Your Guardian Angel




"more important than me?" Zelo asked , Eunmi didn't answer.



“About what I said--”

“Ah, Zelo-ah—“

“Why wouldn’t you let me finish what I’m trying to say?”

“I-I already know” (I already know that you and Naeun are together and that you don’t like me)

“Is that the reason why you’re keeping the distance?” ( because you don’t feel the same way towards me?)


“I understand” (I can’t force you to like me too)

“mianhae” (sorry for loving you)

“I’m the one who needs to say that”

“I hope your relationship be well” *smiles

“Huh?” (What relationship?)

“You and… Naeun”  (What’s with the expression?)

“We’re not dating”


“Aish, okay. Let’s do it again.”

“What’s that?”

“About what I said -- let me finish now arra?”

“But I don’t want to hear it!, I already know it, why would I have to listen to it!”

“What did you know?”

“Aish, what’s with you? I already know that you and Naeun are dating!”

“Huh? That’s not what I’m going to say, It’s about last Monday—“

“You want to say sorry because of what you said, right?”

“Yeah, I want to say sorry for saying I like you…”


“That way”



“It’s not the proper way to confess right?”



“Uhh, you don’t really have anything to confess so that’s just fine”

“Kim Eunmi—I...I...I like you, I really do”

(O_O) <-- Eunmi

“b-but, Naeun…”

“we’re not dating”

“But, about the business”

“You know that?”

“Your parents told me”

“So you think I would really date her?”

“I don’t think you would if it’s for business, but I saw you with her, and you’re smiling, so I thought you really like her”


“d-does she, l-like…”

“She doesn’t like me”


“What? You think this is drama? Where the girl likes a guy that’s why she uses her father  to get the guy?”


“ actually, she likes…..”




Zelo's pov


October 15, 10:00 AM

“Have you heard of my father?”


Tss, why is this girl here anyway, father? Son Naeun’s father, Son? Son? I heard that, ah, my parents business partner, who wants me to date her daughter. Yah, wait is she?

“Son Naeun”


“Are you…, wait, do you know my parents?”


“So you are the…”

“Yeah, my dad wants me to date you”

“Uh? Wait. Your dad wants you to date me, or you want to date me that’s why you tell your dad”

“Aish, you know what, for a guy, I think you're watching too many dramas”

“I don't watch drama, but why would your dad want you to date the son of a business partner whose business is already going down?”

“My dad is crazy sometimes, you know, and besides, he's not the kind of dad that would set his daughter for a rich businessman son.It’s because you’re such a perfect child. An intelligent, handsome, talented and nice kid, I think those were true but I think your parents we’re exaggerating their story about you . And oh, by the way, your parents’ company already falls a long time ago”


“What “what”?”

“My parent’s brag me to your parents?”

“yeah, kind of, parents actually do that to their friends"

“The company? It’s already down?”

“Yeah, you don’t know about it?”

“Would I ask if know?”


“Do you know my parents for a long time now?”

“uhm, they were into business with my father about 4 years already. But as I know, your company was already suffering even before they meet my father"

"why didn't they tell me? and, it can't be, they were always away because they were managing the business."

"It's true that are managing the business, they were trying hard to bring it back, Aish, I shouldn't be the one to tell you this"

"just tell me, everything you know"

"uhm, four years ago my father was involved in an accident but luckily your parents were there to save him. He want to thank your parents, so when he found out of your company, he offered help. Your big company was now just a small company, it's not like before, your parents really work hard to bring the company back in its previous state but luck was not with them, and until now they were still paying their debts. If my father sign their proposal project, there is still a chance to have the company alive even for just 2 years more until you graduate high school."


"I met your parents when they visited father in our house as a friend, and not for business. They told stories of their family, of their children. They were very proud of you to be their son, and they were still mourning because of your sister's lost. "


"do you know why did the company fall?" Naeun ask

"because they were greedy, it's their karma"

"tss, you hate you parents that much? I can't believe you, they do everything for you but you still hate them"

"they don't love me, all they care for is their business, you know what! they didn't even came to my birthday for twelve years, they even show for only 3 times in my sisters death anniversary, they don't care for their kids anymore!."

"yah, I don't see them like that, and you know, I don't know how much you hate your parents, maybe they lack for being parents but that's because they were making money to pay their debts after your sisters death and your operation!"


a moment of silence between the two

"you know, I wasn't supposed to know these but, when they visit my father before, i kind of eavesdrop to their conversation. And I learned that even before your sister's accident, the company is aready having a problem, plus the fact that they were paying for your medication, then after that is your sisters accident and your operation, all the savings that your parents have were spent, the company was down, so they don't have any choice but to loan some money. The money is for bringing back up the business, for your medication and for your study. They hope to bring back the business but it just won't, they somehow manage it to go back but it's not like before. They were sending you expensive gifts on your birthday because a plane ticket back to korea is a lot more expensive, and it's a way for you to think that everthing is just fine"

"I don't believe you" I really can't, why didn;t they tell me? they were suffering all this time because of me? why didn't they just let me die of cancer? in that way they won't be suffering

"it's true, and you know what, they tell father that you're a good son, you study hard because you want them to be proud, they say nice things about you the way parents will really brag about their child, and seeing you a school as one of the top students, i thought that you were in a good relationship, I never thought of your situation like this." 

after what she said, silence surrounds us again, what can I do? Umma, Appa, I never really call them that recently, and I think I don't have the right to now that I knew that I've been a bad son, Mianhae appa, umma...mianhae noona, I know that you're mad at me, I let you down. I didn't notice that a tear already escape from my eye.

"aigo *stretch* I think I just came to tell you those, that's not what I'm going to tell you actually."

I wipe the tear on my cheek and face her



"If..I date you...the company, i mean my parents---" 

"yah! are thinking on dating me?" 

Aish, what am I thinking, why did I even think of that? If I date her what about Eunmi, but, this is for my parents right?, when I look at her she's just laughing at me


"You understand everything now, don't you? that's good. You know, It's not too late to show your parents that you love them and say sorry for your mistakes, but not with dating me."

"what can I do?"

"Zelo, I'm actually here because I need you help"

"what help?"

"You like Eunmi right?" how did she? " And me, I like Daehyun oppa" she what?! " now, I want you to come with me and talk to my dad, explain to him that you like someone else and that I like someone else too and that's not you. I've tried saying this to him but he won't believe me, he said he wants to hear it from you, he wants to talk to you actually"

"but if I said that, he won't sign the proposal right? how can I help my parents?"

"If you want my father's sign, spoke to him with the truth..."



" and with what you really feels"




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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!