The Wrong Perception


In the midst of the mess that lived in the room and in the endless mountains of bed sheets and covers, sat Dong Woo.

"This is so boringg!" he was a part of the mess and no one ever understood how he could ever sleep in it. Woohyun, Hoya, Sung Yeol, Sung Jeong were all out which left the jobless Dong Woo at home, watching the other members leave home too.

"Hyung stop whining." snapped Myungsoo while he carefully put in textbooks into his black backpack.

"Hoya darling ain't are leaving..the other darlings are all out too..."

"Dong Woo..please. Why are you always so loud?" appeared Sunggyu in the corridor slipping in his shoes.

"Gyu Gee gee!!! Where you going?"

"Wanna visit my mom."

"Ok. Nevermind."

"Go watch a movie or something." said the Hyung as he left through the door. At this moment the world seemed cruel and Dong Woo felt abandoned.

"They all left meee-"

"Oh God. Look, if you want I'll take you to uni with me. Just be quiet in the lecture hall okay?" Myungsoo gave up. When someone was so annoying he would do anything to shut them up.

"OHKAY!Man, I love you!" in a flash he was up, putting on his clothes.

L sat down and unlocked his phone. He texted Hyemi.

I'll be about 15 mins late. Sowwyyy~

Taking Dong Woo hyung with me. I hope he doesn't bring the building down with his laughter.

They will probably kick me out of the hall cos of him...

Dongwoo brushed his dark blue hair, letting the fringe fall on his forhead. He wore black jeans, and a white tank top showing off his strong arms. Slipping his mobile into a pocket, he called Myung Soo.

"I'm ready!" L's head appeared out of the room."Look decent enough?"


"Why?! I'm not wearing anything colourful! I'm trying to be like you."

"You'll attract too much attention with those arms."

"Speak about yourself kid. Kaja!" and Dong Woo galloped out of the appartment.


You chose the top rows to sit. Most students were already there but there were late comers too. The proffesor started his lecture. History... and you all plunged in to the past ages... Hyemi put her chin on the desk and rolled her eyes at you. About twenty minutes later, the door opened and L walked in.

Hyemi immediately cheered up, even though L sat way in front.  Seconds after L, a familiar person came in.

“Anyeoung hasayeo,” he bowed to the professor and went up to him to whisper something in his ear. The professor was happy to see him, apparently, and asked him to sit down somewhere. Bowing once again Dong Woo, whom you have already recognized, scanned the room and spotted the vacant seat on your right.

Oh gosh.

After that incident, you met him only once and he always seemed to laugh his off about everything. He was your complete opposite. From those two times you’ve seen him it was easy to understand that he could laugh nonstop and talk to any random passerby and make everyone around him smile. He was full of crazy colours. He shined. You didn’t mind his cheerfulness but it kind of registered in your mind as ‘annoying’ because of the incident. Your pride was still a little bit hurt from his laughter at your near-death. Too much of something is too much.

He skipped up the steps and slopped down on the seat.

“Anneyoung.” He whispered and showed you his gums and all his 32 teeth. It was extremely hard not to smile back.

And that smile meant forgiving him all his sins. Everything. He was an angel.


After a lecture which seemed to have passed in the clouds because of Dong Woo, the boys suggested  to watch a movie. You and Hyemi readily agreed. Soon enough, HoYa, Sung Gyu and Sung Jeong joined in the hangout. Refusing to let you pay, Sung Gyu got you tickets to the movie. 

In the cinema hall, you looked up at the ceiling. You chose places way at the back, so you could see the ceiling. It looked scary and dark. You weren't the only one who was worried about the ugly-looking wooden boards on the ceiling. Dong Woo was staring futher off, and following his eyes you saw that the cieling in front was perfectly covered, looking great. In fact it was even invisible. Strangely, the coverage did not reach were you sat. That's why you could see nets of iron and wood. 

Everyone was seated randomly so Dong Woo asked Hyemi to sit next to him, so that you and her would be exactly in the middle. You kept looking at him, catching that wonderful smile now and then. He looked at the ceiling again and again, in the midst of talking to HoYa.

"Why are you grinning?" asked Hyemi. She was seated between you and Dong Woo.


"You are grinning."

"I am?" I was?...

"Yeah." she looked where you previously did and saw Dong Woo, still pondering at the ceiling,"OH.THAT'S what you've been grinning at eh?"

You blushed. "I wasn't. There was this cute kid over there-" you pointed, "so I smiled at him."

"Since when do you like kids?" You rolled your eyes.

Dong Woo suddenly got up and found his way to the guard at the door. He pointed at the ceiling and tried to explain something to the guard. Nodding, the man left.

While Dong Woo was away, HoYa took the chance and seated himself in Dong Woo's chair.

"So," he looked at you,"I didn't really get to talk to you much since we met. "

"Think we can make up for it?"

" Sure we can. Everyone's saying you are a wondeful person." said HoYa feeling a little bit awkward as he talked over Hyemi.

"They are?" He nodded for an answer, "Well I will still be here for a long time, so I'm looking forward to meeting you more often."

Dong Woo was returning so HoYa moved back  to his place after both of you have had a warm conversation.

"Well, you're getting along well I see." whispered Hyemi and giggled as the movie began.


It was in the middle of the movie when you heard a clinking noise and a woosh of a falling object. You felt the cold air and after that a following scream with a disgusting cracking noise.

It was so shrill that you had to cover your left ear. 

It wasn't until 5 minutes later that the movie was stopped and the lights went on.

It wasn't until then that looking to your left, you saw a wooden block on Hyemi's lap. Eyes wide, she stared at it and screamed. She screamed and screamed until a doctor was brought and she was taken away. L jumped in the ambulance despite the doctor's protests.


The movie was resumed, but no one was able to concentrate.

Outside, you were standing with everyone else. Silence dawned on you. An hour had passed and Myung Soo called, informing everyone that both Hyemi's legs were broken. She would have to be in a wheel chair for a couple of months.

Your heart still beat fast as the freshness of the shock was present. Looking at Hyemi in that moment felt like watching a horror movie. You shivered. HoYa stood up from the bench he was sitting on and took his grey jacket off. He placed it on your shoulders and was left standing next to you.

The group slowly started to dissipate. You were left with Dong Woo and HoYa. In the slow process of waiting for nothing, your thoughts carried you away.

It would  be great if they took you to a heaven.

But they didn't.

Dong Woo got up from the bench. "I guess I'll go."

"Stop." you blurted out. He looked at you, and so did HoYa. "It was you."

"What?" Dong Woo's eyebrows furrowed.

"You kept staring at the ceiling." You stared at him now, leaning on a lamppost, arms crossed. Hoya tilted his head, trying to figure out what you were talking about.

"I am not quite getting it."

"In the film hall.You changed your place. You were sitting on Hyemi's first. I saw you. And then you asked her to sit there."

HoYa's eyes now became coins as they ran between you and Dong Woo.

"What are you playing at?" It was rare to see the man without his toothy smile.

"And then you went and you talked to the guard. And then in the middle of the movie the block fell on -"

"Stop. Listen. Why on earth would I want to do that?" he took a step towards you and sensing the danger HoYa moved closer to you too. Only he was facing Dong Woo.

"Well how am I supposed to know? There could be a million reasons. All I know is that all these facts prove you wanted her to sit there. And it was planned."

Before storming off, you threw HoYa's jacket at him and gave Dong Woo a glare. His face was pained and confused. He turned around with a pleading look to HoYa who shook his head and ran after you, calling your name.


------------------------------------------------End of Chapter--------------------------------------------------



From author:


Today I call it- 'after chapter' is all HoYa's. INSPIRITS, Let's die.



Where did my soul just go?


Ok enough. We need cute moments too.




Thank you HoYa.

I hope that if you, the reader, have been depressed lately or sad, were very pleased and happy to see this adorable-soul-taking-amazing-hot face up there. He loves you, so cheer up.

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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand