chapter 20

Wedding Dress

A/N: Hey guys! as the month of march has come to an end and april is just few hours away(some part of the world is already april), that means that it will 4/1/13..april fools!! but i'm not fooling anyone since its still the last day of march where i lived..keke and today marks the day that BAP leader's bday as well, and easter sunday too..well hope you all had a wonderful holiday even tho some part of the word end it already ^_^, thank you and Enjoy reading <3 Maria




"Oppa wait for me" hyemi said running after siwon as she saw him leaving the campus, you look at siwon who seem's to be agitated on something, despite your worriedness over siwon, kyu didn't let you went after him. Since the incident after the concert, with the kiss that leaved a scar on kyu's heart, you control yourself. "Jagiya, are you ok?" kyu asked as he forseen the sadness in your eyes, you just nod and didn't even bother to say a word, kyu followed you as you both leaved the campus. Hyemi caught up with siwon few minutes after you are gone, siwon stop at his tracks when he see's that you are not in sight anymore, he closed his eyes very deeply and hit the wall next to him. Hyemi was confused as to what made him hit the wall like that, hyemi was confused not knowing if she will conforted him or confronted him about his feelings for you. Hyemi realized that all along the girl he was talking about was you and it made her mad of the thought that you broke his heart. "Oppa, geuman*, huh? she's not worth it..tch, i don't even know why are you being like this, oppa? ah, geu jjajeungnanikka*" hyemi said irritated at the thought of you, siwon look at hyemi with a fierce eye that it made her scared of the word that she said, "what do you know about her? huh? nothing so don't you even dare to say those words to me, don't know what I'm feeling....You are not my girlfriend!!! so why don't you just leave me alone!!" siwon said to hyemi, her eyes shocked at what cruel words siwon said, then suddenly a tear fell on her eyes that made siwon realized what he said. "A-ah, hyemi...m-mianhe...really...mianhe..i don't even know what came over me", siwon tried to hold hyemi's hand for forgiveness but it was too late, the damage was done to hyemi's heart, she lift her arm as she slap siwon that it made his face red. Without a word hyemi run farther away from siwon, heartbroken, he doesn't love hyemi like he loved you, instead of running after hyemi, siwon hit the wall once again that it made his hand bleed.


A few day's had passed without any contact what so ever with hyemi, not hearing her voice made siwon realized that he just lost one of the best person in his life, the one that made sure he eats a full meal, the one that made sure he won't do anything stupid when he was around kyu. He put his hand on his face as he lays down in bed thinking about the possibility of what if, what if...hyemi was the girl he was waiting for, what if... hyemi was the strenght he needed all this time..what if?, then suddenly a knock on his door, he got up and look who it was, one of the member in the group named kangin interrupted his thought, "oh hyung, wae-yo?" he asked. Kangin scratch his head, not knowing how to begin, "ah, siwon-shi, are you ok? you have been in your room for day's now, don't you know that you missed a few practice lately? manager hyung has been on my asking me what the hell happened to you, why aren't you in the practice room as your hyung...I'm asking you..are you ok?" kangin said with sympathy in his tone. Siwon look at his hyung, he bowed to him embarassed and say "mianhe, hyung. I didn't realized that i have lock myself in my room for day's, I'm sorry that i also put you guys in trouble with our manager hyung" siwon said apologeticly to kangin. Kangin put his hand on siwon's shoulder and said "siwon-shi, as your hyung, you know that I'm always here for you guys, we should be helping each other not tearing each other apart, huh? Do it for the group, if not, do it for elf, they are the reason why we are here in this business in the first place" kangin reason with siwon, he nodded "yes, hyung, sorry it won't happened again..."siwon promised, as kangin left his room. He went back to his bed, sitting down while looking at his phone, then suddenly something came into him, the urged to resolved the misunderstanding with hyemi. He dialed hyemi's number, Hyemi was out with her friends when suddenly her phone vibrate, she look at it and seen that it was siwon, she didn't pick up, she was still torn up to what siwon said to her that day. Siwon sigh, why isn't she picking up? could it be that she was still mad at me? ahh, i gotta find a way to make amends to her...this can't go on like this...i need her..siwon thought, so he dialed hyemi's number once again, and again, and again. Hyemi sigh as she was getting annoyed at the constantly call that siwon left on her phone, then suddenly she turn it off so that he can't call her anymore, siwon got confused when suddenly a voice recorder was the one he heard, sorry,the number you dialed cannot be reach at this moment, please call back and try again..beep, siwon is getting frustrated at hyemi, tch, what in the world...why she hasn't picking up my calls??..he thought, frustrated as he is,he trow his phone in his bed and lay down.


The next day, siwon waited for hyemi to get out of her class, since they don't have classes in some of the subject that he took. She was waving goodbye to her friends when suddenly she spotted siwon in the corner of the hall corridor, standing with his one leg leaning on the wall, She tried to avoid him but siwon caught up with her. "Hyemi-ya, can you spare me some of your time? Please?" he begged, hyemi stop on her track as siwon begged for her time, she turn around and face siwon "why would I?" she said, "give me a good reason why should I spare you my time, siwon-shi" she demand, her eyes was full of question, wanting to hear a reason that she can't say no to, siwon thought for a moment and say "because you are my best friend....the one that made sure i don't screw up..but i screw up hyemi-ya..i'm just human after all" siwon reasoned to hyemi, hyemi tried to not buy siwon's reason, with her eyes glarring angryly at him, she turn around and tried to walk away but something stop her as siwon said the most reasonable reason she couldn't say no to," I need you....Hyemi-ya...i need you in my life..." siwon said full of regret on his tone as he says those words to her. Suddenly her eyes teared up, she could'nt bear the fact that she did missed him, and hearing his voice was like heaven to her, siwon walk as fast as he could to where hyemi was standing, without her knowing siwon put his arms around her saying what he said earlier "i need you hyemi-ya...I need you in my please don't leave me" siwon confessed, that it made her teared up even more. Siwon walk infront of her and wipe her tears away from her pretty face, then suddenly something amazing came over him, his heart started beating in a different drum as he stare at hyemi's pretty face. All along, he was mesmerized by her, captivated by her beauty,the kidness of her heart, then he thought, why didn't i notice that before...I'm in love with her...i'm in love with hyemi nakamura. Hyemi look at siwon with much confusion, "you only saying that to made me stay, but what does your heart says huh? it's not me you need..but that girl..kyu's girl" she said with full of denial, siwon shake his head "no, hyemi-ya, it's you that i need..all along..its always been you" siwon said as he suddenly lean towards her and plant a kiss on her lips, hyemi got the surprised of her life as siwon planted a kiss on her cherry lips, not knowing what to do, she pushed siwon as she catch a breather, "are you crazy? why did you do that?" she asked siwon, but siwon was not letting her torture him with words as he pull her again for another kissed, this time hyemi gave in. As she thought, oppa, please don't let me go, i need you this you telling me that you have fallen for me? coz I have fallen for you since the day we met....oppa, itoeru*.



*geuman-stop it

*Geu jjajeungnanikka -it's annoying

*itoeru (it pronouce aieru in japanese, the ito sound like ai ) - I love you

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yeollercoaster_ #1
Chapter 13: The fic is rlyy cute but just a little tip or whatever you wanna call this....using agassi and ____-shi kinda makes it a bit makes it seem like the characters r totally unfamiliar with each other like theyre just meeting
Chapter 9: she's not a very good mother :-/ yes I understand she's got school and work but I seems like she hardly goes near her son... like she would rather hang out with kyuhyun when she should be taking care of her own child... she did say her child comes first so why put kyuhyun before her own son :/ .. if she was a good mother she would have rejected him and stayed home taking care of her own child .. I seriously think this whole love story thing is just runining her image of a good mum(which she is not)

Chapter 30: awww so cute love the ending lovely couple:)awesome story^^
katharine #4
Chapter 30: nice and sweet ending.
i'm so happy for them.
thanks so much.
CNforU #5
Chapter 30: I like this fic soo much that i keep wanting more...can you make a sequel? ^^
Chapter 30: Simply perfect. Just perfect :")
Chapter 30: woa :o
I love this story ♥
its really good story~ XD
mching101177 #8
Chapter 29: wow kyu your so romantic.
Chapter 29: OMG!!! ;______;
OMG, this. Can't stop reading it!!