Amber's Announcement

Looking For My Fiance



During our lunch break, Amber announced to us that he is now single again. He really did call off his engagement. I wonder why I can't see that he is sad or depress at all. Knowing that he is single now, it made me feel happy. I don't know why but I just feel it. Maybe because I know that there is a possibility that he will fall or come to love me. All of our friends were surprise about his announcement.


"I thought you love your fiancee?"Key said in disbelief.


"Yeah, I do. But I don't want to force myself to her."Amber answered.


"What is her reaction about it?" Taemin asked him.


"I don't know. Maybe she is happy about it."Amber answered him.


"Now that you are single, I think you can now date any girls that you want."Minho said with a erted smile. Amber just smiled back at him.


"I think I will call off my engagement too." Kai then said which caught our attention. "I'm really serious about Krystal."He continued.


"Why won't you do that?"Amber encourage him. I looked at him and he flash a smile on me. "What do you think,Soojung? Do you think it is best for Kai to go for Krystal or choose his soon to be fiancee?"he asked me. This stupid!


"I don't know. I think he should choose the one he love." I answered.


"Are you sure Kai that you really love Krystal?" Amber asked him.


"Yeah." Kai answered without having a second thought.


Amber and I separated from them before our lunch break will be over. We headed back into our classroom where most of my classmates were already there. From the time we went in, all of my girl classmates surrounded him. They were all asking if it is true that he is now single now. I think most of them already now that he is engage before.




I told my friends that I call off my engagement at the cafeteria. I think there are the students who overheard it and start to spread the news in our school. All of my girl classmates surrounded me. I even got separated from Soojung. They were all asking a bunch of questions. I search for Soojung and I saw her walking towards her chair.


"Amber, why you cancelled your engagement?" one of my girl classmate asked me.


"Because it is for the best." I answered with a smile.


"So it means that any of us now can ask you out for a date?"another girl asked me.


"Uhm, no!" I answered and smile apologetically. They all whined.


"Why not?"


"It is because,someone will get angry at me if I go out to any of you." I replied.


"Who is that someone?"


"Well, you really know her so you can figure out who."I answered with a smirk.


All of them turn their heads to Soojung. Soojung is looking back at us with widened eye. When our eyes met, I smile widely. I motion her to nod her head and thank God she did.


"Eh? You are with Soojung right now for real?"one of the girl asked.


"I think it is obvious, right?" I answered.


They then scattered after I said that. Fan girls are really troublesome. I make my way back into my seat. I sat down. I notice that Soojung is just quiet. I hope she didn't get mad about me using her as my girlfriendto brushed off girls.


"Soojung, tomorrow is 17, where do you want to go?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and she looked at me. I think she lost track of the days and forgot that my advance birthday celebration will be tomorrow. She is really forgetful.


"Oh yeah!"she exclaimed. "Hmmm, where do you want to go?"she throw my question back at me.


"Well, anywhere. As long as I am with you." I said to her with a smile.


"Stupid!"She said as she face the side that is opposite to me.


I got bored in our class and I feel sleepy. I tried to keep my eyes open but it reall close on it's own. I lean my chin on my hand  but my head keeps falling off. I got fully awaken when Soojung kick me on my leg. He hit my bone and it really hurts. I wailed in pain and turn to my head to her. She is glaring at me. I should be the one glaring at her. I raise up my hand to get the attention of my teacher.


"What is it,Mr. Liu?" Mr. Lau asked me.


"Soojung isn't feeling well, she said she want me to accompany her in the infirmary."I said to Mr. Lau.


He look at Soojung, and I signaled to her to go along with me. She acted like she is really sick.


"Okay then.You both can excuse yourself now."Mr. Lau said which made me feel happy.


We really went into the infirmary. There are beds there and it is the perfect place for me where I can sleep comfortably. I lie on the bed and Soojung did the same on the other bed. I think she wanted to get out of the class too.


"Soojung, are you becoming a slacker too?"I and chuckled.


"Stupid, you bring me into this." she answered. I lie on my side, facing her. When she notice that I'm looking at her, she then turn her head to see me. "What are you looking at?"she said in an annoyed tone of voice. I extended my hand, trying to reach her but she is just a little far enough.


"You're too close but I still can't hold you." I said to her then pulled my hand back. She looked at me with furrowed brows and I smiled at her.

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Chapter 44: I opened the instagram and found out about KaiStal's dating in Hawaii and I keep on searching KryBer's sweet ff here and found this one and finish reading it until the last chapter and OMG my kryber's heart >.< Amber always makes Soojungie happy with 'his' dorkyness hahahaha such an awesome story~~
Tikaa_25 #2
Chapter 44: I loved this story ..good job author
lovesehun #3
Chapter 44: chapter 44 : oh my god.such a great story.....
the ending so funny,so sweet and romantic
i love it
lolli_mayan #5
Chapter 44: Wow.. such a beautiful story indeed! So funny and romantic. Good job Author-shii :)
ShnenMe #6
Chapter 44: Great story author-shii! The ending was really direct hahahaha i wanted more! Anyway thanks for the great read :))
Chapter 44: WHOAAAAA!!!!

I think the stupid one here is Soojung lol

Great story author! Keep writing XD
Junno_Jung #8
Chapter 44: Best fanfic ever!! Please make a sequel, I really love it!! :D
cynthialuvkpop #9
Chapter 44: I'm really curious on what happened to kai.....but the story is great
NheilAnne17 #10
Chapter 44: please make a sequel to this! I really love this story. :)