow?

YOU : Tomorrow? Hmm.. I don’t think I have any plans for tomorrow. Wae, oppa?

HC    : Remember that I told you that I met my old friend this evening? He called me just now and asked me to go out with him and the others tomorrow. So, I’m thinking to bring you along with me and introduce you to them. Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?

YOU : Hmm.. Sounds fun! I’ll go with you tomorrow. At what time and where should we go and see them?

HC    : We will go to their place. He already texted me the address just now and we’ll meet them at 10AM. Is it okay with you? If it’s too early for you, I will told them that we’re gonna come a little bit late.

YOU : Ani~ It’s okay. We’ll go together tomorrow okay?

HC    : Nae. Gomawo, ___-ah.

YOU : Nae. No problem.

CJ     : *cough cough* Am I invisible here?

YOU : Yes. We can’t see you, Changjo-oppa. *laugh*

CJ     : *pouts* Whatever! Huh!

YOU : Oppa.. Are you sulking right now? Aigoo~ You acted just like a little kid. Haha. Or should I call Hani and ask her to come here too then so that you wouldn’t feel lonely?

CJ     : It’s okay. Haha. Just do your thing with Himchan there. I’ll not disturb you guys. Just act like I’m not here.

You and Himchan then just laughed at Changjo’s word. Finally, all of your food arrived at the table. You guys started to eat after that and finished all of the food. You guys felt really full at that time. After Changjo done paying for the food’s bill, you guys then went into the car and Changjo drove back home.~

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Grats on the random feature !
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
totoro23 #5
Chapter 25: I cried so much! This was soo sad!!
But it was a very good story!!
Chapter 25: I cried so much authornim... iT flow like tap water... Seriously I could not take it anymore.. It's so sad and my tears still falling!!! AAAAHHHH!!! Best story ever!!!!!! I'm in love with it...
Chapter 3: aWEEE... Having a caring oppa rocks~~!!! LOLOL
Him_Chan #8
I LOVE IT ......