The Strange Happening on the Island


The hot sand slipped through your toes as you walked on the beach the next Monday afternoon. Your graffiti-designed surf board was under your arm pit, warm and a bit heavy.

The noisy people all around you wore colourful swimsuits, perfectly matching the line of palm trees and flowers that grew in the tropical forest. You could see the forest behind the beach. You were the only odd one out- a body suit for a surfer. It would be cold closer to the evening and so you thought it would be just fine.

Somewhere in the distance you could hear hilarious laughter and shouts. You shook your head.

You can hear him anywhere you go.

The huge waves crashed on top of each other and then reached the beach, embracing it and slowly slipping away. You waited till they were far away, and lied down on your stomach, board under you, pushing yourself farther into the sea with strong of your hands.

You learned to surf when you were 17. The extreme and craziness of the sport excited you and so you decided to learn. That’s when you met your  boyfriend, Adrian. It was so long ago (4 years now) that you were completely uninterested in Adrian and you didn’t even call him at all. He did it, and it was more annoying than Dong Woo’s laughter, which despite the distance between you at the moment could still be heard across the water.

Adrian was a bore and you were waiting for a nice situation to come up so you could break up with him, walking away beautifully. Only a reason was needed. But whatever, screw him, you weren’t going to spoil your mood right now.

/Dong Woo laughter/

You grinned, not noticing it yourself.

The best part about surfing was the tube. As the largest waves curl up and the sun reaches inside, it is possible to find yourself there. But it was dangerous and only pro’s could do it.

 You were ready and thought that even if you fail it would be okay. You should try it at least once in your lifetime, so after surfing a while on some couple of waves, you finally saw the big one coming. It was a bit embarrassing as you felt the looks of the many people present on the beach. Glancing to your right, you saw the little figures of Sung Yeol and Myung Soo jumping and clapping for you.

The light rays touched two more heads, standing next to them. Woohyun’s and Sung Jeong’s hair was shone reddish. You couldn’t see Dong Woo. That view was spoiled as Adrian appeared behind them, watching you too.

The inner surface of the tube was magnificent. The emerald layer of water could be seen under the thin sheet of aquamarine. On top of the gem-like water ripples, were scattered lots of white pearls- reflections of light. The exit of the tube looked like orange gold because of the afternoon light.

Suddenly your observation and what you saw became wrong. The colours became darker and a golden line appeared only for a moment and was pulled away. It took you a long time to realize that you were underwater. Your board was ripped from you by pressure, which was also present in your lungs. The evil, curling up wave pushed you around and you up.

Even though you were used to the stinging salt, it was horrible at that moment. There were a couple of seconds when you thought about what would happen when this wave would crash into the hard soil. You closed your eyes, wanting to scream.

But the moment never came. You felt a human tug on your arm, pulling you towards him against the speed and strength of the wave. The hands were strong and you felt yourself being pushed by them upwards towards the air. You took the chance and breathed in sharply. However, the wave was still rolling.

 Your savior closed your nose and mouth. Both of you were submerged once again. The person hugged you.  As the wave crashed, you could feel the violent jolt which was conducted to you through his body. He took in the impact of the hit.

After a moment of struggling you felt yourself being pulled up on the person’s back. His left arm was bleeding but he was still able to hold your legs. You found the strength to ring your arms around his neck, to hold on. You tried to avoid his red, skinless shoulder. It looked like a muscle was ripped. You could see the bare muscles tense.  You spat out water. He turned his head and you recognized Dong Woo.


Pink hair? I saw him moments ago... his hair was dark blue… what is this dream?

As he walked through the waist high water, you saw something fall from beneath his hair. You noticed his winged earring, glistening as it fell. It would be a waist to be lost like that. It was not yet late so you reached out and caught it.

Your mind played tricks, turning on and off like a broken computer. Finally it decided to shut down. You plunged into darkness.

When you awoke, Adrian was the first one you saw. He immediately started blabbering.

“I was so worried! When I saw you enter the tube, I – I – had this…. Bad feeling! So I ran in to the water to save you! ”


Hyemi was kneeling on your right, holding your hand. L stood behind both of them. You could see the others but couldn’t register their faces. Stuff was blurry.

You spat out some more water in to Adrian’s face.

“You… did…what?”

“I took you out of there!”

“How sweet...but-/cough/ I saw someone /cough/ else..”


“Forget it. Never mind. I want to rest.”

“Okay.” Adrian attempted to pick you up but failed. Weakling, you thought. Instead Woohyun appeared and picked you up like a princess.


“Woohyun-ssi, I… can walk.”






“I will spit water on you…” He slowed down and sighed.

“Okay.” Gotcha! Your celebrity side wins ha?

Supported by Woohyun and Adrian from both sides, you made your way to the cottages. Not that Adrian did an excellent job… he just made your walking worse.

Something made your left palm sting. Probably a stone scratch.

Your brain was now able to think. Why did I see Dong Woo? Adrian said it was himself… I guess I hate Dong Woo that much that I start seeing him everywhere. Plus I feel like I hit my head… Certainly a vision. And I know from Hyemi that Dong Woo doesn’t know how to swim… And Dong Woo has dark blue hair. No way he could have bleached and coloured them in just this little time… No. It was Adrian for sure.

 It’s just a confusion of a poor mind.

Something inside of you screamed out its disappointment. What’s wrong with me? You hobbled to the cottages.

Moments later you saw a guy pass by and thought it was Dong Woo. But as the man turned to look at you, you realized that even though the hair colour was that exact, dark blue like Dong Woo’s, it wasn’t him. So maybe I saw the wrong blue haired guy and thought it was Dong Woo,while the real Dong Woo was away...?

At the sudden appearance of this unknown man, you stopped. You remembered a fragment from the near past.

You looked down at your clenched fists. Through the left fist a drop of blood fell on to the sand. Your hands shaking, you opened up your palms.

Your right one was okay but your left one had an ugly gash.

And that gash came from a sharp, glistening object.

Your heart missed a beat, as you recognized Dong Woo’s winged earring.




Gyu, he just picked her up thats all. No cheating.

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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand