Your Guardian Angel

Eunmi's pov


October 15 6:15 PM


When I get to the cafe, I greeted the workers and went to the kitchen. The workers were already used to us coming in this cafe, they even thought of us as Mrs. Jung's relatives. Mrs. Jung doesn't have a daughter, she have a husband but he left, or I shoukld say disappeared. They founded this cafe together before they even get married and promise to take care of it and pass it to their children, but his husband disappeared before they could have a child. On their first year anniversary, Mrs. Jung is waiting for her husband at the cafe but he never came, until now, he still didn't came. After that, Mrs. Jung live her life alone manaaging the cafe, still waiting for her husband. It's been ten years since her husband disappeared. No one knows how and why.  It's been 10 years since her husband disappeared. And everytime she told us her story, I ca it in her eyes that she still loved her husband and she missed him badly, but I can also see some glint of happiness in her, because she's reminiscing the times when they were together. Mrs. Jung is a strong woman, even if she was left, she still manage to live with a smile on her face, but her smile fades on their anniversary. Everytime that time came, the cafe was closed, but Mrs. Jung was there, baking the faavorite of her husband and still waiting for him, crying. That's the only time I saw her crying. Hyuna unnie, is very close with Mrs. Jung, she already know her since middle school. Then she introduced Suzy and Jiyeon last year, and the last is me. Hyuna is really like a daughter when it comes to Mrs. Jung she already witnessed many times how Mrs. Jung was still hurt by his husband lost. That's why she promised to make her happy by being a daughter. Hyuna's parents were already separated and she's staying with his father and it's new family. They were okay with each other but she like Mrs. Jung more to be her new mother.

When I enter the kitchen, I saw Mrs. Jung already preparing the needed stuffs we need to bake.She greeted me when she finally saw me, I also greeted her and put the things I bought at the table. 

"Ready to bake your first cake?" she asked. I just nodded.

After a while we already start. She gave me the handled electric whisk and a bowl with butter, sugar and salt. I beat them together, the way it soon becomes fluffy is cute, while I'm doing that, she melted the chocolate. We are making a Sachertorte.  My phone vibrated so I get it from my pocket to see that I have received a message from Daehyun oppa. 


from: Daehyun oppa

to: Eunmi

>> Do you know where Zelo is? were already preparing for his party but we can't contact him. 


from: Eunmi

to: Daehyun

>> I'm sorry, but I don't know either. 


I really don't know where he is, maybe he's with Naeun. Aish. Naeun again. Maybe they were dating. 


"Eunmi? are you alright?" -Mrs. Jung

"ah, yes. Sorry I'm just thinking of something. ahm what should I do next?"

"Continue to beat that then add the egg yolks gradually"

I continue to beat the mixture then I add an egg yolk and beat it again. what could be Zelo doing right now? Is he really with her? They should be really happy now, celebrating his birthday. 

"yah, Kim Eunmi, add the egg gradually, not all at once."- Mrs. jung said that I awken me from my thoughts, I didn't notice that I have already pour the eggs at one time, 

"ah, mianhae" 

"that's alright, but are you sure you can do this? I mean, I think there is something bothering you.

"mianhae, but I can do it, I wont be spacing out this time." then I continue to beat the mixture, while adding flour. Focus. "Eunmi, you need to focus, you are baking this cake for Zelo and.... yeah it's for that guy" I thought, I don't know but this time I think I'm getting mad. aish that guy, and also myself, "Aish pabo Eunmi, how can you fall for him. If  in the first place you prevented yourself to fall for him, you won't be feeling this right now, pabo, pabo pabo!" I said, yeah I don't just tought of that, I literally talk to myself, I can't prevent myself and the mixture received my madness, its getting stiff and I already use force in beating it. ahh

"oh?!" I look at the mixture and it's not good to see, It's ... I can't explain but..whatever. hehe

"Eunmi-ah, don't put your anger in that, the mixture don't hurt you."

I ruined it, Aish, I ruined this cake I'm baking. I think I really can't do it! I made a sad face at Mrs. jung and pouted

"mianhae,"  ah I'm bad, I asked her to help me but I'm not doing it right. I'm just wasting her time. She came to me and get the bowl and the whisk from my hand.

"You know, when you're baking, or cooking, you should put your heart on it, like you aremaking it for the most important person in your life. You should put love when baking,or else you'd like to cause stomach pain on the person who will eat the food you make."


", if you bake when you are angry or mad, and put your anger on the food you're making, the bad aura will go to food,so the food won't taste good or have a bad effect on the person who will eat. So you should put love when making food" she said then suddenly the door opened and enters my three friends

"hello!!, Eunmi the workers said that you're here, what's you're business here?"-Suzy

"Umma!" Hyuna unnie greeted Mrs. Jung, she calls her umma. 

"omo! what's this?!- Jiyeon suddenly exclaimed making us look at her, she's staring at the mixture that I just make.

"Eunmi, are you trying to bake for Zelo?"-Suzy. I pouted and lowered my head

"with this?!" Jiyeon. I lowered my head more

"do you want Zelo to have stomach cramps?" my face was already flat on the table, I want to shrink myself. Is it really that bad?

"oh, so lets just continue, shall we Eunmi?"-Mrs. Jung

I look at them, they were all staring at me.

"We'll help you!- Hyuna, Jiyeon and Suzy

I smiled and nod.

"Let's bake!" the four of us shouted while Mrs. Jung just laugh at us








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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!