One by one.


You woke up at 6 a.m. because someone called. You looked at your phone and called back. Vision so early in the morning wasn't great so you didn't care to see who it was. Also, you were using an old phone of yours. On the other side of the line a familiar voice answered.

"Sorry I forgot you were sleeping." said Seung Yeol.

"What is it?" you mumbled.

"I was just bored, thought you'd show me around the city." You were back in your country and there wasn't much time left until Hyemi and INFINITE would leave. To be more presize, three days were left. You thought that you could as well get up earlier for the sake of hanging around with them more. Thus, you decided to start the day off with Seung Yeol.

"Meet you in half an hour at the intrance of your hotel."

"Whoa that's fast."

"I just remembered I need to do my nails. One hour." You hung up. In one hour , at exactly 7:05 o'clock you stood staring at your feet when someone suddenly whispered in your ear: "Anneyoung."

"AH!" you jumped. Seung Yeol giggled and starting running away from you as you tried to slap him. 

"Aish." you both panted. "Ok enough. Let's go." You put your hand on his shoulder and were off.

"Where are we going?"

"Getting souvenirs. I don't think you guys even bought any."

"True that. We haven't." You took him to the most tourist places. The little souvenir stands were already open from the early morning.

"These are so cool!" he stared at the objects in his hands, "Tell him I'm getting both."

Later, when everyday shops and places began to open, you had breakfast together. You sat in a traditional restaurant. You actually found out a lot of things for yourself. Like the fact that your favourite traditional restaurant opens at 8 

"Cool." said Seung Yeol, staring around.

"This is a bit too heavy for breakfast but anyway..." you pointed at the plate, "Worth a try I'd say." He nodded and dug in.

"How is it?"

"Hmmm. Weird. I mean I've never tried a combination like that before..."

"A bit too plain for an asian?"

"It's plain but it's actually good that way! I wouldn't add any spices or anything." You smiled. When you were done, Seung Yeol payed (to your utter disapproval as you insisted that he was your guest and you had to pay. But Seung Yeol's motha fatha gentleman won.)  It was 10 minutes to 9 and you decided to go separate ways. Joking around, you headed back to the hotel. On the opposite road, you told Seung Yeol bye and were going to go home. Still laughing and pointing at Hoya who was coming towards you from behind, Seung Yeol didn't notice the read light.

He stepped backwards from the pavement. His foot  and most of his body were on the road, just as a car came rushing.



You and HoYa stood looking at the ground. HoYa's eyes were huge.

"The insides are all... out..." Passers by made :O faces and shook their heads.

"Dead. Totally dead." HoYa closed his eyes. This isn't happening. he thought. You put your hand on his back and patted him. Both of your mouths were open with shock.

"Omg you guys." said a voice from behind, "It's just another broken phone."




"It's alright. Maybe we can get it fixed." you said as HoYa kneeled next to his precious mobile.

"My baby.." he whispered, picking up the shattered screen.

"I don't think so." said the choding and got a glare from HoYa. You pushed Seung Yeol away. 

"Go home before he beats the crap out of you." you whispered to him.

"Let's go." you pulled up the guy,"There's a phone shop behind the corner." HoYa obeyed you and got up with an expression of huge loss on his lovely face. It made you smile. 

At the shop you dumped the pieces on the table and said, "Uhm. You don't look like you're sure you can fix it either." The man's expression turned to a humerous one and he said,

"True. I don't know what you guys did to bring it to this stage. All I can do for you is retrieve the data that was not saved in the memory card and put it in another phone." Sighing, HoYa agreed and went to choose a new mobile. 

"How much time will it take?"

"A bit more than 2 hours. Come after 3, to be sure."

"Alright." you went out and walked aimlessly.

"Oppa, let's do something fun."

"Okay. What do you want to do?" asked HoYa trying to sound interested. You smiled.

"There is an entertainment park I haven't visited in a while..."

"Come on, let's take you there then." He stood up and walked only to be stopped by your laughter, "What?"

"Wrong direction!" You took his hand and got a cab.

When you arrived, you let HoYa choose the first ride.

"Ok. But don't blame me if you puke your brain out."

He gently hit your head."Ya."

The ride was over and you stumbled out. 

"Look who's gonna puke now." teased  the oppa. 

"I'm.Not.Gonna.Puke." you pointed at the next game.

"Andweeee" he whined, "That one's too scary! And it's not fun!"

"My.Revenge for you." This one was a labirynth of a freaky kind. Until you got out, you were met by ghosts, falling insects from the cieling, scary sounds and occasional spurts of blood from tiny holes in the wall.

"Omo.OMO.O.Omo.Ah!Andweee." You laughed behind HoYa, who lead you by the hand. He was a man and he had to show it to you, but he couldn't hide his fear now and then. You rounded a corner and HoYa bumped in to a moving robot.


"Hehe,oppa chill it's just dressed up like that. We will never get out of here if you're leading." Now behind you and stumbling, HoYa screamed at another robot,

"Don't approach! I know taekwondo!!!" You continued to drag him and soon you were out. "I hate you." he panted. "Let's go get you some cotton candy."

"So much for hating me."

"Shuddup." After that, you went rowing on a boat in the artificial lake. You took photos with your camera, which you've taken with you when you went out.

"You better send me all these pics." said HoYa, still rowing.

"I will don't worry. Good boy." you patted his head, grinning. "Just continue rowing." HoYa puffed. He  paused to look at his watch.

"I think it's about time."

"Ok. Kaja." you said and stood up but stopped, seeing the water around you.

"Where you going,fish?" HoYa laughed and dropped the oars causing the little boat to jerk and drop you back in to your seat.


HoYa turned over his new phone, inspecting it as you walked side by side. He threw it lightly up and caught it.

"Don't do that!"

"I will call you Ho Baby." he whispered to his phone. You cracked up laughing so bad, even coughing didn't stop you. You continued to laugh unable to stop yourself even as Dong Woo came to you.

"Hey guys. Just saw you across the road. What's going on?" he asked HoYa, pointing at you.


"He-he he cal-" laughing ceased you again and prevented you from stopping. You grabbed Dong Woo for support. "He called his phone....Hoh-ho baby!!!" you spat out and this time Dong Woo joined in.

"LOL Howon are you serious?"

"This is private."

"He means his relationship with the phone?" Dong Woo looked at you as he asked, now also holding to you for support. You nodded violently in agreement. People around started staring at both of you.

"I don't know them." told them HoYa with a shy smile, being the only one who learned a bit of your language enthusiastically, "They're drunk."

"Wh-wh-wh-ats he saying?" asked Dong Woo

"He-s says we-ehehehehe-re druuuuuunkkk." Both of you were nearly falling.

"You guys..." HoYa stood looking at you for a while and then said, "I'll just leave you. Anneyoung!" and dissapeared out of sight. It took you another 10 minutes to stop laughing completely. You and Dong Woo found yourselves on a bench.

"Wanna hung out?" you suggested.

"We are kind of already."

"Yeah. Let's go somewhere."

"I want to get new clothes. Let's go to that mall you guys have here." You remembered that day when you saw Dong Woo and HoYa's sister shopping.

"There more of them. How much clothes do you want?"

"As much packets as my hands can carry."

"Lol. Okay I'll take you to the biggest one." You got on a bus. Seeing that the time was now 12 midday you said,"And we'll have lunch there too."

"Yaay! I feel like you're taking me on a date." joked Dong Woo.

"Call me 'oppa' then." you said and the laughter started again although it was quieter now since you and Dong Woo didn't want to get the weird looks.

In the mall Dong Woo stopped walking. He looked around and said, "Where are the best shops in your opinion?"

"You want the expensive ones, the normal ones, the casual ones, the-"

"If you knew how much money I have in my bank account you woudn't be asking that. I repeat, in your opinion, what are the best shops?"

"The boutiques on the second floor." 

"Second floor it is then." he pulled you to the escalator. Gucci was the first shop that came in to view. He pointed at it. "Anything nice there?"

"I don't like it much."

"Then what do you like?" You pointed to the other side at Balmain and Versace. He smiled, "You have good taste my friend." You entered Balmain. Thinking Dong Woo would be checking out things in the male side, you stood awkwardly staring at the jewlery which was protected behind glass. Geez, you thought. After trying out a shirt, Dong Woo was looking around in the female side.

"Kid." he called,"Come here." you ripped your goggle-shaped eyes from the mad prices of the jewlery and went to stand next to him. You looked at what he was staring.

"Get your size."


"I said get your size. And that too. The green ones." he nodded at the other direction. "Try it and show me."

"Oppa..." He tried not to smile, First time she calls me oppa ><.

"Now." You put everything on trying not to look at the prices so you wouldn't get a shock. You went out.

"Done?" He turned around and looked at you thoughtfully, head slightly to the side. "We need shoes and a bag. And probably some bracelets. We're taking this." he told the shops assistant and gave him his credit card carelessly. "Go change. And don't say a word." Red in the cheeks, you went back to change and when you came out they packed your clothes for you. Dong Woo carried the packets and lead you to Versace. You walked silently beside him thinking, this isn't happening. He skipped the clothes and went towards the bags and shoes.

"No.No.No. Ah this one. It has precisely the same gamma of colours. " He took out the clothes and put the bag next to them, " But it would kinda be too much. But it's pretty." he pointed at the bag and the shop assistant carried it away. You stood there like an idiot watching Dong Woo match bags with your new Balmain clothes. "No. No and no. Why does this have so many studs? It would match more. It's pretty though." again the bag was taken away to be packed,"Ah! Found you!" He reached out and got hold of a bag,"Ok, now shoes. Come." he put you on the seat and took off your shoes, looking for the size. He got heels and asked for your size. "Stand up. Nice. I like. Now take all this stuff and try it on. Show me when you're done." 

You came out in-


Dong Woo stood grinning at his work. "Perfect. Let's go." The next two hours passed in nearly the same way. However Dong Woo asked you to chose his stuff this time. While he sat on the couch, you came and went, bringing him male clothes you liked. "Man. Your choice is just like mine. I totally like that. Only we need more colours. I just feel like it's a bit too dull for me." You nodded, thinking of his colourfull personality. After he bought his last outfit,


You said, "Oppa I'm so hungry!" You went to the foodcourt and sat down. While awaiting for your ordered food to come, you saw Seung Jong not far away. After Dong Woo called, he came and joined you.

"-was just shopping around. And I see you guys did too? What'd you get? Hyung there's this shop-" Dong Woo's phone called.

"Excuse me." he stood up. Seung Jong leaned towards you across the table.

"Shopping with a guy ha? You know what that looks like?" he winked.

"Shut up." you whispered back.

"If that's your reaction then you probably got my hint ha? That means you were thinking about it too. Honestly I like how the two of you look together. But then there's the problem with Woohyun and Adri-" he shut up as he saw Dong Woo coming back.

"Uh. I.. have to leave. Need to meet up with someone. Seung Jong, help her carry the shopping bags. I'll take mine with me. Seung Jong, eat my food ok? Don't let it go to waste.Sorry it was so unexpected.." After you said bye he turned to leave but stopped. He looked back at you, a playfull expression on his face. Will she slap me if I give her a peck now?

"What?" you asked, confused. Was there something on your face? Still smiling, he shook his head.





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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand