Slipped away.


You walked on the beach in thought. Your mind wasn't a mess, no. You were working out a plan- how will you break up with Adrian? The sun was setting and the sky became pink, in contrast with the green palms. As you came to the end of the beach you were met by huge boulders forming an unsteady wall. Rounding the corner you saw someone sitting on the sand. It wasn't too dark so soon you have recognised his features. 


He tore his gaze off the sea and looked at you. "Oh." he stood up.

"Uhm. Hi."


"How are you?"

Woohyun shrugged for an answer.

"So.." you felt a need to continue this conversation, "Liking it here?"

"Yeah." he nodded smiling awkwardly.

"Why so lonely?"

"Uhm. Something came up..." Woohyun thought of Ho Sook's incident, remembering how Dong Woo stirred up the whole camp searching for her brother. That Lee Howon.

"Hoya's sister?

"Yeah..." Woohyun nodded apologetically.

"I heard. I saw Dong Woo leaving and after a while he called up the others. I hope she's alright."

"Me too. Where's Hyemi?"

"Taking a nap."

"We are in the same boat then. Lonely. Want to go somewhere?"

"Sure. Where?"

"I'll treat you to some ice-cream!" Woonhyun's awkward posture changed and he led you from the beach in to the city. He was now more cheerful than what you saw previously.

"What is your favourite ice cream?"

"I loveeee the ones with citruses!"

"Me too!" he jumped twice and stopped as the passers by gave him 'wtf man' looks. "Heh.." he scratched his head and forgot about crossing the road as the light turned green. You had to pull him.

"Here, chose." he said as you stood in the little ice cream shop.

"How many scoops?" asked the woman at the counter. Woohyun turned to you for translation.

"She said how many scoops."

"Ahh! Gib us bigkest!" he indicated with his hands, trying to show her a massive object.

"Alright. Chose please."

"What do you want?" you looked at him. This feels nice, you thought as you realised how much shorter than him you were. Your head was at the level of his shoulder.

"You chose first," he turned back to the woman and asked, making a scooping-up move,"how many?"

"Eight scoops." she said.

"Holy! Woohyun-ssi, are we gonna finish that?!"

"Watch me."

"I dare you." you grinned at him.

"If I lose... I'll get you a"

"Nice. If I lose?"

"You sleep in our hut for three days!"

"Yah!" you slapped his arm,"Woohyun-ssi! You ert!"

"I'm not. Don't worry Sunggyu hyung will be there too."

"That's even worse."

"Well that's equal to how much a cool phone costs."

"Which is?" He took out his own and showed it to you.

"I'm getting you the same as mine."

"Excuse me young people, but are you going to chose or not?"

"We are. Give us a scoop of...." you looked at Woohyun again.

"Your choice."

"'Lemon sherbet', 'Watermelon Valley','Coffee Caramel','Chocolate Magic','Mint chocolate','Berry Berry'," you gave her the names of your choices,"'Simply Apple'..."

"And 'Cheescake Love'." ended Woohyun. The woman dumped the scoops one after the other, running from one bucket to the other. After paying, both of you sat down.

"Remember the dare?"

"Watch me fulfill my promise."

"And get your lungs amputated." Woohyun chocked on the 'Simply Apple' at your remark and laughed through his nose.

"Don't die yet. Pabo." you joked.

One and a half hour later, the bucket was left with one scoop. Woonyun looked at it.

"Are you begging for me to tell you I take back my dare? Nah." you grinned at him.

"You are going to lose. And you will sleep in our hut." he half-whispered. Seconds later, he couldn't stop coughing. Yet he reached out with the spoon to continue. You snatched the little bucket away and before he could do anything, you threw it in the bin.

"You're crazy. C'mon, I'll get you some hot coffee." You took his hand and dragged the bent-from-coughing Woohyun out.

You bought some coffee and sat by the seaside. It wasn't the beach, it was the sea seen from the city. You sat on the thick bordure, water behind your backs.

"You cheated." growled Woohyun with a broken voice.

"You wanted to get hospitalised?"

"What difference would one more scoop make?"

"It's alright, if you don't want to get me a new phone."

"I want you to sleep in our hut." whispered Woohyun, noticing that it was less painfull that way. He gulped in the hot coffee.

"Don't burn yourself." It was too late though and he spat the coffee, sticking his tongue out and grimacing. You rolled your eyes and slapped his back. He sat there for a moment with his tongue out.

"You can stop doing that you know. What if a fly comes and-"

Woohyun gave you a glare and you put your head down, staring at your feet. His phone rang. Leaving the plastic cup, Woohyun jumped off the bordure and answered the phone. While he talked/whispered you stood on the bordure, trying to balance yourself.


"Ya, hyung."

"What is it Seung Yeol?"

"Where are you?" His question made Woohyun stop. He remembered that you were Seung Yeol's girlfriend, or so he thought, and wondered what to answer. The thing is... he didn't know your real boyfriend was Adrian... whom you didn't consider at all so that's why Woohyun ended up thinking Adrian was some old friend of yours.

"Uhm... why?"

"Efff. What are you on a secret mission? Just find _______ and head to the hospital."


"Hyemi's going to get her legs checked just in case. This will leave ________ alone. None of us are back in the huts, all the INFINITE are here. It's better if you guys come too."

He's concerned for her...

"So palli come or Sunggyu will kill me."

Why is he trying to keep it all a secret and cover up as if Sunggyu said this?

"That was his genious idea?"

"Bingo." Woohyun was about to say something else but he heard a shrill scream right behind him. Dropping his phone he saw your cup of coffee flying and -

You were falling off the bordure towards the water, three meters below.

A quick thought passed in Woohyun's and your's minds. If he doesn't catch you now.... it will be a while after someone arrives to help.

Three meters is a height of a one-story wall.












If I was there... 

My reaction at your fall:




Your fall:



 aigo doesn't he look like a cute babyyyyyy

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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand