Your way

**Who am I in your eyes?**


**Hankyung’s P.O.V.**


I looked at the clock, and sighed…Heechul hadn’t showed up yet…and he should have been her half an hour ago…


‘I guess he won’t be coming’ I though and stood up…but then I felt someone looking at me again…and I turned around.

‘Of course…what else did I actually expect?’ I laughed a bit when I saw Heechul hide behind one of the few trees that was here…

“Arent you don’t with stalking?” I asked the ‘tree’…and Heechul walked to me “Hi”

“Hello” I said

“You wanted to meet me again” he said, but didn’t look at me.

“Well, we agreed to meet today…but also because you seem angry at me…and I haven’t done anything as I know…”

He shook his head “You havent done anything, I am not angry at you…it’s just…you know…weird…meeting someone who just rejected you”

I sighed “Though I didn’t wanna be your boyfriend…I want to be your friend”

“But that won’t be easy for me…when you like someone you can’t just remove the feeling…”

“Wow…you’re direct with your feelings”I said in a very low voice, but he heard it and answered “Well…I kinda told you I liked you yesterday”

“But you can at leats try? Because I really wanna be friends with you”

"I dont know..." Heechul was avoiding looking at me.

"Please" I begged him, and wasn't sure why I was so obsessed with having him as my friend "Please just try” I tried again

Now he was looking at me, he looked like he didn't like it but in the end he answered "Ok... i'll try" I smiled at him, and he asked "what do you want to do?"

"Do you want to see a movie?"

"Sure" he shrugged his shoulders, and I knew he wasn't comfortable, but at least he was trying.


We started walking slowly "So..." I started "what kind of movies do you like?"

"I dont know" he said "let's just see what's on, ok?"

"Ok" after that it became total silent, it wasn't that awkward silent, really, but heechul was swinging his arms uncontrollably and ended up hitting my hand with his quite alot! I didn't know what to say I was scared that whatever I said would hurt him and make him go home... or something...


If I didn't know I wasn't I would have thought I was blue all over my hand when we reached the movie theatre, heechul had kept hitting harder and harder and I hadn't said anything.

"What do you want to see?" I asked him as we were checking a list over what movies they were showing.

"I don’t know" he said”you can pick"

I started looking at the list and... I got why heechul didn't want to pick the movie... all the movies were romantic.

I let my eyes wander around the list; it had to be something unromantic there...

I struck gold!

It was some horror movie and I pointed at it at once "I want too see that one"

Heechul’s eyes got big "really?"

"Yes!" I smiled at him "I have wanted to see that movie!"

"Between all those other movies you want to see that one?" he asked.



He looked like he got that I had taken the only unromantic movie on the list and rolled his eyes, but ended up saying yes "I’ll buy the tickets" he said.

I waited for him while he stood in the line, and though that this would be fun, watching movie with a friend, no big deal…but when we got in, and the movie started….my mind changed a bit.


Every time something scary happened, which was almost all the time, Heechul grabbed my arm, dug his nails in it so hard that I had to bit my teeth to not think about the pain... and in the end it hurt so much that my arm had fallen asleep, but there was this happy feeling too…it came every time Heechul in addition to kill my arm, tried to hide behind me, so his body was close, close to mine, and made my heart beat fast.


**Heechul’s P.O.V.**


When the movie had ended, I was still scared…the evening had come, and it was a bit dark outside…

“You don’t have to be so scared now” Hankyugn said when we came out of the cinema, and I noticed that I still held his arm.

“Sorry” I took my arm fast back.

Hankyung chuckler a bit “It is ok” then he checked the clock “It is still some time left, want to take a walk?”

I nodded, and we started to walk, and just like on the way to the movie…I could not control my hand who really wanted to hold his hand…so unable to stop myself, I kept hitting his hand lightly, but when I saw his face expression of a bit annoyance I stopped up, and didn’t take one more step…


“I’m sorry” I said, and he just looked at me “For what?”

“This doesn’t work…we can’t be friends…sorry”

I was about to turn around, but then he grabbed my arm “What, why?”

I pulled my arm back lightly, and took three more steps away from him.

"Every time you touch me, smile to me, laugh to me, or just talk to me I just wish it was something more, but it isn’t…and I cant stand it…I tried, but sorry"

Some tears wanted to fall, but I fought them to not…Hankyung looked like he was in deep thoughts, and in the end he looked at me “At least you tried, but as we see it don’t work”

I nodded ‘So this will be the last time we hang out alone’ I though, but then he said “Then we only have one opinion left…your way”

“What do you mean with my way?” I asked confused and walked one step toward him before suddenly stumbling. Hankyung were fast and grabbed me, and just like yesterday he now stood there and held me, and my cheek blushed as I stared in his eyes.

“You sure like to stumble” Hankyugn chuckled, and I looked away.

“This is what I mean with your way” he said, bended toward me, and made our lips meet while I stood there totally confused.


I had actually no idea what to write, but I got a bit of help ^^

So this chapter isnt only written by me, but also by my friend Cococrazy ( ) ^^

@Cococrazy Thanks a lot for the help ^^

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1636 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 55: Kyuhyun has to fight this inner battle with himself. I still think it's not fair because he lectured Yesung before. If he thinks the pictures in the book are too nice to threw them away, give it to Sungie then. It could be a peace gift.
But he needs to sort things with Sungmin as well, or else his possible new boyfriend will run away. Don't know how long Sungmin can take this. But I'm impressed about his patience.
Thank you for sharing this ❤️
1636 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 54: I hope Chullie's way will work better for them ^^ Heechul is so insecure and shy, it's adorable and cute. Can't Hankyung see this? They should try slowly and making baby steps so Hankyung won't feel uncomfortable or awkward in that new situation. He must have thought about being with a man before. Otherwise he wouldn't have suggested to give Chullie a try. Good luck for these two ❤️
1636 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 53: I feel sorry for Sungmin. He's trying so hard but Kyu can't let go of the past. That book is quiet interesting, anyway. Wookie didn't know about it? He would be mad for sure. And think about Yesung... Kyuhyun should give that book to Wook and create a new one for a new partner. At least he was the one telling Yesung to let go of the past. Take your own words in, Kyuhyun!
Thank you for writing ❤️
1636 streak #4
Chapter 52: Teuk is a very good friend to Chul. I like their bond. And yes, Chullie should listen to his buddy's words. Who knows what kind of speech Hankyung really prepared? I mean he seemed kind of sad when he couldn't find Heechul at school. And he put all effort to find out about workplace... Nothing a guy would do who's going to avoid you.
Thank you so far ❤️
1636 streak #5
Chapter 51: I feel sorry for Chullie. He was so overwhelmed in that situation. But getting such words in your face hurt and I hope Chullie can hide a little from the world outside. In case of Hankyung... does it mean he already considered to be gay before? He ever thought about boys and kissing them? I mean he lived with little brothers who are openly gay. But I hope he can fix Chullie's broken heart.
Thanks again ❤️
1636 streak #6
Chapter 50: Angry Chul is kind of adorable, but it feels like Hankyung got himself in deep XP Try to solve it. May he can invite him to a drink and talk without any girls around. Poor Chullie, he was so excited for that 'date' just to be welcomed by that... I understand if he wants to eat that girl alive ^^
Thank you for sharing ❤️
1636 streak #7
Chapter 49: It's nice Hankyung isn't mad at Heechul even I could have understood that Chul's behavior might had driven him nuts. Chul should have asked for his number when they were meeting at the club, who knows maybe Hankyung would have agreed to a date then... Thank you for this ❤️
1636 streak #8
Chapter 48: It's cool Sungmin finally gets the date he waited so eagerly for. But like I guessed Wookie had forgiven Kyuhyun easily as always. In my eyes Kyuhyun deserves a lecture. Drunk or not. Hope Yesung will give him some words, after all he was the one telling Yesung to get along and get over Kyu's and Wookie's past.
But thank you for writing this ❤️
1636 streak #9
Chapter 47: Oh no, Kyu was so over in the club. I understand that Wookie freaked out and slapped him. To be honest, I'm wondering about Yesung staying so calm in that situation. In Wookie's shoes I would be a little mad at my boyfriend for not protecting me, too. I mean he was the one feeling a hint of jealousy before and now he's all cool until they were home. On the other hand, Kyuhyun came to Yesung the day before, gave him a lecture that he needs to accept it that Kyu and Wookie are still friends and that the former couple is over it. And now we see Kyuhyun totally out of control with the explanation he feels lonely. Who was the liar then? I think not Yesung but Kyuhyun wasn't fully honest with Wookie. I can understand when Wookie stays pissed for a while. But from what I read in previous chapters he will forgive him easily again. What I still think is not right. Kyuhyun should see if he messed up things and apologize properly. I think Wookie was too easy with him in the past. Anyway, thank you for sharing ❤️
1636 streak #10
Chapter 46: I think it wasn't the first time Teuk and his sister were mistaken as couple. And it won't be the last XD On the other hand Taeyeon did Kangin a favor XD XD I can imagine them getting a long absolutely fine what will be Teuk's horror. Next time Kangin can give her some ideas what he wants to see on his boyfriend and Taeyeon would force Teuk to wear it XD These two would be hilarious to read. Deal with that Teuk, both love you ^^
Thank you for this chapter ❤️