Chapter 5: Apparently, We Have a Connection

What Were the Odds?

My heart throb as the random guy covered my mouth. After the two erts passed and was out of sight, the guy let go of me.


“Huh…” I sighed and then let out a big rawr. “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! ARE YOU ALSO A ERT WHO IS TRYING TO KIDNAPP ME?!”



I froze by the time I saw who the guy who just saved me was. “Kyu…Hyun…?” I blurted out as he laughed to himself.


“You know, this would probably be the best time to say thank you…” he said with a smirk, pushing his face towards me.


I pushed him back as I gave out my gratitude. “Th-thank you…” I mumbled feeling a little bit embarrassed.


Kyuhyun ignored my gratitude and went off ahead. “YA-YAH… CHO KYUHYUN! WAIT UP!”I ran towards him. It didn’t seem to bother him so I walked beside him. This guy isn’t half bad after all. I wonder if he really is this nice. I thought to myself while peeking at the tall guy beside me.


It’s the first time I ever got to observe him this close. Eh? He has a cute eyelash… and his nose is quite nice too. His lips are quite red as well.I thought to myself unaware that he has been noticing my observation. “So when do you plan to stop what you’re doing?” he said looking straight to where we’re going.


I cracked and gave a face with dismay. Sheesh this guy… he has some good eyesight there. I muttered. “Eh… you noticed?” I mumbled.


“To think that you’re only ten centimeters shorter than me, of course I’ll notice you pig.”


I REALLY, REALLY HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE TEASE ME… ESPECIALLY CALLING ME A PIG… I have had enough of him… “YAH! WHERE IS YOUR RESPECT? I GAVE YOU WARMTH LAST NIGHT AND YOU DO THIS TO SHOW YOUR GRATITUDE!!!” I shouted from behind him. Aissh… I really hate him. To think that I actually thought he was nice.


He ignored me… as expected. He didn’t stop nor look at me right after my outburst but he did reply. “Mmmhhh… I wonder… who actually saved a helpless pig from two drunken guys earlier…”


Fine. He got me there.“Fine… fine… still you should at least be nice to a girl…” I said catching up to him, and of course he didn’t reply.



We arrived at the apartment an hour later. He didn’t bother to come up so I entered by myself. I saw Taeyeon unnie lying down on the floor feeling her stomach. “Choi… Sooyoung!” I heard her scream like a kid. “Make some food already! Do you want me to die because of starvation!?”She said.


I approached her and whispered, “Unnie… that Cho Kyuhyun guy is outside again.” Taeyeon unnie jolted in front of me, got up and went to the door.


“Sooyounggie… You make dinner now…” she then shut the door with a bam.


I gave out a sigh and went straight to the kitchen. If I know unnie any better, she’d drag Kyuhyun here and chat with him like their really close friends. Unnie is always like that. She seems to be a very supportive unnie but she herself is hurting. She could be a little pushover sometimes; especially to guys I associate with…Wait… Did I just say associate with?


HELL NO! Why am I even calling my coincidences with that guy association?I shook the thought away. I got the stove burning and placed the pot. I gave out a sigh again. I hope unnie won’t do anything to Kyuhyun… I froze… noticing my hot cheeks. Bad thoughts bad thoughts… Stop thinking about bad thoughts… I ignored my own stuttering and continued with my cooking.



“Thanks for the meal…”


So here I am, sitting in front of the guy who saved me earlier but apparently, the guy I despise the most. As expected, unnie grabbed him without a word and dragged him in here. I let out a sigh as I took my bowl to the kitchen sink right before I heard the once silent Cho Kyuhyun speak.


“Wow… the pig actually ate only two bowls… Impressive…” he teased. I tried my best to ignore him but then again, he continued, “Well… good thing she has heart though… or else her unnie and I would be starving to death by now…”


I slammed by bowl (lightly) on the sink, creased my eyebrows and clutched my fists. “YOU… YOU GET OUT OF HERE IF YOU DON’T WANT TO DIE NOW!!!”


Taeyeon-unnie immediately interrupted. “Ah… Kyuhyun-ah… So you’re that close with Soo already… that’s good… I didn’t have to introduce you both to each other formally anymore.” Taeyeon unnie smiled naughtily.


Kyuhyun-ah… Kyu… Hyun… Ah? SO THEY KNOW EACH OTHER AFTER ALL?! I jolted towards unnie was leaning on the table facing the television.


“Unnie… So… so you basically know each other?” I said pointing at the sleepy Kyuhyun across us. Taeyeon-unnie just nodded after putting the remote control down and shutting the TV off. “How… exactly?” I asked her.


“Well, her sister owns the shop I work in. we meet sometimes and eventually, we became friends… but I never really planned on not telling to you…”


“But why did you act like you didn’t know him when he came here to eat porridge? Or the way you asked me earlier?” I said.


“Well first of all I was drunk at the time he ate your porridge and well about earlier… I was thinking of something else…” Taeyeon-unnie smiled before he stood up and went to her room. I remained sitting on the floor when I finally noticed that Kyuhyun is finally sleeping. He was really sleeping. Unnie dumped a blanket unto me and told me to place it on him. I wanted to oblige but somehow I couldn’t.


Before unnie could come out from her room again, I covered the sleeping guy with the blanket unnie gave me. And it’s my favorite one as well… Darn… my unwilling self wobbled while doing so when Kyuhyun caught me off guard.


He got the blanket from his hand and covered himself instead. “Thank you for the meal earlier… Oh and don’t worry… by the time you wake up tomorrow I’ll be gone… and this will be the last first and last time I’ll be disturbing your home.” He mumbled.


I slammed his head lightly. “You idiot… You and unnie are friends; you can stay here whenever she invites you to and whenever you feel like.” I said. I felt my cheeks brushing light pink colors.


“Don’t worry… My noona will be arriving from Japan tomorrow. I’ll stay at her apartment until I get my pop’s trust back.”


“Go to sleep already.” I replied while standing up.


Author's Note: How's the new chapter?? What do you think? It's not funny enough is it... Please bare with my "sense of humor" since I don't have any of it. Kamsam^^ Hope the Chapter is not too long ....


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Blue006 #2
KYUYOUNG! Daebak, Authornim!
Blue006 #3
reagGe #4
Chapter 45: good stories author-shi . .
still ,ill only give you 9 . .do not offend . .it not like i dislike your story . .it just i forgot where i put my 1 . .

hahaha. .
thanks for the wonderful story . .XD
"wave hand" . .
serhine #5
wow, found this story on random stories! xD
chxrryp0p #6
This is perfect. Really. 11 out of 10! *clap clap*
I'm giving it an eleven!!! Its such a nice story...especially at the part where kyu mistook that soo was marrying siwon instead ^^ a v cute ending!!! Hope you can write another sookyu fanfic soon ^^
it's a perfect 10,simple as that. :)
10! 'nuff said...