Trying Before Choosing


You stood in the heritage village once again. You remembered exactly where that old house was so you walked on without hesitation. When you stood infront of it you looked for any traces for proof of the house being used and not abandoned. However it did look quite lonely and dusty. You went in, absolutely not expecting the old man to be present yet again. No body was in the room as you thought. Why did you come here then? Maybe for inspiration? As you turned to leave, you heard a cracking sound of old,wooden boards. You wheeled back to look behind you and saw the old man.

"Going somewhere?" 

"Actually I came to see if I could talk to you." you answered trying to hide your bewilderment. He just sat down with his legs crossed and continued looking at you as if telling you to go on. "I have a problem..."

And so you recounted to him the whole story of how you met INFINITE and how now you're stuck between two members and don't know what to do. He sat a bit longer in silence, looking at the floor. 

"I don't see this as much of a confusion as you do." he finally said.

"How do you mean?"

"Look at those two flowers." he pointed at two pots standing not far,"which of their scents you like most?"

"I don't know what they smell like."

He looked deep in to your eyes after you gave him the answer and then it occured to you just as he continued to speak, "Exactly. You can't decide which scent you like because you haven't smelled them yet. Try feeling the scent and only then you will decide which flower you like most, be they different in their appereances." He motioned you with his head to go to the flowers. You stood up and went to pick up the two pots with the blossoms whose petals in turn lightly touched your nose. You found that you liked the one which was more vibrant. A bee suddenly appeared and buzzing, sat right in to its middle.

You didn't need to look behind your back again to know that the old man was gone once again and so you put down the pots and left the village, feeling more confident.

Be that as it may, but the elder wasn't gone. He watched you leave while he sat as silently as possible to make you think he was gone. When you were, he jumped up (rather fast and without any wavering in contrary to his old age) and ran to the Hoya plants. He went down to his knees and gently removed the leaves from blocking his view. He discovered the wooden board with his name, placed there by his own self. To his utter satisfaction, it looked as if someone (or in particular you) had seen it and cleared off the dirt to read what was written clearly. His trick had worked but he wondered why on earth did he use his real name? Whatever Sunggyu, thought the elder. The young man smiled, despite looking quite old and left carrying his walking stick and looking totaly fit and in no need for it. He was now peaceful at heart due to the fact that he guided you to the right way. Yet again, he'd need to continue to lead you.


"Atleast tell me some things she likes!" Woohyun wanted to make sure that what he did was delightful for you.

"No!" Hyemi refused to give in to Woohyun's pleads.

"It's not like this is going to affect you!"

"I will not! If you're trying to get her heart then atleast make it fair! I'm not going to give you any advantages! If she will chose to like you then it will be for who you are and not for who you're trying to be!" Hyemi left, proud of herself, thinking what a great bestfriend to you she is.

I guess I'll just be the usual greasy self I am then. Woohyun caught a cab and headed to meet you.


"Before we go to the main point of this journey, I need to fulfill my promise."

"What promise?"

"I never finished that icecream, remember? And the deal was that I get you a phone like mine." he winked. "Let's go. And we'll get you some cute accessory too. An INFINITE one if possible."


"Where are you taking me?" Your new phone was safe in you bag but yet unopened.


"To make more dares over icecreams and coffees?" you joked expecting him to laugh. But he didn't and instead gave you a serious look.

"We're both more than 20 years old and we're on a date and you expect me to make the whole day pass in dares like teenagers would?"

Pfft. You never said this before. And if we're so old, why aren't we in some hotel restaurant? you thought, deciding not to tell him and wondering what on earth was wrong with this guy today. He let you in first, like the gentleman he was and led you to a table, moving out the chair for you to sit.

"I'll be back."

"Don't I get to chose my drink?"

"No." and he left. Certainly something wrong with him. He returned and sat opposite to you.

"Let's talk." you said. He gave you another glare as if you were cutting him off and things weren't going as he planned.

"I meant to ask," said Woohyun, all buisness like," What are you planning to do once you finish studies next year?"

"Find work as soon as possible."

"What field of work?" again that serious tone which made you smile. Pabo, he knew quite well what field.

"Translator. I'm studying languages currently, remember?"

"Ah yes yes. Tell me if you decide to work here. I'll find you a job in no time."

"Thank you. I will if I will." He nodded and went to get the drinks.


"Tastes good."

"Ofcourse it does, I chose it."

You snickered.

"Let's make a love shot."








"Uhm. There are people all over the place, Woohyun."

"I don't care." He took his drink in his right hand and stood up saying, "Better be up. We could spill them if we do it over the table. Common." You looked at him, wide eyed but he still stood there waiting. Finally you rose and blushing, linked arms. A couple of people turned around to look at you, grinning. As you drank you caught Woohyun watching you.

Uh no. Woohyun stop being so burdensome...!

You quickly unlinked and rested on the seat, head down from embarassment. You heard somebody from the neighboring table say, "That was so cute." Argh. I bet I look like a strawberry right now. Woohyun continued watching you.

You finaly gained enough courage to look him in the eye and once you did, you dropped your head once again. He was grinning at you.

"You wanted to say something?"

"Uhm. C-can we.. g-go now?"

"Sure,darling." he stood erect and outsrtetched his hand towards you, "May I?" You wanted to say 'mhm' but instead it came out as a squeal of God-knows-what. You wanted to get away from his persistent eyes.

"Where are we going now?"


"Oh? It's summer!" you said as you got in to the cab.

"It's an indoor one." he got in beside you and immediately put his arm around your shoulders,"And it's going to take 15 minutes to get there."

Oh no. 15 whole minutes in a cab with Woohyun's arm around you. I think I can't breathe. I need to do something. I can't just be all ignorant, right? Do I put my head on his shoulder? Do I take his hand? Aaaaaaaahhhh michhigoooo. Woohyun suddenly leaned towards you and took your hand bag.

"Give me that, I'll take care of it." you nodded to him although you were afraid that to him it would probably look like a head jerk. He didn't think so. He thought it was cute and it only made your situation worse as Woohyun was captivated to carress your face.

Would it be too much for her? I hope not. Woohyun touched your cheek with the back of his fingers and gently brushed down till your jaw. He then realised that his own face was too close to yours and that you might be feeling him breathe. He smirked. Aigo. I'm such a genious. But he pulled away to give you some fresh air as he could feel your breath stop and was worried that you could die. You looked away from him (not that you were looking at him all this time. You were so nervous that you kept your eyes stuck to the driver's head). You cast a glance at the window to your left and noticed that you arrived.


You didn't refuse Woohyun's offer to put your skates on. It gave you an excuse to make him not look at you that way. But it also made you feel like a doll. If you were his girlfriend you'd probably grow fat. He jumped up like a spring once he was done.

"Let's go." and he took you on to the circle of ice. Only then it occured to  you that you had no idea how to skate.


Woohyun grasped that instantly but it was only to his advantage. More skinship, he thought, yay! And so everything went according to his plan. You slipped, he caught, you waddled your way through the other people, he continuosly held your waist to support you, you finaly got the hang of it, he held both of your hands and slid backwards facing you.

"Your hands are cold." He took of his jacket and placed it on you.

"Thanks." he shook his head, grinning.

By the end of this sliding and slipping event, you were so flushed that Woohyun decided it was enough torturing you and took you home.

You went ahead but he caught your hand and whirled you around to face him once again.


"Thank you." he said,"I had lots of fun today."

And leaning forward to close in the nearly inexistant distance, he softly gave you a kiss.





I bet you are squealing now. And to add to it, here take this,



Im not done yet,no. Stay alive,hear me? Stay with me!



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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand