Later on


"Where's L?"

"Sleeping over at Hyemi's."

Sunngyu exhaled. "I hope they don't do anything wrong."

"Don't worry hyung," said Woohyun, not taring away his gaze from the TV,"It's not just them. They're having some 'best friends couple' sleep over or something like that."

"Hyemi's bestfriend is _______ and she isn't here...."

"Well then maybe his bestfriend, how do I know?"

"You mean SeungYeol?"

"Hyung! I'm watching this drama! Stop bombarding me with questions."

"Wouldn't it be," continued Sunngyu as he sat down next to Woohyun on the sofa,"weird sleeping over with two guys?" Woohyun was about to snap at him but remembered the time when you and him had a dare. If you lost you'd had to sleep in his and Sunggyu's hut. Laughing at the memory, he recalled it to Sunggyu expecting him to find it funny too.

"What?! Why would you even-"

"Oh my gosh what's so wrong about friends sleeping over together?!"

Nothing wrong indeed, thought Sunggyu. Only if she did sleep over at our hut, there could be a high chance of her finding out my old walking stick... 


Adrian halted as he saw you in the CD shop. He said 'hey' but you didn't hear him. Your head was bobbing up and down as you listened to music through your head phones. He patted your shoulder. You jerked your head away from the kpop CD's you were checking out and found Adrian. You took off your headphones, annoyed at the interruption.

"Why do you always have to do this? It was my favourite part!"

"Sorry. So.. hey. Uhm. Long time?"

"Yeah." you nodded and continued to look for the wanted album.

"We haven't communicated for a while..Thought we could make up for it. You're my girlfriend afterall."

Afterall? So what was that 'all'? You tore your gaze away and looked at him. "I am? Oh yeah right." you said and put the found album in the basket. As you turned to do that, you snickered silently at his 'ouch' expression.

"You've changed." he said.

"I have? How?"

"Uhm." he brought his eyebrows together,"You never used to do that with your hair." he pointed at it and made a disliking expression. You looked in to a mirror at your purple-turning-red-dip-dyed-ends. 

"I don't see anything wrong in that." you said, smiling and thinking of who inspired you to do that. It was a bit different from the original's hair. Yet it was good and most people liked it.  "Besides, I don't care if you like it or not. I do." With that, you took the last chosen CD and after buying your collection, you went out without a word.


You walked briskly on the street, smiling at random people making faces at kids and dancing whenever your phone called. Adrian was right. You have changed. You looked at your phone's screen and noticed the date. A whole season passed since INFINITE and Hyemi left. With them, they took away the old, serious you. To say the truth, seriousness still came to you easily but only when needed. Otherwise you had a beautiful, light, yellow personality.


At home, you closed your door and said "Anneyoung Unnie!" to your Park Bom poster. On this photo, her ends were dyed purple and red. You took out the CD's out of your bag and went to arrange them. All INFINITE's albums had their own special shelf. Once done, you lay on your bed and thought about the last months. Sighing, you dialed your dad's number. He didn't answer but called back 10 minutes later.

~nega jaeil chala ga~ You ran out of the bathroom to pick up the call.


"Yes child, what is it?"

"Are we going to travel anywhere soon?"

"Uhm. Well. you see.. it's been 20 years that me and your mom are married and I thought as a celebration of this long time, I would take her-"

"Oh. Ok."

"Wait! Don't hang up! Since I knew you were going to be bored all by yourself and stuff-"

"Dad. I'm going to go to Korea."

"Yeah we were gonna tell you to chose where to go and stuff so now that we know it's Korea I feel relieved. You know, Hyemi is there so you have someone and you know-"

He kept talking and in the end promised to call mom and tell her. Partly because you asked him to and partly because you didn't want to go through the whole explanation once again. 

As you opened the refrigerator, Hyemi finally picked up.

"Ya! You know how long I waited for you to pick up? I literaly had to walk from my room like a turtle to the kitchen!"

"Eh. Sorry. I was-" somewhere in the background you heard L's 'who's that'.

"Don't bother telling me what the two of you were doing, I don't want to know. ANYWAY. I have news. I'm coming to Korea for the whole summer and don't start fangirling because my ears already hurt from all the musi-"

"Okay okay! I'll scream later..." you heard a very tiny little squeal of happiness on the other side of the line and smiled. "When?"

"Presumably before my parents leave. You'll have to wait for a week MAXIMUM."

"That is soooo coooool! One week! Go pack NOW! I can't wait to see you!"

"Me too. Oh and tell L to tell Seung Yeol that his hair looks cool in 'Man In Love'. And tell them all I'm coming. They better have a lot of concerts because I'll be on each and every one of them. Bye." You hung up. 

Since you and Hyemi conversed all the time, she knew that kpop had finally invaded your life and her dream of fan girling with you finally became real.

You went to dress up to go to the university to pick up some stuff, pay for the next year and ended up meeting Adrian again. He walked with you and even attempted to hold your hand but you jerked it away. As you passed by the people who where your close friends, random students, your haters and in general the most crowded spot  you said,

"Anyway I'm going home now, Adrian." He said bye and tried to kiss you but you put a hand on his mouth saying, "And oh, I'm breaking up with you."

The hall of people went "Oooooohhh" and the hoots kept echoing as you swished your hair and left Adrian standing with his jaw dropped.

I am going to korea. And I'm single.






Today I thought I'd show you some pics of when my sister went to Seoul.





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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand