Chapter Twenty Nine

Design My Heart



Turns out Cho KyuHyun already booked a flight ticket for DongHae as soon as they landed and he was already pulling his luggage among the crowd of colourful foreigners. A few of the girls got down together with KyuHyun and SungMin to wish DongHae a good luck and safe journey as he ran towards the boarding gates for his flight. DongHae noticed how funny the situation was when another flight attendance looked at him with curiosity and was serving another flight attendance. He chuckled at the situation. He just hopes that he gets home in time for HyukJae before he does anything stupid.


Unfortunately for him, DongHae was unable to surprise HyukJae since, first; he doesn’t know HyukJae’s home address, second; he can’t even reach HyukJae at the moment. Headed for home in a taxi, he tried calling the first person that HyukJae would go to: HeeChul. It was already dark and late; probably a few minutes after midnight, and he really didn’t want to bother anyone. But HyukJae is a priority and HeeChul would understand that more than anyone.


“Hola! Diva aquí,” the person on the other end answered the phone on the 3rd ring.


DongHae wondered how many languages does HeeChul actually knows.


“Hello, HeeChul hyung. DongHae here – ” And before the younger could say anything, the other male cut him off.


“Oh my God, Lee DongHae, where are you?! Come back to Seoul! HyukJae is not in a really good state and he went through an accident – I…” and this time around, it was DongHae who cut the elder off.


“Hyung, are you serious?! Was it bad?! Where is Hyukkie?! I need to see him, please? Tell me where can I find him?! I’m back, I’m back in Korea and I’m on my way home. I wanted to surprise him but I can’t, I can’t…” DongHae seemed to have lost his words and the elder tried to calm him down.


“Relax, Hae. He’s fine. He’s over at mine. I’m outside, with Geng. I think Hyuk’s sound asleep in my bed. Go home, calm your nerves, clean yourself – I’m sure you need it, you’ve been travelling for hours – then I’ll text you my address and you could go and see him.”


DongHae nodded, fully aware that HeeChul can’t see his actions, but still he continued nodding and whispered a thank-you before he let the other male end the call and DongHae finally relaxed back into the stiff cushion of the taxi. He was thankful that the driver decided to keep his mouth to himself cause as friendly as he can be, DongHae really didn’t need talking to anyone at the moment. He was thinking of a way to explain to HyukJae about their misunderstanding, and probably tell the person he loves about his past relationship just to clear things up.


Heck, he’ll even tell HyukJae his life chronology if that’s what it takes for him to accept DongHae. Unconsciously, he tapped his fingers against his mobile phone to wait for the elder’s text. Thanking the old man and letting him keep the change to his ride fee, DongHae dashed off from the taxi to his home when he finally received the text from HeeChul. Changing his outfit without a care whether he would be in a room full of fashion moguls or if he was presentable enough, DongHae rushed to his parked electronic blue Rio and accelerated off into the night.


To say he was surprised to see HeeChul’s mansion was an understatement. He was speechless to see such a place that he stood there for about 5 minutes just trying to figure out which way he should go in. He drove around the corner slowly and there was another car behind his. Slowing down to a stop, the car took over him and stopped right beside his car. He noticed that it was an expensive car and as soon as he saw the driver behind the rolled down tinted window, DongHae did the same thing.


"Come along, Hae,” HeeChul shouted over the purring of his Audi R8 and DongHae nodded as he followed the black car into the mansion.


DongHae got out of his car after he parked it along the driveway of HeeChul’s mansion. If he had the time to think things through, it would take DongHae another 15 to 20 minutes just to marvel at the beauty of the place, but he figured that there would be ample time for him to do just that in the future. There are other matters at hand to take care of. A shout for his name echoed in the air and he saw HeeChul’s slim figure at the very grandiose entrance.


DongHae opted for a bow when he was welcomed with a brotherly hug instead. No words were exchanged between the two of them and DongHae just decided to let it stay that way. He just really wanted to see HyukJae at that moment. Following the elder into the place, he still had the opportunity to look around and gape at the design. Seeing HeeChul, DongHae expected to see exotic ornaments hanging around and a more chic place, but he was introduced to a different side of the elder when his house was filled with a lot of traditional paintings and figurines, some of which might even cost more than his apartment and car itself.


They ascended a set of stairs as he was led deeper into the place and doors were presented to him. They went to the far end of the east wing and he was welcomed with the sweet scent of roses which DongHae can’t help but smile at.


“He’s not here,” was the first thing HeeChul said and he repeated it, more urgently this time, “he’s not here, Hae. HyukJae’s not here anymore. Plus, in the underground parking, one of my cars is gone. He’s not here, DongHae.”


That was when it struck DongHae that the person he wanted to see the most was gone.  



A failed attempt at updating. This chapter...I have nothing to say for this chapter. I didn't even check it. Forgive me gais T_T But really, thank you for your kind, funny and cute comments. I always love reading them ^^

Thanks for subbing AmySuju and thank you as well blossomgalz for upvoting :)

And with that, I'm out ~

Yours 'till the mint chocolate chips milkshakes,

El :)


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DMH. Epilogue on the way y'all!


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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 40: Reread! Loved it again 💙
Chapter 40: Ooh lala hot honeymoon i presume!!!!! Will you come back to write one?? :')
Chapter 22: Hm...lets see what happens in moscow
Chapter 11: Funfact 2: cabin crew is not fixed and while same people may end up flying together several times, it is never fixed. They are always being shuffled around. The leader is picked based on experience and age mostly :)
Chapter 5: Why cliffy u meanieee TT
Chapter 4: Funfact from a flight attendant: they only know their current schedule and have no idea where they are about to fly except for maybe 3-4 hrs before flight time :)
Btw i'm not an attendant. I got to know from a friend.
However i love fanfics and everything is fair in love. And war.
LeeLenaMx #7
Chapter 40: Your story is so sweet, fluffy, romantic even hot. You really did an amazing work.
I loved how Hyuk worked to be close to Hae but I hated when he was just a stalker hiding from Hae... I was so happy when Hae found him in Greece!
Everything is so well written and described, no additional drama needed to have a nice story close to one in real life.
Thank you for sharing this, I know several years have passed since you wrote this, but I’m new at SuJu and Fanfics, so I am happy I found your story and was able to read it after all these years.
And finally, I loved all your little comments at the end of each chapter! I hope you succeeded becoming and engineer. I know it isn’t easy with all the mathematics and physics, but is worth it.
Yours ‘till the strawberry milk
Chapter 40: Thank you author-nim for this amazing story. :-)
Ice_siri #9
Chapter 40: Very very good is written soooo beautifully....I am adding this to my list of fav thank you & great job...lastly, please write more hyukhae...♡♥♡♥
HanBaram #10
Chapter 40: Oh god. This is simply beautifull