The Old Man


It wasn't a long time since you accused Dong Woo. In fact, only days passed. The tension between him and HoYa was enormous but no one understood or noticed as you haven't told anything to anyone. HoYa didn't believe you but Dong Woo was hurt and so awkwardness grew between the two. However, being very close friends helped them to believe that normal conversation would be once again present after a little bit of time. Your secret stayed between the three of you. HoYa did not know how to split himself to be by the side of his friends at once, hoping he would not hurt either. 

On a particular morning HoYa decided to get away from the dorm and spend some time with you. He dialled your number.


"Alloha. Did I wake you up? Am I bothering you?"

"Oh, not at all."

"I was just wandering if you wanted to hang out. I could take you to some good places around here."

"HoYa, that's great! You called in time. I was wandering what to do today and where to go."

"So do you want to start now and get it going till night? The weather is amazing"

"Sure. Let me catch my breakfast and I'll meet you."

Soon you were in your dark blue shorts.  Your creamy, chiffon blouse was on and you had your colourfull bracelets all over your left hand. You put on your Vans and slung your little, peach backpack on your shoulder. You were out in no time.

HoYa stood in a simple white V neck and denim jeans. He put his hands on the bordure of the bridge and stared down, although you didn't really know if he did- he wore dark glasses. He heard you approach and when you did, hugged you for a greeting.

"So where are you taking me?"

"To a magical island."


"Ok its not an island but its nice. I guess when tourists visit Korea they like going to cultural places more. We have this village thing. I'll take you there. You'll like it. Its all ancient stuff."

"Oh that's awesome! Let's go!" you made a superman motion with your hand and went running off. However you soon realised you didn't know the way. You turned back, looking at HoYa who was laughing hard.

"It's the other way. C'mon."

The village was on higher grounds than normal so there was a breeze. The weather was beautiful and both of you delighted in walking. You talked and talked. You saw a stand with a man working on calligraphy.

"What's that?" you meant to ask HoYa but the man answered instead.

"These bring good fortune, these luck, these love, these a happy family." He showed you in turn the different parchments, designed to be hung on walls.

"Give us a lucky one," said HoYa,"for the girl." You looked at him,"Just a little something for you to remember." He smiled and paid for the long white one, covered in heiroglyphs and flowers. Once done, he gave it to you. You smiled at the man and bowed.

The two of you continued walking, you taking pictures of everything. You saw a hut. No one seemed about it except a worker who sweeped the leaves from the wooden boards of its outsides. Just as you were about to go in HoYa touched your arm.

"I just saw an old friend, mind if I leave you for a minute?" after you nodded he said,"Please don't get lost."

"I'll just explore that hut over there."

He smiled. "Okay."

You stepped on to the threshold. It wasn't a normal one, but a big space around the house, type of columns holding up the coverage before the house came itself. An un moving object sat at the door. As you concentrated your poor eyesight you realised that it was an old man.

His oriental face was full of wrinkles which mostly gathered at the eyes and mouth, suggesting his happy nature and lots of smiles in his youth. His white beard was so long that it mingled with his hair as it hung at the level of his stomache. Something tempted you to sit down in front of him. 

"That charm is useless." you startled as he spoke your language. He nodded at the scroll of lucky parchment you had. "Why did you buy it?"

"To have luck."

"It doesn't smell of luck,however. But it was luck that brought you here."

"Well then, elder, it must mean the parchment really works."

"No. This isn't what brought you here."

"Then what is it, elder?"

"Tell me first; do you have a plant?"

"Yes. It's back home, so how would it give me luck?"

"Does it look like this?" he raised his walking stick and pointed with it to the plants that framed the house.


"This plant is called Hoya."

The old man looked at you while you pondered. What brought me here...

Something got caught in the corner of your eyesight and you turned to see HoYa standiing. He was looking at his feet.


You smiled and whirled your head back to the man. But he was gone. You stood up in confusion. Walking past HoYa, you went to the sweeping worker.

"Excuse me, who's house is this?"

"I dunno. Its just an old house. Its been here for as long as anyone can remember."

You looked at the door, wondering if you should go in. You decided against it and just as you were about to leave, you noticed the plant again. 

"Oh, that's a Hoya plant!" said HoYa.

"Yeah I know." kneeling, you took a picture. After a while you decided to carress the thick leaves. Something harder than them seemed to be sticking out of the dark soil. Eyebrows in one, you pulled out a little wooden board.

On it in faded out Hangul was written: 

'The house of the Elder,Kim Sung Kyu'




I sincerely apologize for fangirling in every chapter.






He is one of the best leaders out there. He really is. Respect bro.


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I know a lot of people have exams but I want this to be as something you wait for,& not a distraction for your exams.Just in case it is,I apologize beforehand


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Chapter 23: poor woohyun has no amal xD
Chapter 22: u hate him :)
Chapter 20: pizzzaaaa♡
Chapter 19: L dont u dare touch any thing. Leave my house alone u bish
im watching you...inlove with who belzabt

you should get married to woohyun.bye
Chapter 16: DONGWOOS PANTS ♡

hey hey i wanna be able to walk okay

u know what? just kill Hoyas sister ans xhop ____s hand