Get to know you more.



You half ran half limped down the street. Looking at the signs, you found the cafe you needed. Through the glass, you saw your girl friend standing up from a table to walk out and meet you. You grinned.

The sun was beautiful, it didn't burn, just softly shined. Maybe you weren't a fan of asians but their countries were the best in terms of weather. As you smiled, there was a soft breeze which teased your hair, letting it become free from the ribbon which you tied it with. It started fluttering away from you and you tried to get it. But as you caught one of its ends, the other end turned out to be held by someone already. You looked at the person.



Woohyun's POV:

I smiled. I really wanted to grin till my eyes disappeared but I decided to look cool with just a smile that curved up the corners of my mouth. I noticed her steal a glance at it. 

Straightening up, I said,"Hey."

"Hi." _____ answered, looking somewhat surprised.

"Hey!" We both turned sideways. Hyemi, stood looking at us,"You know eachother?"

"Yeah. Well kind of." _____ said awkwardly,"You know eachother too?"

It was my turn to answer,"Oh ofcourse. Hyemi is a faithful friend and also Myungsoo's girlfriend."


Your POV:

! Your eyes bulged.

"Really?!" you looked at your bestfriend in bewilderment. "THAT's who you've been spazzing about?"

"She has?" L suddenly came out from behind her. He was wearing black and you now noticed that you usually colourfull Hyemi was also dressed in black. 

"Did someone die?"

"Pfghtjd." you heard a snort behind me. Where did he come from? Sung Yeol grinned,"No. You see, this is Myung Soo's typical style. He's known for that."

What did that have to do with Hyemi you didn't know. But actually... you saw her smile.Yeah right.Matching ha?

"Aaaah. I seeee." you nodded at Sung Yeol.

"What you're not noticing however," stated L matter-of-fact-ly,"is that you and Woohyun are still clutching that pretty ribbon. What are you two, a couple? I'm just saying but this looks really cheesy."

Another !

You turned to look at Woohyun who was still staring it you. Whatever is the matter with this guy? He pulled the ribbon out of your hands.

"Let me..tie it up for you." he said and came closer to do your hair.

And another !

L's eyes widened for a moment and Hyemi winked at you. "You shouldn't do this in broad day light in the streets Hyung."

You looked at Myung Soo with a puzzled expression.

"They're Idols." whispered Hyemi in your ear. You cocked an eyebrow and she continued, "They're in a pop band-" You rolled your eyes. Unbelievable. She actually dug up some """""kpop""""" -or whatever its called- idols from somewhere"- its called INFINITE. That's why they should be careful, you know, crazy fangirls here and there. I can't wait till you see the other members! I'm still hoping you're going to be one of us kpop fans!"

Na-ah. Never gonna happen.

"Actually she has already met everyone.." said Sung Yeol.

"Ha?!______ what's this? I let you go to uni alone once and you run around South Korea and meet Infinite?" exclaimed Hyemi,"Your mom isn't gonna like this. I promised I would take care of you-"

"She doesn't look like a five year-old to me." said Woohyun.

"What do I look like then?"

"A 2 year old!" said Sung Yeol and he, L and Hyemi cracked up laughing.


"No comment." you glared at them.

Woohyun was finally done fumbling with your hair. "Should we go in?"

"Sure. You guys are attracting too much attention."

Oh please.

You entered and you regretted leaving the wonderful feeling of nature you had outside. Nevertheless, the happy sun rays found their way through into the cafe. You sat down at a table next to the window, taking up much space. Five adults is a lot.

"So how did you meet eachother?" demanded Hyemi.

"Uhm. Painful memories. I would rather not talk about it."

"I'm sorry." mumbled Woohyun. His cheeks looked cute and he even pouted a little. You were going to snap at him but you didn't.

"It's okay."

 that jaw line


And that's how you spent the evening. You sat and talked and even recalled your accident story of the previous month since Hyemi pulled it out of you guys. Everyone had a great laugh and best of all, you got to know Woohyun, Myung Soo and Sung Yeol more. They were great company which made you think a bit better of the other, not present members.

"Hey," you turned to Sung Yeol,"Where are the others?"

"Oh, dunno. Dong Woo might be at his mom's restaurant.Ho Ya, if you didn't notice, has a part time job in this cafe." You turned around and followed Sung yeol's pointing fingure and soon enough, you saw Hoya at the counter. He felt you looking and picking his head up, grinned.

"I can bet Sun Gyu is visiting his mom too. Last time I saw Sung Jeong, he was with his old classmates. Or perhaps he's learning more SNSD dancing!" Everyone laughed.

"I didn't get the joke."

"Oh yeah." said Hyemi,"She doesn't ... listen to kpop." As you looked at her, you realised that she was kind of embarassed. Oops.

" No wonder you were so rude to us at first." stated Sung yeol.

"I would care less even if you were my favourite actor. Beating me off my legs like that... it hurt."

"Guys.We got over it remember?" you were glad for Myung Soo's 'to the rescue'. You had a feeling this guy was going to become your best friend along with Hyemi. Everyone calmed down.

"Anyone else thinks its time to get going?" You all agreed and stood up,noisily tripping over chairs and fussing in the half empty cafe. As you walked out, a colder breeze met you. After a while, you decided to go seperate ways and so that was how you were left with Woohyun.


Woohyun's POV:

Strolling down the pavement in the night lights was fun. We talked and talked. I told her funny stories and things which happened to us during trainee days and stuff like that. I never even told my mom that. I think I felt obliged somehow, to her, the first girl I ever physically hurt in my life. I guess this scar will stay forever. Maybe I was trying to make up for it?

Fifteen minutes later, we stopped.

"I can go on by myself now." said _____,"Thanks for taking me this far."

"Hey wait. I'm a namja remember? I need to walk you home! Its night and night is always dangerous."

I felt stupid. I sounded like Sung Yeol. Childish.

"I think... it would be safer for me to walk alone, rather than with a famous,'wanted' person. You never know when your fangirls decide to come out...They are the same everywhere."

"You still don't believe we're Idols ha? You should check out our videos."

"Maybe. Sometime later." she said.________ was in the midst of turning away when I caught her hand.

"One last thing. Did anyone ever tell you that you look wonderful when you blush?"

She blushed.

"Why are you saying this suddenly?"

"It happens with you a lot, I noticed."



This is what you thought:



But you said:

"Really? Why, that's reassuring,thanks." you gave him one of your best smiles,"I thought that I look like a tomato."

You both laughed and turned around, waving your goodbyes. However, you had to look back again as you heard your name being called.

This is what you saw:

It made your day, or rather week.


From author:

Yay end of another chapter!

Im hoping you enjoyed! Tell me your opinions-commeeent and subscriiibeee!

No gifs for you today,I've already put too much in the chapter ;D

Give much love to INFINITE!

Please do tell me what your guesses on this are!WHO IS HE?

Don't leave it hanging and read on!

I'm just saying but these colours might be hints to who the guy is gonna be....

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Thank you!
I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand