Wrong Place


Hey guys XD Before you proceed to the chapter, I want to recount a miniature story which happened on the morning this chapter was updated. As you all know, INFINITE are going to have a world tour and it so happened that they are coming to the country I live in. Me and my friends were discussing where it would be better to sit in the concert hall. I suggested sitting a bit further back where people will be screaming less and we would be able to take,if far, but clear pictures with nobody's hands in the shot,spoiling the view. I refused to sit infront because if everyone stood up to fangirl, I wouldn't see anything. I'm short. And then I said, I would jump on someone's neck.

And then my friends started making a fanfiction on the spot. 

Sophia (yeah my real name): Dong Woo come down, yes thank u, hold on lemme climb on u so i can watch the concert

Dong Woo: But..i have to be up there...uh

Sophia: Shhhh L is singing

Dong Woo: H-HEY! That's my part!


Dong Woo: Ugggh fine /carries me to stage/ better view? /continues dancing/

And that's how me and my friend ended up drawing chibis. So here's her drawing of me and Dong Woo:


To answer her, I drew her and Dong Woo. Don't think I am offencing her but her Nickname is COW so...

Cow I hope you like it XD



Sorry for taking your time guys XD. Now continue to le chapter please




"This is a girls party!!! We can't be doing this!"

"Oh we are! This is going to be so much fun!" Sung Jeong clapped his hands. HoYa sat on his bed,laughing.

"They will recognise us!" whined Dong Woo to avoid going.

"With the way you look, I don't think so!" said HoYa trying to catch his breath. Dong Woo stared back at his reflection, wishing it wasn't him. He was wearing a long,flowery dress, a denim blouse to hide his manly shoulders, a wig with long black hair and make up.

"Hey Dong Woo hyung!" exclaimed HoYa,"Wanna marry me?" For an answer, Dong Woo left his hideous reflection and started chasing HoYa all over the hut.

"Alright ladies stop it now." Sung Jeong called out to the two, fixing his makeup. Tripping over his own skirt, HoYa fell on to the bed.

"Ow man. I think my lipstick just got smudged on the pillow." Letting out a sigh, Sung Jeong attended to the two very strange ladies. With some final touches to both of their wigs, the three men left laughing as Dong Woo admitted that Sung Jeong was the 'prettiest'.

"I can't believe we are doing this." whispered Dong Woo. The three of them were all holding hands.

"You guys need to stick to me," whispered Sung Jeong, "I act most natural out of us all so please don't get lost. I have no idea what they'll do to us if they find three guys at a girls party!"

"We will be worshipped?" grinned HoYa.

"No. More like get kicked out." Their three heads turned to look to the guards at the door. Dong Woo shuddered.

"They are so muscular they could be gorillas."

"Talk about yourself hyung." They walked in to the crowd of girls.

"This is amazing!" squeeled Sung Jeong.

"This is horrible." whined Dong Woo.

"This is hilarious." said HoYa.

In time, HoYa got separated from the trio and found himself talking with some girls. He disappeared out of Sung Jeong's sight and Dong Woo now stuck to him like a magnet to the refrigerator.

"I just hope he manages."

"He'll be fine. He's an actor and his first role was a character who was gay. I'm the one who'll be doomed if lost." Just as Dong Woo was done with talking you bumped right in to him. This caused Sung Jeong to loose Dong Woo's grip and he was engulfed by the surrounding mass of females.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." you bowed. The girl who stood infront of you did not move. She seemed frozen. When you looked in her eyes, she moved them away, as if afraid. was slightly open. "Are..you alright?" Her long lashes fluttered and she nodded nervously, still standing on the same spot. For some reason you didn't want to just walk away. You decided to have a conversation. Taking her by the arm you slowly walked her out of the most concentrated spot.

"Fun isn't it?" She nodded, completely stiff, looking straight ahead of her."You know, now that I look at you closely, you remind me of someone." you continued.

This is a dangerous moment. Dong Woo gulped. Trying to soften his rough voice he finally spoke. "M-maybe..You..Um. Have seen one of my sibling-s..."

"Maybe. You have a sister? Brother?"


"Oh. Sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm _______"

"No wonder!"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean... My...b-brother told me about you."

"I am suspecting your brother is Jang Dong Woo?" how did she know?!calm down.it's obvious you look like him.wtf am i saying i am him.


"So... what did he tell you about me?" Oh man. Red light situation!

"You're charming." Dong Woo suddenly spat out, without actually thinking for adjectives, "Also he said it wasn't just your charming character but your beauty. He hasn't seen someone so simple but pretty at the same time. He likes your taste of clothes. heh you know," Dong Woo was now in the role. He took it in and started acting like a girl and trying to avoid moving about his hands too much. Anyone could see they weren't female-like,"he even makes me wear some things he thinks you would wear!"

"Really?" you laughed and both of you continued walking hand in hand. Spotting Sung Jeong in the crowd, Dong Woo let go of your arm.

"I've just seen my girlfriend. I'll go catch up with her. I might loose her if I don't!"

"Alright! See you around then!" you gave her a hug, a usual thing girls do between eachother for a Good Bye or Hello. Dong Woo was surprised but hugged back. He was afraid you would notice his lack of s. You didn't. He ran to Sung Jeong.



"I mean... unnie! You're alive?"

"Yes!" Dong Woo gave him all his teeth and gums.

"What's with you?"

"Nothing! Oh look, there's HoYa."

"What's up ladies?"

Before they could answer, an announcement was made.

"Alright girls. We've had some requests for some male strippers"

"Oh no please!" growled Dong Woo.

"Ergh." Spat HoYa.

"But that's gross!" said Sung Jeong.Dong Woo spotted you in the crowd and saw you grimace.

"However, we won't invite them because not everyone will enjoy and we have underage girls"

Dong Woo saw you mouth 'thank god' to Hyemi. Half of the crowd let out a sigh of relief while the others were disappointed.

"Aha. So that's what girls do on their parties? Seriously?"

"Not much different from us."

"Instead we will just show you some pictures of our beloved male idols. Warning, even though those are just honey abs, you might be traumatized."

The crowd laughed.

"So here we go." Heads turned to the screen and it started. Football stars,boxers,singers etc. It was getting boring for the three. HoYa hung his head and stared at the rim of his pink skirt. 

Suddenly Dong Woo exclaimed, "HOYA IT'S YOU!"

HoYa looked up and found his own face staring back at him from the screen. Girls hooted, fainted,screamed, Dong Woo died of laughter, Sung Jeong facepalmed. Blushing HoYa saw you and Hyemi. He watched as you were surprised and both of you giggled. HoYa looked down at his abdomen and wondered, Does she like it?



You guys might have noticed my co-author. Introducing you to my bestfriend, say Hi to eachother ^^. She's here because I need her to access my hidden chapters since she won't be able to read them in the future, when they are uploaded. And also I hope she proof reads for me XD You will won't ya?

Too much stuff to tell you... eh... sorry XD

And now,


Sung Jeong



Jang Dong Woo.



HoYa doesn't crossdress. Hehe. So more Dong Woo and Sung Jeong then.


Dong Woo:

His legs..../facepalm/


Sung Jeong



Shut up Dong Woo, you're no better.

Dong Woo



And reality:


Sung Jeong:


Dong Woo:


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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand