Chapter 24

Wedding Dress

A/N: Hello everyone!! thank you for reading this far...sorry, so sorry that my update are a bit late..i should had posted this yesterday but since that my sister was over at our house with her baby, i have to delay my update as i take care of the little one..hope you all understand =( ...and without further UPDATE!!! yay!..enjoy reading ^_^ <3 maria  ps. sorry if it's a bit boring..kind of running out on what to write...leave me a comment!




You stood there frozen, your child was staring at you, you then realized that you are soak in rain water, you tried to cover your shocked expression but you are more worried at what your child had seen. "Omma, is he my appa?" you child asked you once again, you didn't know what to say to him, until everyone was awake and seen a scene that was shocking to witness early in the morning. "Good mor-, what is going on here? why are you wet?" your mom asked, you didn't know how to respond to that, you tried to think of an excuse but you failed, you let out a sigh instead and told them a little lie, "I was out for a walk and it rained" you said, but deep down you know that it wasn't like that, your child then look at your mom and then looking back at you, not knowing if he should tell it, but he did it anyway since he was just a child "omma was out with appa" he then blur it out to your mom that it made her get a bit angrier at you. "Appa?" she said, your mom stare at you, looking for an answer, you tried to look away but her stare is more powerful than your own, ahh, what did i put myself into...aish, kyu-shi, this is all your thought. "Honey, who is he talking about? whose this "appa"?" your mom asked you, then suddenly your sister hurried down as she also heard the commotion that was going on, "unnie, is that kyuhyun oppa i saw earlier?" she said blunty, your mom look at you with so much more confusion and anger, you are in a spot where everyone's eye was on you, you let out another sigh as you get started to feel cold from the wetness of your cloths. You started to move but your mom stop you from going up the stairs, "where do you think you're going young lady, you have alot of explanation to tell" she said, you nodded "yes, mom i do need to tell you something, but first can i go change, i feel cold" you said that your mom let you go and change to a dry cloth, your child followed you as you went to your room, your sister just stared at you with a blank expression but before you went in, you turn around to face your sister, "yes, that is kyu-shi, and what are you doing making all those noise in the middle of the night?"you asked her even tho you already know what she did, your sister's face became red with embarrashment not knowing what to answer to your question, so she just lower her head and let you go in your room.


You went to change your cloths with a dry one then you went down stairs to talk to your mom and sister about what just happened that morning, your child with you, you don't know how to break the news to your child about you being engaged to kyu, he was the only one that does'nt know about you and kyu, with his little mind how could he understand, you thought, but you know that times like this soon will happened, you let out a sigh as you reach the living room where your mom and sister was waiting for your explanation of why you are soaking wet this morning. You let out another sigh, you sit next to your child getting ready to tell him about you and kyu, you look at you mom and sister for support, "omma.." your child say to you as he look at your direction, you look at your child lovingly and tell him something that you been wanting to say but couldn't . "Son, you might not understand what omma are going to tell you, but I want you to know that no matter what happened, omma loved you, ok?" you said to your child. Your child look at you with a puppy expression and nodded, "what is it omma, is this about appa?" he asked, "well, not exactly, tell me do you like kyuhyun-shi?" you said as you smiling at him slightly, your child nodded. "Ne, omma, i like kyuhyun-hyung, wea-yo?", he asked, you look at your mom, she gave you the signal, you nodded, you let out a sigh as you tell your child the truth, "son, kyuhyun and I are engaged, that means he will be your appa soon, is it ok for you if omma get married to kyuhyun-oppa?" you asked your child softly so that he could understand. Your child stares at you, then there's along paused from him, then suddenly your child jump with so much joy in his face and scream "really, omma, kyuhyun-hyung will be my appa soon? Yay!...i got a new omma, i like kyuhyun-hyung to be my appa" he said happily as he smiled at you, you smiled back at him, and happily hug him tightly, "gomawo, my son, gomawo". But your happiness got cut off short as your mom taps her feet, waiting for you to explain the whole incident early in the morning. "Hrmp, honey, tell me..what is kyuhyun doing here early in the morning? and why are you soaking wet?" your mom asked with an angry eye at you, you bite your lower lip and turn to your child "son, why don't you and auntie lizzy go outside to play, me and grandma need to have a grown up talk" you said, your sister wasn't happy as she and your son are heading out,except for your child who was happily pulling your sister to play with him.


You took a breather as you face your mom, "honey, I'm waiting" your mom demand, you both sit down as you are getting ready to have the big talk. "Omma, we all know that it's normal for me to act this way, I'm older now" you said explaining your point to your mother, your mom just look at you with a disbelieving eye, not knowing what to believe on what you have said. She then realized that you are not a child anymore, but to her you are always be her child, "honey, i know what you are trying to say, but do you think it's appropriate for your child to see what you have been doing with kyu?" she asked you. You then realized that your mom was right, doing things with kyu with your child around is not appropriate, just like the incident this morning, soaking wet in rain with kyu. You bowed your head, embarassed at your own action, your mom notice your sudden action, she moved closer to you and hugged you "honey, your a mother now, you should know when and where you should do these things" your mom said, you nodded and say "ne, omma, arra" while pouting, "but kyuhyun-shi, he made me things i never thought i would do, it's been a while that i felt this way and some are new to me" you explain that immediately your mom understood where you coming from, "hon, kyuhyun might be giving you things that you never done before but please act like a mother for your child" your mom requested that it made you teared up a little. You understood what your mom was implying since you are a mom now, the responsibility is far beyong greater than just a flirty things with kyuhyun, right then and there you decided that you will try your best to be the best mother and a lover to the boys that you both loved. You let go of your mom's embrace as she asked you "so, did you guys pick up a date when you should get married? and what church you want to be married in?", you then realized that you never set up a date nor a place, somethings that you need to talk with kyuhyun about, but you where too occupied with all the lust and the love that kyuhyun was showing you that you forget about the most important day. "A-anio, omma, I'll talk to kyuhyun-shi about it later, but for now i just wanna spent the rest of my day with my child" you said, "ok, as long that you don't forget" your mom reminded you, "ne, omma" you said as you smile at your mom and look outside the window where your child was happily playing with your sister.



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yeollercoaster_ #1
Chapter 13: The fic is rlyy cute but just a little tip or whatever you wanna call this....using agassi and ____-shi kinda makes it a bit makes it seem like the characters r totally unfamiliar with each other like theyre just meeting
Chapter 9: she's not a very good mother :-/ yes I understand she's got school and work but I seems like she hardly goes near her son... like she would rather hang out with kyuhyun when she should be taking care of her own child... she did say her child comes first so why put kyuhyun before her own son :/ .. if she was a good mother she would have rejected him and stayed home taking care of her own child .. I seriously think this whole love story thing is just runining her image of a good mum(which she is not)

Chapter 30: awww so cute love the ending lovely couple:)awesome story^^
katharine #4
Chapter 30: nice and sweet ending.
i'm so happy for them.
thanks so much.
CNforU #5
Chapter 30: I like this fic soo much that i keep wanting more...can you make a sequel? ^^
Chapter 30: Simply perfect. Just perfect :")
Chapter 30: woa :o
I love this story ♥
its really good story~ XD
mching101177 #8
Chapter 29: wow kyu your so romantic.
Chapter 29: OMG!!! ;______;
OMG, this. Can't stop reading it!!