What should she do?


No one arrived at the airport to meet you. No one.

I'll kill her.

You sat on one of the cold metal chairs and waited. Realising that nobody was going to come, you dragged the bag behind you and out of the airport to catch a cab. You climbed inside and gave the driver Hyemi's adress, cursing silently.

"Excuse me?" asked the driver.

"Nothing. Talking to myself." you wore sunglasses so people wouldn't stare at your not-so-asian-eyes. 

~namjaga saranghal ttaeen~ you nodded your head to the beat and didn't notice how you've already arrived. Your headphones were now hanging around you neck as you took out the bag from the car and slamed the door shut. The cab was droven away and you were left standing under Hyemi's house. It was 11 in the morning but knowing Hyemi, you presumed she must have forgotten to wake up a bit earlier. Sighing and forgiving her, you went up to the building.

At the door, you produced your own duplicate of her apartment's keys and entered. The house was silent. Everything seemed in place, nothing changed and yet nothing was the same. The whole place seemed to be holding it's breath.

"This feels weird." you spoke out loud. It was a habbit of yours to speak like that when alone. "Anyway. I guess I'll find her in her room." You peeked in the room but nobody was there. The bed was made and there was absolutely no mess. "That's even weirder. Maybe she left to the airport before I came?" 

A sudden noise behind your back caused you to turn around. You saw nothing except a fallen pillow. That was scary. You put back the pillow and once again turned to look in to Hyemi's room when-

A shrill scream filled the apartment. It wasn't one voice but many others and the hairs on you back stood up as your own voice joined.

You fainted.


"I told you she would freak out!"

"We didn't dress up as monsters did we?"

"But who the hell starts screaming when her back is turned?!"

"I agree with hyung! That way she would see it's just us and wouldn't faint!"

"You guys are hopless."

"Shut up Hyemi it was your idea."

Dong Woo broke out laughing."Burn!"

She ignored and continued. "I shouldn't have told you to come. Would be better if I was the only one doing it." she stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Now she's pissed. Once we're out of here I'll kill you all." said L and took her place beside you. After a while of staring at your nearly dead body and Hyemi's fidgeting in the kitchen you finaly opened your eyes. The first blurry thing you saw was L, dressed in black. You nearly passed out again but decided that a scream will help you not to. 

"L you're not better than anyone of us. Let me handle it." Woohyun pushed L away. "Heyy," he said sweetly.

"Woohyun-ssi!" you exclaimed, clutching him, absolutely out of your nerves.


Half an hour later you were sitting between Hyemi and Woohyun with Dong Woo on the chair infront of you and HoYa on his lap. Sunggyu was sprawled on a sofa while L and Seung Jeong sat on the floor in between the two sofas and Dong Woo's chair and a an armchair in which sat Seung Yeol. You drank your coffee silently as they stared at you.

"So." said L when you were done.

"Leave her alone." mumbled Sunggyu as he texted somebody. "She's had the shock of her life."

"No. The shock of her life was when we first met her." said Dong Woo.

"That was sad."

"It was indeed."

"And when she fell of the bordure that time when she was with me."

"I'm glad Woohyun's all muscles. She'd get eaten by sharks if it was Sung Jeong with her."


"Actually it was kinda... funny if you look at it from another point of view."

"Shuttup Woohyun. In whatever point of view I look at it, being stuck in water for ages till someone comes for help was not funny in my eyes."

"But I caught you!"

"Still not funny."

"ANYWAY." Sunggyu halted the conversation which was going nowheere. "How are you? I mean before we attacked.."

"I was ok."

"Staying for long?"

"Whole summer."

"Daebak!" Woohyun, Hoya and Dong Woo exclaimed.

"Daebak indeed." agreed L coolly, "Is that an INFINITE bag?" Heads turned to your traveling bag which stood in the corridor. It had an INFINITE sign.

"Uhm. Yeah."

"So you did watch our videos eh?" 

"And look she has the same necklace as mine!" squealed Seung Yeol, "You're such an inspirit!"

"Do we need to give you autographs?"

"Duh. I'm your fan."

"Why would you need those if we are your friends?"

"What about when I'm not around?"

"Aww she's gonna miss us!"

"Ofcourse I'm gonna miss you..."

"Okay enough. Let's eat now." L disappeared and came back with a pizza.

"PIZAAAAA." screamed Hyemi. L grinned at her, "I SWEAR YOU'RE THE BEST BOYFRIEND."

The rest in the room rolled their eyes.

"Guys. This lovey-dovey stuff is never gonna end. Let's leave them and go."


"Don't worry they won't notice." Woohyun helped you up. You suddenly realised that each member was at a particular distance. In whatever way you might fall or slip, somebody would definetly catch you. That;s when it finally hit you, that these guys weren't just your friends but where Idols. You nearly started fan girling there and then. In the corridor Sunggyu made you sit on a chair and put your shoes on.

"Oppa you don't need to do that."

"You can't do it either. You shouldn't bend your head. Blood flow would make you faint again. You're still kind of weak and I'm even doubting if we should really go out in this hot weather-"

"Nothing is going to happen to me don't worry."

"Promise us!" Dong Woo extended his hand and gave you his pinky fingure. You grinned at him and took it with yours.


"Kajaaaaaa-" he bounced out of the appartment and everyone else followed. You were last to leave. You looked at Hyemi and L in their own little world, smiled and closed the door. You put your self in her place and removed L from your vision. But no matter how much you tried, both the guys you currently liked from Infinite looked perfect...





I didn't feel like proof reading.


I never do haha.


/pats HoYa's back/

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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand