The New Stuffs!

Guy I Like Series

Dear World,

I was so excited for Monday! ^^ I knew that we would have time to sit around this week because it was an exam week. In other words, that means we just review in class. In other other words, that mean I would get to sit around in science. Thus, in other other other words, I would get to talk to the guy I like a lot this week. >.<

He wasn't there today.


Dear World,

Tuesday came quick, didn't it...? No. -_____- It was so darn slow because he didn't show up yesterday. But science shall be better today, right?! :D

Nope. It was actually so boring because he wasn't there again...


Dear World,

-___- Wednesday poked it's head around to me, but I wanted to reject it so badly. That doesn't even make good sense. -__- Brain power has dropped down because he doesn't come to class all of a sudden.

Class is so depressing now... Sami and Guy B are doing math equations together; literally. They are even pumped and excited for this... Katie and me are awkwardly talking, only because there is nothing else to do. Onil is just...I don't even know what she's doing; she's just being Onil or something.

Sami swore that she saw the guy I like on Monday, right after we had science. In different terms, he's ditching class.

I thought that maybe he would have come to the Wednesday study hall today, since he seems to actually like being there...


Dear World,

Thursday. Exam day.

You'd think he wouldn't ditch that? Guess we're both wrong.



Dear World,

I didn't even have to go to that class on Friday, so I didn't bother myself with the fact that he was probably not around.

But me and two of my other friends went shopping together! ^^ We didn't find what we needed to buy, but just had a talking, catch-up day.

All of a sudden, one asked if I thought anyone was cute in the school (I tend to not keep my eyes on guys for very long and just say that I find no one that amazing) I admitted. Q and A session happened for like an hour o///o Haha, they were trying to guess the guy, but they still don't know! >.<

Apparently, I am being supported by both of them now haha. They said they could tell I really liked him just by the way I spoke about him and that they had never really seen me talk about a guy like that before. >.< Geez, I feel so cute today!

Friend count that know about this guy: Now 3

Haha, you'd think that Sami, Onil, or Katie would be able to tell by now! XD

I guess Monday awaits me now... Hopefully it's better than this week...? Please...


As surprisingly a lot of you asked me, this is the mega chapter from last week from when I stopped writing blog posts! Since he didn't come, I didn't have much to say...

BUT the story shall continue. ^^ Maybe happily? (Pretty please~)

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Chapter 30: *cries* That was beautiful! T^T
Chapter 29: He's totally hitting on you! XD. JUST ASK HIM OUT ALREADY T^T.
Chapter 29: Ob my gosh the ending!!! If u look at it from his pt of view it seems like a lehit response though
Chapter 29: *le sigh* *shaking had*
Chocolatemushrooms #5
Chapter 28: Sweet true story :)
Chapter 28: Awwwww! >.< I hope to we a new chapter up with it saying he went to visit you! There better be one! (Guy B, heed my warning!)
Haha this was sweet though! :D
shinee4ever2012 #7
belfordrocks #8
update plz i'm dying to know what happens LOL
Chapter 27: ...
The feels...
It's too much. XD