That Night~

Our Love

Both you and Himchan were already done with dinner. You want to help Himchan to clear up everything after the dinner but he won’t let you do anything. He asked you to just go and wait for him at the living room. You give in and walked away to the living room. After done cleaning up everything at the kitchen, Himchan walked to the living room and sat right next beside you.

HC      : How’s the food just now? Is it ok?

YOU   : Hmm.. I think I’ll give 5 starts for your spaghetti just now. Omo~ You know what? I’m really surprised just now. I never thought that you actually can cook that well. It’s so much better than me.

HC      : *laugh* Jinjja? Well, this is Kim Himchan. A man that can do anything perfectly. Am I right?

YOU   : Whatever, Himchan-oppa. You’re just so full of yourself.

HC      : That’s the fact. You can’t denied it. I’m perfect.

YOU   : Whatever. *laugh*

HC      : How’s your knee right now? Is it still hurt?

YOU   : Ani~ It’s not that hurt anymore. I felt much more better right now and that’s all thanks to you, oppa.

HC      : It’s good then. I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling much more better. You want to eat some snacks? I’ll get it for you.

YOU    : Ani~ It’s okay. I’m still full right now and I doesn’t felt like to eat anything more. Hehe. I wonder where’s Changjo-oppa is? Did he told something to you either he’s going back home or not tonight?

HC       : No, he didn’t told me anything. If I’m not mistaken, he was going out with Hani right? I think he will going home a little bit late tonight.

YOU    : I think so. I really didn’t know that he dated Hani if he didn’t told me about it today. That oppa.. Really..Haish.. *laugh*

HC       : *laugh* Actually, I already knew about their relationship since the beginning but Changjo asked me to keep it as a secret first. So, I didn’t told you about it.

YOU    : Mwo? So, you do know about this earlier than me? And I’m the only one who doesn’t knew about this? Waa~ It’s not fair~ *pouts*

HC       : Mianhae, ____-ah. I already promised your brother that I won’t told you about it. I’m really sorry.

YOU    : I don’t want to talk to you anymore. *sulk*

HC       : Are you sulking right now? Aaaa~ Hajima~ *doing aegyo* Stop sulking, ____-ah~ Bbuing bbuing~

YOU    : *try your best to contain your laughter*


Suddenly, Himchan tickle you. You then can’t stand it and burst into laughter.

YOU    : *laugh* Himchan-oppa.. Stop it.. I beg you.. *laugh*

HC       : I’m not going to stop unless you promise me that you won’t be sulking again after this.

YOU    : Arasso arasso. I’m not going to sulk again okay? I promise. *laugh* And now, stop tickling me. *laugh*

Himchan then stop tickling you and stare at you. Suddenly, he carried you in bride style and walked to your room. You were surprised with Himchan’s action but you just let him be. You felt very nervous right now as you didn’t know what will he do after this. He walked inside your room and place you on the bed. You were just laying there and wait for his action.

His face slowly approached your face and he kissed your lips gently. You kissed him back passionately too. You guys were falling deep in your own feelings. And with that, both of you and Himchan spent a passionate and lovely night together. The night that you will never forget.~



After sending Hani home, I quickly drove myself home since it’s already midnight now. I felt really tired after spending all night long with Hani. Half an hour later, I finally reached home. I park my car first then went inside the house. I heard the sound of television while I walk in and I assumed that Himchan or ___ wasn’t asleep yet. I went to the living room but then I noticed that no one was there. I felt a little bit weird. I thought that both of them might forget to turn off the television first before heading to bed.

I turned off the television and went to the kitchen to drink water because I felt a little thirsty right now. After that, I walked to my room and I thought Himchan might already asleep in the room. So, I opened the door slowly so that I won’t make any noise and walked inside the room. I realised that the room was very dark and the fan was not even switched on. Did Himchan slept without switching on the fan first? I really felt really weird now. I turn on the fan and the light and I was surprised to see that Himchan was not there. Haish~ This is weird. Where could have he been then?

Wait! Did Himchan slept with.. No. He won’t. I’m sure both of them didn’t do that. What the hell am I thinking about now? No. They won’t do it. But, what if they really do it? Haish~ I should go and checked ___’s room right now. I walked out from my room and walked to ___’s room. At first, I placed my ear at the door to heard if there was any sound. I’m sure that there’s no sound and I slowly opened the door. Only the bed lamp was being opened and the room look a bit dark. And I was really surprised to discover that Himchan and ____ were sleeping together half ! Oh God! What have they done? I quickly walked out from the room and went to my own room. I was really surprised with what did I just saw. I never thought that they will do that. Not this early. Finally, I decided to just pretend that I don’t even knew about this and just go to sleep for now since I’m really tired.~

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Grats on the random feature !
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
totoro23 #5
Chapter 25: I cried so much! This was soo sad!!
But it was a very good story!!
Chapter 25: I cried so much authornim... iT flow like tap water... Seriously I could not take it anymore.. It's so sad and my tears still falling!!! AAAAHHHH!!! Best story ever!!!!!! I'm in love with it...
Chapter 3: aWEEE... Having a caring oppa rocks~~!!! LOLOL
Him_Chan #8
I LOVE IT ......