Your Guardian Angel



Eunmi's pov


It's the start of another school year and I feel a bit nervous cause I am not in the same class with my friends. I am the only one that goes to class A , how I wish that there would be at least one of my friends here with me. I reach my classroom and enter. As soon as I stepped into the room, many eyes stared at me, making me feel uneasy. Then after a while they all go back to what they are doing.

I looked around and notice that most of the chairs were occupied and the only one left is at the back beside a guy that was looking outside the window.I walk to him and asks politely if I can occupy the chair, but it seems that he didnt hear me so I repeat my question again. I smiled when he finally turn to me but my smile faded when he looked away again without answering. ahh how nice of him. I just rolled my eyes.

"You can sit there" I looked at a guy from behind who said that " if you can stand him" I curiously looked at him. . " by the way, I'm Sungyeol" he smiled and took my hand and tries to kiss the top of it but I pulled it away fast and stare at him with wide eyes. "sorry" he said with a smirk then goes away to his friends.

"whats with the people in this class?" I thought to myself. I decided to just sit and looked around. Some girls were glaring at me, some boys were smiling at me like an idiot and some looked at me with pity and I wonder why. I decided to ignore them and looked at my table, at least the table wont harm me.

After being tired staring at the table, I looked at the guy who sit next to me, wondering, how can this guy be so quiet and just stares at the window. I also look out the window, aside from tree branches, nothing much is interesting to look at. I dont like being quiet too much so I fake a cough and he notices me. When he looked at me, I give him my best smile. 

"Hello, i'm --" my sentence was cut off because the guy stand and walks away. And I was left with my mouth open like an idiot. 'maybe that Sungyeol guy was right, i won't stand that guy!'

"Hey!"my thoughts were interupted when someone called me. There were two girls in front of me. They were both pretty. 

"Uhm.. Hello :) "

"Don't mind him" one of the girls said.

"uh? " 

"Zelo." then they looked outside, they were talking about my seatmate. 

"Ah,,hehe it's okay, so that's Zelo? but is he really like that?" I know the name Zelo because he was popular in the school along with his group B.A.P.

"yeah,  you know, many of us were also seated beside him before but later on they change their seats. He will ignore you everytime, like there is no one around him." said the other girl.

"that 's right, he hates socializing. He has no other friends aside from B.A.P." "but hey, how come you did'nt know that he is Zelo?"

"uh, i just know their names but not their faces, i just see them from a far and besides, I dont have much time joining my friends fangirling over them."

we three talk some more about me and my new class.  The two girls were Jiyeon and Suzy.  Jiyeon is so sweet , Suzy is not that sweet and likes to glare but has a nice personality. We  are laughing when Zelo goes back to his chair then the teacher goes in and the two left and go their own seats.


Lunch came and I was pulled by Suzy and Jiyeon so I have lunch with them. They introduced me to Hyuna, a senior and is their close friend. I was glad that they were all nice to me.

"Do you like dancing?" Hyuna asks. I smiled when you hear the word dancing, yes I like dancing, but I really can't dance. Funny right?

" uh yeah, maybe" I just answered.

"why don't you join us? were prepairing for the schools yearly dance competition, it'll be good if you join" and the two others happily nod their head in agreement.

"uh, but i dont have experience in dancing, i dont know how to dance." 

"we can teach you." 

" i'm really glad that you are willing to join me in, but i can't really dance..even if i want to..." they all have sad  faces with what I said" hey dont be like that, i will always be here to support and help you if you need me!" I beamed. They were still sad but they just forced a smile at me and we continued eating.


zelo's pov

the class were already dismissed and I  was packing my things up in my locker, and when I closed it, I noticed a girl that was having a fight with her locker. 

"aish. why dont you just close?" the girl said while trying to close her locker but it bounces back open. The girl sigh and pout at her locker. How cute, i think, wait what am i thinking? then I noticed that the girl is my seatmate.

I walked to her direction and she seemed didnt noticed me, i stand at her back when I pull something on top her locker door. " There, you can close it now." The girl was startled by my presence and face me but lost her balance. My quick reflexes save her from falling but didnt save my heart from beating fast as I looked at her. my face was too close to hers. we were staring at each other when I came to my senses and release her gently. Awkwardness filled the air so I just handed her some random paper that got stuck on her locker door and walked away.. 

"aish, whats happening to my heart? " I thought.

"Zelo!" I stop walking but didnt look at her. "Thank you... my friend"

I decided to look at her and she was smiling sweetly at me. I continue to walk away thinking about that girl.

" me? her friend? huh, she must be crazy" I said to myself as I walk home.


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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!