Your Guardian Angel


2 days have passed and Eunmi was still unconscious. Zelo and his family was there to visit.
"So you know about her condition before" Zelo asked
"why didn't you tell me?"
"she likes to tell it to you personally, but still, situation like this cannot be prevented. It's so fast"
"If I just know about it before, she should've not been in this situation!, I'm always telling that I will protect her but I haven't done anything!"
"Junhong, calm down" 
Tears were flowing down on Zelo's cheeks, while he's holding Eunmi's hands.
"let's leave him first" Eunmi's dad said and the four went out. Leaving zelo and Eunmi alone.
The doctors were checking on Eunmi, who was still unconscious. Her dad was there talking to the doctor. 
Zelo and Eunmi's mom were at the garden 
"here" both look at two bottle of soda that was in front of them. It was Eunmi's father who came to them
"they're done?" he nodded
"The girls were there, they were talking to Eunmi even if she won't answer. Telling her how was the school, what they've done for the day. They won't mind if Eunmi's not answering, but they said they rthey knew that she was listening." Eunmi's father said
"I am glad that they've become her friends"
"uhm, may I ask something?" Zelo said making the couple to look at him
"what is it?" her father asked
"about her condition, it can be treated right?"
"yes, it can be"
"Yeah, she will need to undergo a surgery"
"If she undergoes the surgery, she will be fine right, she can live longer right?" Hope was visible in Zelo's eyes
"There are still risks, and besides, she don't want to undergo the surgery"
"what? why"
"we know about her heart defect when she was just 7, but  our family income was just enough for our needs everyday and her medicines. She was always at the hospital before, and we really don't like seeing her like that, but we can't do anything... When she was 10,  a relative offered to help with her surgery, using their savings, so we went to America where they live and they said that the hospitals are better there. We are so happy when they help us. But a day before her supposed to be operation, their son was involve in a car accident and needs urgent operation. The money was used so her surgery was cancelled. At that time, their company was down so it's hard for them too. And all they cold just do is to help with her medicines. So we just came back here. After that, I think that she lost hope, saying that she won't take surgery anymore
 "Appa, I know you are working hard everyday just to earn money for my surgery, I always saw you too tired. I don't want you to be like that. So I won't take      
  surgery anymore"
"Eunmi, what are you talking about?"
"I will live my life like this. I promise, I wont exhaust myself, I will do everything you say. I accepted the fact that I won't live long so I will just do my best to live happily. I will always smile, I don't like people to die. you know, even if I don't get the surgery back in America, I'm glad that my cousin lived, It feels like I saved a life and I'm happy about that
"she do what she said, but we still work and now, we have enough money for the surgery, all we need is her approval"

Eunmi's pov

I was walking inside the school, no one is outside, it was so quiet. 'What happened here?' i thought, 
I went to our classroom but no one is there, even in the hallways, why is this empty? I went inside and sat on my chair, I look outside the window just like what Zelo always did. But I was surprised when I saw a girl siting on the branch of the tree. She was waving at me. It made me stumble and when I stand up and went to the window, she was not there anymore. Is that my imagination? 
"Eunmi!" I heard a voice called, it was definitely Jiyeon. It was her sweet cheerful voice. I turn around but saw no one. Imagination again? Ugh what's happening to me? 
But then, I heard voices again. I also hear Suzy and Hyuna unni's voice. My three friends were talking to me. 
"you know, I get sleepy again in our math class" Jiyeon said
Then they laugh, they were telling me gow their day went in the school, they also tell me that they went to Mrs. Jung's cafe. I laugh at their stories, but I'm wondering, where are they? and why can't I see them? 
I went outside the room and walk again, why am I here? And why am I the only person here? then suddenly I heard the crowds cheering. I followed where the noise were coming from and I came to the gym. What's inside?"
I went inside and saw many people, it was dark inside but I can tell that they were looking at the stage. The stage was dark also. I manage to get near even with the huge crowd.
Soon, the stage lit up and 3 girls in black and wearing masks started dancing at the stage. They were great, as soon as the music stops, they wear off their masks and I saw myself in one of the girls, and she's looking staright at me, when I turned to my side, I saw Hyuna, then everyhthing went black.
It was so dark, but I can hear different voices again, and I recognized them. It was B.A.P then Sungyeol, Naeun, my parents. All were the people dear to me. I opened my eyes and saw I was lying on the ground. I stand up and noticed that I was at the lake. But I feel different, I feel like I am smaller. I went near the water and saw my reflection. It was still me, a little me. Me from 8 years ago. Then I saw a boy in the water, he was drowning! I went to him and pulled him up the water, we both stumble at the ground but when I look at him, he was not the boy I saved. He turned into a girl, the girl that I saw at the school. I just stare at her in shock, but then she said
"Eunmi, it's time to wake up" then she was covered with light making me close my eyes.
I opened my eyes again to saw a white ceiling. This time, I already know where am I,  my body feels heavy and I can't move. I managed to look at my side and saw my parents, sleeping in each others arm. Looking tired and sleepless. But then, I feel something warm on my hands, I look the other side and saw someone holding my hand, he was sleeping with his head on the edge of the bed
he then moved and look at me, his eyes widened
"Eunmi! you're awake!" he said, my parents also wake up and went to me
"Our Eunmi!"
"I'll call the doctor" Zelo said then ran outside.
After when the doctor checked me, I learned that I was sleeping for 4 days already. 
"We're really happy that you're finally awake"
"we missed you so much!"
"me too"
"Zelo" I called but he juSt look at me
"Yah! What's wrong?" Zeloooo" Junhong!" but I was surprised when he stand and went to me, he held both of my shoulders and look straight to my eyes
"You! Why didn't you tell me about it?" 
"I'm so--"
"Don't you know how worried I am?" Theb he hugged me, 
"Please don't do that again, don't make me worry so much"
I hugged him back and  nodded,
"then, you will take the surgery?"
"you're father told me that surgery can save you,"
"why don't you like to do it?"
"uhm... can we.. not talk about that?"
"but Eunmi...okay. If that's what you like
I smiled again just ask him about school and their upcoming competition. Many dance group from all over seoul dreams to be there. It can be their chance to show their talent, the said contest will be broadcasted live.
"So are you practicing well?"
"uh... yeah"
"Why do I feel that you're lying"
"because he really is" Daehyun said
"what? I'm just telling the truth"
"he's really worried about you so he can't focus"
"yah Zelo, you should practice well, there's only a week left!"
"okay, I will practice well, since you're already fine"
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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!