Your Guardian Angel



October 15, 8:00 PM


After they finished baking, the four girls already went to Zelo's house, the gates were open when they arrived so they just go in but didn't went inside the house, instead they were at the side hiding in the plants and peeking at the window.

"hey, can you see them?"-Jiyeon

"ani, It's dark inside, and there's a curtain"-Hyuna

"Aish, why are we here anyways, why don't we just go inside?-Suzy

"no, we can't. I won't go there"-Eunmi

"Is Zelo already inside?"-Suzy

"I don't know, I don't think so, shhh. keep quiet I can't hear them"- Hyuna

"aish this plants, I'm getting irritated"- Suzy.


meanwhile, inside the house.

"hey, do you hear that?"-Himchan

"what hyung?"-Youngjae


"are there thieves here?"-Daehyun

"maybe ghosts"-Jongup

then the four gave Jongup an are-you-serious look.

"C'mon let's check it"-Yongguk


back to the girls.

"I said be quiet!, stop bickering, they will hear us"- Hyuna

"yah, Eunmi, just go there and gave the cake to B.A.P if you don't want to see Zelo"- Suzy

"yeah, and I think Zelo's not yet there"-Jiyeon

"But B.A.P will tell me to stay if they saw me, and I don't want that."-Eunmi


"yah- keep quiet!"-Suzy and Hyuna

"how can I when an ant bites me! aww it hurts. yah! Eunmi just give it to them!"-Jiyeon

"Can you just give it for me?"-Eunmi




"I told you! let's get out here!"-Jiyeon.

"shh! you're so noisy!"-Eunmi

the four girls bend down while scratching their feet that were bitten by the ants


"shh, their going to attack anytime!, let's be ready!"Yongguk

"what if they're ghost? we can't attack them"-Jongup

"what are you talking about! ghosts were not real!-Youngjae

"You're just scared!"-Jongup

"stop that! and be ready, those thieves pick the wrong house"-Daehyun

"Himchan, can you see them?"- Yongguk

"I can't, I think they were hiding behind the plants"-Himchan


"shhh! do you hear that? I think they already hears us!"- Hyuna

"aish, Jiyeon is so noisy!"- Suzy

"yah! i'm not!"- Jiyeon

"pfft, come on, let's go"- Eunmi, then she already stand up

"Eunmi? Yah why?"-Hyuna

"It's all your fault!"-Suzy

"what did I do?" - Jiyeon

"Hey Eunmi, wait up"- Hyuna

"mianhae"- Jiyeon

"you didn't do anything" -Eunmi. then she smiled at them


"shh, they're coming!"-Himchan

"are you ready?"-Daehyun

all of them nods, Yongguk  has a fly swatter in his hands, Himchan has a slipper, Youngjae has a toy hammer, Jonggup has a toy sword while Daehyun has a burger? yes a burger. I don't have an I dea where they aall get that stuffs.

"burger?"-Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup


"Tss. You're still eating again in this situation?"-Youngjae

"hey, is that mine?"-Jonggup

"uhh" - Daehyun

"shh, they're coming!"Himchan

"at the count of three, one...two..."-Yongguk


"ATTAAA--- AHHH!" -all

All of them freeze when they each other, B.A.P holding their weapons while Daehyun has the burger in his mouth. The girls eyes wide open in shock


"Yah! you don't need to shout!"-Himchan

"yeah, and we should ask that, what do you think you were doing hiding there"-Yongguk

"uhm"-the girls

"hey, what's that in your hands, are you trying to hit us with that!"-Jiyeon

"we thought you were thieves"-Daehyun

"I thought you were ghosts"-Jongup

"Thieves?Ghosts?do we look like that?!"-Suzy

"yeah, were to pretty to be those"-Jiyeon

"pfft, but why are you hiding?"-Youngjae

"It's just...ahh Eunmi just want to give her present for Zelo"-Hyuna

"She kinda gets shy, right Eunmi? Eunmi?"-Jiyeon

"hey, where did she go?"-Suzy

"She already left" ----







"me" ----

all of them slowly look to where the voice is coming from. slowly.slowly











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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!