Chapter Four

Design My Heart



An hour or so later, Lee DongHae and his cabin crew members were clearing the passengers’ seats after all of them left. He could still remember the look that one of the passengers gave him. While he was explaining the plane’s safety rules, their eyes met and he suddenly looked away. It was rather astonishing for him for he felt those same brown orbs were staring wherever he went. It wasn't uncomfortable, in fact, he felt somewhat protected by the man’s gaze although it did bring back old memories.


When he served the man, he mentioned something about strawberry milk. Yes, he remembered that pre-order well, since he was the one who personally got it, almost delaying the flight. The order was rather peculiar, he thought it was for a child, instead it was for a grown man, and a cute one he was. Stop it, DongHae, he thought. The pre-order was made from a certain ‘Lee HyukJae’ and he thought he heard the name from somewhere.


His train of thoughts was interrupted by SeoHyun; a maknae crew member who came to report that everything was done. A sharp nod and a friendly thank you, DongHae walked off with the stewardess tailing him. The group of head steward and his cabin crew of stewardesses were already planning on where they should all head off to later after arriving at their company’s apartment. DongHae was lost in his own thoughts again, to a certain blonde.


He thought he was daydreaming when he saw the devil he was thinking of just a few seconds ago. DongHae might have mistaken when he thought that the man known as Lee HyukJae was looking at him and gave him another gummy smile that he grew to like since he first saw during their flight.


His thoughts were bothered once again when he heard a cabin crew member said, “hey, that blonde guy, isn't he HyukJae, ‘Angel’ clothing line designer?”


DongHae perked up at the mention of the man’s name and finally something snapped in his brain. Of course, he’s the mogul Korean designer who made it on the top among other international designers. Now he remembered where he heard the name before. No wonder he seemed so familiar. DongHae replied the smile and looked away as he felt his face flushed from embarrassment. A few seconds later, he saw another man charged towards Lee HyukJae.


And he jumped into Lee HyukJae’s arms. What the hell?! That really made DongHae’s smile vanish and he kept looking at them. Learning for years on body language and reading from Lee HyukJae’s reaction, DongHae sighed from relief as he saw the man tried to pry himself off the other girly-looking man.


“Ahhh, and that’s Kim ‘Diva’ HeeChul,” came from one and another continued, “the ‘Devil Diva’ shoes designer!”


Phew, luckily it’s not his lover, DongHae thought and he mentally slapped himself. Get a grip of yourself DongHae. Guys like him will never notice you, you idiot. He averted his gaze from the two famous designers and slowly immersed himself back into the cabin crew members’ conversation. This was his line of work; this was the risk he disliked. He met thousands of people during work, and never had he felt something like this.


Later, he met up with his friends, SungMin who was being bullied by KyuHyun to juggle 4 books on his head. He shook his head. KyuHyun would never change.


“Please, stop it, Captain. The books would fall anytime!” SungMin pleaded.


“No,” KyuHyun smirked, “not even a minute passed, and you’re already giving up? I thought you promised?”


“That’s different, Captain,” SungMin pouted and DongHae came to the bunny’s rescue.


He took the books off SungMin’s head and threw them at KyuHyun. “Stop bullying him, Kyu. He’s too nice and you’re…you,” DongHae said and he earned a glare from KyuHyun.


“I’ll do as I please, Mr. Fishy,” he stuck his tongue out at DongHae.


He ignored the childish pilot and got to the counter to take some papers for his flight report.


“Ahhh, my schedule is just great. It’s more relaxed this time around, how about yours, Minnie?” DongHae asked.


As he sat down between KyuHyun and SungMin, he replied, “well, since I just started and assigned under the Great Kyu, I’ll have more flights than usual.”


KyuHyun smirked while busying himself with ‘StarCraft’. The boy, definitely, would never change.


“Speaking of which, can I have your flight schedule, Hae?” KyuHyun asked.


Well, he is the Captain, and he has the authority to demand it.


“Sure, you’re the boss anyway,” DongHae shrugged and didn't ask any further.




Hey there, everybody! Here it is, here it is. The fourth chapter of 'Design My Heart'. I hope you guys like the update. Let's say hi to this story's new subscribers --> pinkapple04, KYUYEON, HaeFishie, the friend I mentioned in my 'Foreword'; jongnight, really appreciate the upvote too, Fanaeh and eunhae21. Thank you for subscribing to my story everyone. Appreciate it a lot. Please enjoy reading. 

And thanks for the comments. They make me extremely happy. Do not forget to tell me if there's anything wrong. I'd like to try my best to please my dear readers. And, from the other FFs I read, I found out that there are silent readers lurking about. Been there, done that. So don't worry about being one. 

Alright, that's all from me. I'm getting hypered up and soon, very soon, I'm going to have all two weeks to write, so I'm gonna do it every single day! The story might even finish soon if I'm actually going at that kind of rate. LOL. We'll see. I kept thinking that I might be on hiatus, but that kind of thing never happened and will never happen. I might be away though, like 3 - 4 days. CALCULUS PAPER TOMORROW! Yes, exams on weekends, 'great' right? Okay, enough crapping from me. See you soon!

Yours 'till the water lilies,

El :)

p.s I miss you, F (revamped: I hate you, F, always and forever)

p.s.s Thank you jongnight. Go check her stories, people. She's good, I'm telling you. And currently PM-ed her while proofreading this. LOL XD

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DMH. Epilogue on the way y'all!


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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 40: Reread! Loved it again 💙
Chapter 40: Ooh lala hot honeymoon i presume!!!!! Will you come back to write one?? :')
Chapter 22: Hm...lets see what happens in moscow
Chapter 11: Funfact 2: cabin crew is not fixed and while same people may end up flying together several times, it is never fixed. They are always being shuffled around. The leader is picked based on experience and age mostly :)
Chapter 5: Why cliffy u meanieee TT
Chapter 4: Funfact from a flight attendant: they only know their current schedule and have no idea where they are about to fly except for maybe 3-4 hrs before flight time :)
Btw i'm not an attendant. I got to know from a friend.
However i love fanfics and everything is fair in love. And war.
LeeLenaMx #7
Chapter 40: Your story is so sweet, fluffy, romantic even hot. You really did an amazing work.
I loved how Hyuk worked to be close to Hae but I hated when he was just a stalker hiding from Hae... I was so happy when Hae found him in Greece!
Everything is so well written and described, no additional drama needed to have a nice story close to one in real life.
Thank you for sharing this, I know several years have passed since you wrote this, but I’m new at SuJu and Fanfics, so I am happy I found your story and was able to read it after all these years.
And finally, I loved all your little comments at the end of each chapter! I hope you succeeded becoming and engineer. I know it isn’t easy with all the mathematics and physics, but is worth it.
Yours ‘till the strawberry milk
Chapter 40: Thank you author-nim for this amazing story. :-)
Ice_siri #9
Chapter 40: Very very good is written soooo beautifully....I am adding this to my list of fav thank you & great job...lastly, please write more hyukhae...♡♥♡♥
HanBaram #10
Chapter 40: Oh god. This is simply beautifull