Your Guardian Angel


Eunmi's pov


Another day ends, and I am deeply thinking how will I convince Zelo to spend a day with me. It's not for a date, cause it's not like I like him but, ok you admit it, maybe I like him, a little, but I just need to spend a day with him because of school.



its a lazy friday afternoon and the teacher is giving an assignment.

" ok class, I know that this class is a wonderful class full of wise kids and you are really studying hard for exams, and I want to give you a break."the teacher anounced

"Are we going on a class field trip?"

"no Sungyeol, its not a class trip, well it may be like a field trip but the the difference is that you will be in pairs and you will decide where to go. AND, your partner will be a person in this class that you are  not close to"

"huh?" many were curious 

"that will be your assignment, you need to spend a day with a classmate that you not get along well and by Monday , each pair will share the story of their trip to the class and what did they learn about their partner. Now help me with the pairings.."

And so the class were divided by pairs, Suzy was paired with Sungyeol, yeah they didnt get along with each other, they like to yell at each other actually. Jiyeon was paired with a random girl in the class, and you were paired with non other than Choi Junhong a.k.a Zelo a.k.a your seatmate-that-never-talks-and-was-always-staring-at-the-window.  Ok he talked once, when he helped you with your locker but thats it, you never hear him again.

~end of flashback~


And I am now walking home, thinking, probably the two of us would get a failing grade for this assignment. I stop by an ice cream shop to at least relax my mind. I look at the price and into my wallet but my money was not enough so I just sigh and smile at the cashier when I hear a voice from behind.

"two chocolate icecream."

I look at the person beside me only to see Zelo staring at me?. 



He ignored me and get his icecreams and after paying for it, he look at me and offer one of his icecreams.

"for me?" he nodded. I get the icecream and will be thanking him but he's not there anymore. I ran out of the shop to follow him and when I am about to call him, he stops from walking.

"Let's meet here tomorrow at 10" he said but didnt look back at me

I stop then realizing it was about our assignment. " OK! and thanks for the treat!"

He continue walking and just waved his hand.



zelo's pov


i'm now at the front of the ice cream shop. Damn, if it's not for that stupid assignment, I wont be doing this. I dont know whats with me, I'm a bit early to go in here, maybe i'm excited.? aish why am I being excited meeting her. My heart is at it again, beating fast just the thought of her. "stupid heart. aish noona, why is your heart like this?" i said to myself, and out of nowhere a nut fall on my head. I looked up and see a tree branch. "mianhae noona." i whispered. yeah it was probably her, she was the only one who likes to throw nuts at me whenever i pissed her .

"Zelo!" i looked up to see Eunmi. God, she was pretty. She's wearing a simple beige dress and flats. So innocent. " Mianhae for making you wait. Have you been waiting for long?" she said with those cute puppy eyes. I just shook my head then looked away.

"So where are we going?" 

Actually I dont know, i dont have any plans, i dont know what she likes. so i just shrugged my shoulders and give her the I-dont-know look. She sigh then afterwards smile. 

"Then lets just have some walk" she suggested. And I just agreed with her. 

We walk for a good two hours and she was the only one talking, before I was annoyed by her nonstop talks but now, I like it. I like hearing her sweet voice. She talks about how good life is and about the things we passed by. she notices everything around her, the dress in the shop, the kids at the play ground, the dog, and the poster of her favorite band that was at a distance good enough for normal people not to see. And that started her another non stop talk about that group, her bias, their song etc.. I'm not listening to what she's telling, my attention was in her, just her.  And i was surprised when she suddenly stop and turn around, making me bump into her, lost my balance and fell to the ground.

"oh, Im sorry" 

"yah, why did you need to stop without saying?"

"sorry, I was just going to ask you if you're hungry" she said offering her hand " let me help you"

I hesitate if i will reach her hand or not but i decided to hold her hand and i feel some electrifying feeling that caused me to release her hand abruptly. She was looking at me with curious eyes. " Sorry" was what i just said.

Then we decide to go to a nearby restaurant. The whole time was pure silence. We are now at the bus stop but can't decide where to go, she asks me then i asks her, so we agree to ride a random bus and hops off when we see an interesting place. When a bus came, we sit at the back, beside each other, her near the window. the start of the trip was quiet and I noticed that she was already asleep. I lay her head on my shoulder to make her more comfortable and notice a smile form in her lips. Its peaceful and relaxing just looking at her angelic sleeping face. After some time, i also eventually fall asleep.






i just want to say thank you for subscribing and commenting.

Saranghaeyo! <3

ok let's just appreciate this cute kid here <3 keke





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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!