What is going on?


"What the-" you stared at your phone's screen. "Hyeeemi!" you called.

"Oh?" She came in to view, wearing an apron and her nose in flour, "What is it?"

"More like who is it! Adrian's in South Korea!!!"

"So?" she asked, comepletly uninterested.

"What's he doing here?!" you demanded as if she knew the answer.

"I don't know? He's in the same university as you are so they probably organized for him to come here and do some projects."

"It's summer!" Hyemi was not so sure anymore. Indeed, why on Earth would Adrian suddenly come to South Korea for buisness when it wasn't university time?

"Hyemi. Something's not right."

"Are you sure? Maybe he has friends or relatives here."

"No. He doesn't even know the language. Something's definetly wrong."

You and Hyemi looked at eachother. "That time when you broke up with him...Could it be...."


Woohyun and Dong Woo were left alone at the dorm. They sat in the living room wondering and suggesting of what they could do in this free time. Nothing exciting crossed their minds and so silence filled the atmosphere. Both were thinking of the same, something that was not related to the subject they were just talking about. It was always there.



"I.." Dong Woo hesitated and judged weather he should stop. Yet he knew he couldn't keep quiet niether could he lie. "There's something I wanted to tell you." Woohyun sensed something coming. "Whatever happens..." he paused trying to catch the right words and put them in this piece of confusing puzzle,"Whichever way we go...I want you to know that you're still my... great friend and to me you're..."

Woohyun wasn't looking at Dong Woo. He stared at the cieling as the elder one spoke. "Family?" he completeled for his hyung and glanced in his direction.

"Yes." Nothing else should be said and they both knew it as well as what they were talking about. In this moment both of them decided that whichever man you chose, they would not have a grudge against eachother but on the contrary, be happy and supportfull.

The quiet was that of a great atmosphere. Two opposites had finaly settled and agreement was walking in the room.

"Let's go visit them." suggested Woohyun. Dong Woo nodded and they both got up to visit you and Hyemi.


"I don't know. I don't think so." you answered, "He's too cool headed for revenge and that wasn't such a big deal!"

"How did he know you are here anyway? And your number?"

"No one except my parents knew I'm visiting you. I they are the ones who must have told  him."

"Maybe. But dude. I smell something fishy." Hyemi grimaced trying to get her point towards you.

"Yes,me too. In any case I'm going to go and see what he wants."

"Do you want me to come?"

"No. It's better if you stay. I'll be back soon okay?" Hyemi nodded slowly, as if reluctantly and disappeared back in to the kitchen.


Woohyun puffed out angrily. Him and Dong Woo were in the cab and the driver failed to reach the destination, muddled in the directions the guys gave him but finaly got back on track. They got out of the cab, half an hour lost to them. They climbed the stairs as the elevator wasn't working.

"Today's just not our luck eh?"

"I hope we find them at home. Maybe we should have called first." said Dong Woo feeling guilty.

Despite their doubts, the door opened and Hyemi smiled. "Anneyoung! Come on in!" The entered, smelling bakery.

"Smells gooood!"

"Yeah, apple cake! Baked for us all. Took me ages to do it with the amount of food you guys eat..."

"Where's ______?" the two young men asked in unision.

"Uhm. She just left."

"Ha? Where?" demanded Woohyun while Dong Woo sighed.

"I told you it's not our luck!"

Hyemi motioned for them to sit. "I'm worried. She left to see Adrian," she put up her hands to stop the other two from talking,"He unexpectadly came so we thought something's not right. She decided to go and check but... She forgot her phone."

Dong Woo and Woohyun thought for a moment. Hyemi handed them the phone and they read the message which you just recieved from Adrian.

I'm in Seoul. We need to talk.

Meet me in half an hour at XXX.

"You see the thing is... why think it's weird... she broke up with him before she got here, harshly. And also... well I think he must have known that one of you likes her. He must have seen one of you guys with her, back on the island that time."

Dong Woo didn't need to check his watch to know how dark it was outside, despite the city night lights. They both got up automatically. Before they were out, Woohyun shouted to Hyemi,

"Call the others!"


 You didn't look around you, you just wanted to find the place and that was your error. You knew you'd done a big mistake as you turned around the corner of the street. You hadn't noticed the lamposts didn't work here. Adrian stood 10 meters away, facing you. One weak lamp had the power to flicker on from time to time.

"What do you want?"

"What do you think I want?"

"What are you doing in Seoul?"

"What do you think I'm doing in Seoul?" He got closer as he spoke. "I am the one who should be asking you that. What are you doing in Seoul?"

"None of your buisness."

"You used to visit it for university purposes and then you just started inviting your little asian friends," you grinded your teeth ," and never even told me about your bestfriend. Am I right to say that you broke up with me because of one of those bastards?" He stood less than a hand's length infront of you, snarling at your face. You didn't answer him. "You're coming back home with me."

"And who gave you the right to boss me around?"

"If you refuse then I'm taking you by force."

"Pfft. Even the biggest amount of your tiny muscles would not asist you in dragging me back." you spat out.

"Maybe." he said, "But I'm not alone." In several places on the sides of the streets, shadows seperated from buildings and you comprehended your third mistake. He really wasn't alone. You had been stupid and blind enough not to notice four people hidden in the darkness. You naturally started looking for routes of escape but even though they stood far apart from eachother, they were everywhere and you were sure that to make a sprint would be risky. Better talk this out. Hitherto, you were not given a chance to talk.

"Don't speak." he said, "Don't scream. Obey me and we will safely get out of here without hurting eachother or anyone else."

In the pause of silence that then happened, both of you hear a swish of an object and soon, a small stone hit side of Adrian's jaw. Angry, he turned around.

"And who said that nobody else could hurt you?" Woohyun smiled as he spoke. His jacket was off and he somehow got past the guys who circled you. Adrian sneered.

"You're alone."

"Not really." said a voice all too familiar. Dong Woo spat out his gum over his left shoulder, hands in pockets.

"So? It's just the two of you and the four of them." Adrian nodded towards his heroes.

"Wrong answer, yet again." not even Woohyun or Dong Woo expected to hear that voice. They didn't know that once they left, Sunggyu was right behind them. "You touch her and you die."

"Huh. Watch me." Adrian looked back at you. He was so fast that you didn't have time to react as he slapped you.





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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand