Chapter Thirty Three

Design My Heart



“Hello, Hae-ah?”


HyukJae answered DongHae’s phone that was blaring a few seconds ago at the kitchen countertop as he turned the coffee machine on and let it brew some aromatic coffee.


“Eh, no, it’s HyukJae here. Sorry, DongHae left his phone downstairs and I’m guessing he’s still asleep,” HyukJae replied.


“You guess? Wait a minute, if you have his phone downstairs, and Hae’s place is an apartment, does that means he’s over at your place?!”


HyukJae chuckled over Kyuhyun’s reply, “well, no , Sherlock. Yeah, he’s over at my place.”


“Oh, well, SungMin and I were going to ask how things were since the last time we saw Hae was in Ashgabat, but it seems like all is fine,” the younger replied.


“What do you mean 'Ashgabat'? I thought he was supposed to be in Moscow?” HyukJae asked as he took out a few cups and opened the refrigerator to see if he could prepare anything.


“He didn’t tell you? Well, he was so worried about something that he was out of focus during the Moscow flight. So, I sent him home when we transited in Ashgabat,” KyuHyun explained and HyukJae stopped his actions.


He felt so touched that if DongHae was with him at that time, he would hug the fellow until he’s out of breath.


“Oh, I wasn’t aware of that,” was all HyukJae uttered until the person on the other line changed, and it was SungMin talking.


“Hyuk-ah, hey cousin! You doing well? How’s DongHae doing?” His cousin asked as HyukJae answered with a smile.


“Hi, cousin! It’s been a while. I’m good, thanks. Just got a little ‘Green-Bottle Situation’ but all is well. DongHae is…I’m not really sure. I didn’t check up on him yet, he’s asleep, I’m guessing, with HeeChul hyung.”


“Oh my God, a sleepover?! I haven’t been to one for a long time! We should all do that sometime. Anyway, please tell DongHae that I already filed his dismissal for a few days and that his next schedule is set for Japan,” the older boy said, “oh, and, we kindda promised for a double date in Japan. I’m not sure if DongHae told you yet or not.”


“No, no, that was when you guys departed for Moscow, so yeah…” HyukJae mentioned, for that was when he saw SiWon.


“Ahhh,” he said it like he understood all too well, “yes, yes. So, double date in Japan, okay? Look forward to see you! Send my love to Hae. Bye!”


HyukJae hummed and turned around when his name was called.


“Hyuk-ah,” called a still half-asleep DongHae as he joined the male in the kitchen.


Phone still in hand, he grabbed the boy close to him and hugged the sleepy figure.


“Umff, hey, what’s wrong?” HyukJae just rocked them together until DongHae relaxed.


“Hae baby, thank you. Thank you so much for making me feel so important. There’s nothing more I could ask for from you,” HyukJae said and DongHae gave him soft pats on his back.


“All is well, Hyuk, all is well,” he said in a similar soft tone.


And again their moment was interrupted with a cheerful HeeChul on the back of a Chinese model, singing Hans Zimmer’s rendition in the all famous ‘The Lion King’.


Mornings were exchanged and the cooking duties were assigned to HyukJae and HanGeng. After they cleared the table, HeeChul and HanGeng left for HanGeng’s photoshoot and left HyukJae alone with DongHae. HyukJae then told him about the call a while ago and DongHae blushed at the mention of their double date. HyukJae then sent DongHae over to HeeChul’s place since his car was left there when he rushed back to find the drunk HyukJae. Their flight to Japan were scheduled for the next day and HyukJae wanted DongHae to get as much rest as possible since he spent last night rooming with HeeChul. Who knew what the elder made him do?! So, with a very much reluctant DongHae who was ordered to rest and a concerned HyukJae who was ordering the rest, they parted after a session of heated make out session in HyukJae’s Bugatti.



A very stylish fashion designer walked the halls of the Incheon International Airport, holding a cute steward by his waist and his other hand on a small brown luggage with his normal bag pack slung behind him.


“Hyukkie, they’re all staring at us,” the steward whispered.


HyukJae smirked, “let them be, let them all look at me with the cutest boyfriend ever in tow.”


A fist came to his side and HyukJae only managed to laugh at his lover’s cuteness. They had brunch with HeeChul earlier on to let him know of their overnight trip to Japan.


They both blushed visibly when the elder left them with an embarrassing advice of, “play safe and whoever tops, lube up well!”


All the other people around them shot them nasty looks at which HyukJae stepped up to apologize and left the little deli in a flash.


The lovers separated when HyukJae headed for the check-in while DongHae left for his duty. Bored being on his own, HyukJae updated his Twitter. With a picture of him and DongHae earlier on, he uploaded it with a caption of ‘Flying to paradise ㅋㅋㅋ >.<’.  He was really surprised and thankful at the same time that his followers are supportive of him and DongHae. Well, you know how some people just can’t accept that they are together. HyukJae’s recent tweet was even retweeted, mentioned and replied by a few followers. Being the kind guy that he was, HyukJae replied to their tweets, smiled and even laughed at their creative replies. He didn’t know how much time flew when the announcement of the gates opening shook him and tore his attention away from the screen of his phone.


He was even more surprised when he saw the familiar swing of a body came around the gate as the person stopped and positioned himself on one side, while his crew member on the other side. Upon seeing the other passengers lining up, HyukJae lifted himself off the comfort of the stiff chair and grabbed his bag pack, ready to enter the gate. Ticket in hand, he joined the line to board the plane and finally, his turn came. He was greeted by a sweet smelling steward – maybe it was just his imagination since they cuddled up for quite a while a day ago – with a sly smile at first then bowed respectfully at him. Their fingers brushed as hands exchanged a ticket yet HyukJae’s blazing glare stayed at the cute steward who shoved him lightly pass the gate, palm firmly set on the small of his back.


Damn, that hand!


That gesture might have eased the small traffic going on the boarding line, but to HyukJae it was a challenge. The two hours and twenty minutes flight was uneventful, unless you count the secret kisses shared by HyukJae and DongHae at times when the steward was serving the fashion designer, or when HyukJae went to the toilet one too many times, or even when the male was the last passenger to get off the plane when their flight reached Narita.


SungMin stepped in and screeched, pushing the two away from each other, “ugh, too much PDA, Hyuk. Please, get a hold of yourself.”


And the girls ended up laughing at them. HyukJae had already arranged for a car for them to drive off to their destination. DongHae separated a little while from HyukJae to follow his cabin crew members and after they were all refreshed, SungMin took the task of calling HyukJae to come over and fetch them for their little outing. Without wasting any moment, HyukJae stepped on the pedal and drove over to their place.


When they arrived at Tokyo Disneyland, KyuHyun nagged and said that he didn’t want to do anything much since they have a flight scheduled for the next morning. Playing around would use up too much energy and a cranky KyuHyun means a bad, bad flight and a bad night for SungMin, as he was informed. They entered the place and DongHae and SungMin were very happy that DongHae started spazzing while repeating Nemo! over and over again. They passed the ‘World Bazaar’ and went for ‘Westernland’ right away as per SungMin’s request. The four of them took a ride at ‘Mark Twain Riverboat’. HyukJae learned that Tokyo Disneyland’s Mark Twain riverboat is so large that it required by law to be registered. The riverboat is majestic and beautiful; it was like a floating palace. As the captain and first mate talked about their great stories, the four of them enjoyed the view provided that afternoon. Lively country music wafted through the speakers of the riverboat that even gave DongHae light springs in his steps.


 HyukJae then took in DongHae’s excited form when he wanted to ride the thrilling fast mine train on the ‘Big Thunder Mountain’ and HyukJae just complied in which received a cough from KyuHyun that sounded more like a ‘whipped’ instead of a mere cough. During the train ride, that was the first time HyukJae heard of DongHae’s cry of fear and excitement. Behind them, SungMin was also accompanying DongHae in their chorus of a screaming spree. HyukJae had quite a laugh but when the train shot straight up the side of the mountain, even he screamed. When the four finally got off, KyuHyun was slightly greenish and SungMin was calmly patting soft circles on his back. Looking at DongHae, HyukJae never thought that messed-up train-ride hair could look y. His hands glided through the soft messed up locks and straightened them down. He saw the slight blush forming and stole a kiss on the younger’s nose.


DongHae was practically glowing and sparkling when they entered ‘Fantasyland’. KyuHyun and SungMin stopped halfway through when they entered ‘Cinderella’s Fairy Tale Hall’. Taking his camera out, HyukJae took shots of DongHae in all his childish glory.


No, not the other kind of glory, you ys!


Passing through the lobby by the corridors into the Grand Hall, DongHae seemed to be in his own fantasy as HyukJae kept taking his pictures. When DongHae looked at the paintings and called for HyukJae to come over, he took small steps as his eyes were still glued onto the camera. He didn’t see the pout forming on his lover’s mouth and the boy decided to grab the camera from HyukJae. Surprised, but he wasn’t angry when he was met by DongHae’s lasting pout.


“What?” HyukJae’s inquiring smile adorned his lips.


“This thing is not your boyfriend,” the other glared as he stepped closer towards HyukJae.


“DongHae…” HyukJae whispered when he saw DongHae’s advance.


“Lee HyukJae-ah, I love you,” his sweet voice echoed against HyukJae’s lips.


With the camera angled towards them, HyukJae heard the snap of their moment right there when DongHae kissed him full on the lips. 




Honestly, I failed the double date. Their moment ends here. I mean their double date moment, that is. Not the HyukHae moments. Oh hoho no hoho, there are loads more to come from here. So, what do you think of their small date? Nothing much happened, I think. Hope you enjoyed reading. Plus, ahhh, I don't know why but I decided to start on a new fic and advertising it here. I'm drafting a new fic. It's called You Don't Bite?! And it's HunHan main. Daywalker Sehun with unknown genetic Luhan. I haven't said much in the story, but I just gave you gais a spoiler here! LOL XD

Welcome new subbies HeavenlyB2ST, deaelv, Chounga, myheartbeat, JaseyRae15, Diamondspark1809, yummyinmytummy, readyna, heenhaoo, NoUsernameLikeThis, MissUda, KitelShipsKyuMin, Lichoiyin, arazzhae. And darlings upvoters wendysiow90, HeavenlyB2ST, Chounga, Diamondspark1809 and MissUda. I love all of you new and old subbies. Plus nice and kind people who are willing to upvote my petty fics.

I have nothing much to say. I have to go to bed now cause tomorrow is like my driving feasibility test. I'm nervous as hell! Like driving on the road, the bloody slope which I'm so afraid the car would go on reverse, the reverse parking part which I'm afraid I would drop the steel polls and the 3-corner which only includes 2 brakes max. I is scared! Me thinks me sleep nao, bbeess. Okay babai, gais. 

Yours 'til the reverse parkings,

El T^T






I have this tendency to call guys - 'girls' and girls - 'guys'. 

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DMH. Epilogue on the way y'all!


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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 40: Reread! Loved it again 💙
Chapter 40: Ooh lala hot honeymoon i presume!!!!! Will you come back to write one?? :')
Chapter 22: Hm...lets see what happens in moscow
Chapter 11: Funfact 2: cabin crew is not fixed and while same people may end up flying together several times, it is never fixed. They are always being shuffled around. The leader is picked based on experience and age mostly :)
Chapter 5: Why cliffy u meanieee TT
Chapter 4: Funfact from a flight attendant: they only know their current schedule and have no idea where they are about to fly except for maybe 3-4 hrs before flight time :)
Btw i'm not an attendant. I got to know from a friend.
However i love fanfics and everything is fair in love. And war.
LeeLenaMx #7
Chapter 40: Your story is so sweet, fluffy, romantic even hot. You really did an amazing work.
I loved how Hyuk worked to be close to Hae but I hated when he was just a stalker hiding from Hae... I was so happy when Hae found him in Greece!
Everything is so well written and described, no additional drama needed to have a nice story close to one in real life.
Thank you for sharing this, I know several years have passed since you wrote this, but I’m new at SuJu and Fanfics, so I am happy I found your story and was able to read it after all these years.
And finally, I loved all your little comments at the end of each chapter! I hope you succeeded becoming and engineer. I know it isn’t easy with all the mathematics and physics, but is worth it.
Yours ‘till the strawberry milk
Chapter 40: Thank you author-nim for this amazing story. :-)
Ice_siri #9
Chapter 40: Very very good is written soooo beautifully....I am adding this to my list of fav thank you & great job...lastly, please write more hyukhae...♡♥♡♥
HanBaram #10
Chapter 40: Oh god. This is simply beautifull