Your Guardian Angel


Eunmi's pov



October 15, 10:00AM

I am here at the school again, there are sports competition today, but I am not interested in those. I am currently with my friends, they were still practicing for the contest tomorrow. I watched them almost everytime, that I memorized their step already. I wish I can dance with them. Today is Zelo's birthday, but as of the moment I still dont know what to do, I can't think of anything to give to him and I don't know how to talk to him, argh!



Zelo's pov


I wake up and get ready for school, I want to talk to Eunmi so bad but I don't know how. Aish. I get down and went to the kitchen, but I stop when I heard my mom and dad talking, 

what shall we do now? Mr. Son is our only hope" umma said, who's Mr. Son? maybe a business partner. huh, business again

" I don't know, I can't think of anything, else. I gave the best offer but ..... If we can't make him sign the contract then it's the end for our company" appa said. What? End of company? what's happening with the business?

"this can't be, we haven't finished paying our debts and now this"  debts? I thought the company was doing fine?


"hello? Mr. Son" my father talk to the man on the other line, I peek at the kitchen to saw them, while appa is talking, his back facing me , umma is sitting and I saw her crying, and I felt somthing in my heart, I can feel pain when I saw her crying, they were still my parents, Eunmi was right.

"what did he say?" mom asked

"like what he say the last time"

"but we can't do that! "

"I know, but what can I do?"

"how about Junhong's--?" wait me? what's with me?

"talk to him."

"no, we can't have her date someone just for business" what?! me? a date?

"It's what he think of us anyway right, he think of us just thinking about business then let him be, it's for his own sake anyway

"for my sake?!" I said, by that my parents already noticed me

"Junhong?" they both said

"what now? your beloved company was already going down? and you want me to date the daughter of you business partner so you can save it? what a very good idea! " I said in a sarcastic tone, " how can that be for my sake?  you know what? you're right, that's what I think about you, all you think about is business, you really don't care about how would I feel! "

"Junhong, it's not like that we wanted to do that" umma said, I smirked

"do you know what day is today? It's my birthday! I thought that this day would reall be happy, I'm actually thinking of talking to you and forgiving you so that we can finally call ourself a family, because of all these years, finally you're here on my birthday, it's not a note or some things that I dont need, It's you, both of you that were here with me. But then, what I will get is this? how can you call yourself parents??"

I walked out of the door and left them, I don't go to school, I don't want to be there, I would just see my hyungs and they will just annoy me, I want to see Eunmi but I'm still mad ad my parents, I don't know what to do, I can't think of anyting! So I just decided to have a walked and end up at a park near the school. I sat there for a while, I look at my watch, it's just 10:00 AM.

"Zelo?" Someone called me, aish I don't want to talk to anybody right now, I look and see Naeun, a schoolmate, she's the same year with me but not in my class. I ignore her and just stare at the kids who were running around. She also sit at the bench where I was. why can't she just leave?

a moment of silence then

"shouldn't you be at school right now?" she said

"tss, look who's talking, as if you're not from the same school as me."

"tss, a genius ditching school?that's new for me "

a monent of silnce again. then..



"have you heard of my father?"




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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!