Your Guardian Angel

Eunmi's pov


"what took you so long?" Hyuna unnie ask while I hand her the soda

"yeah, we thought you were already eaten by the Soda can" - Jiyeon

"tss, it's I just talk to...someone."

"Junhongie?" -Suzy

"ani, just someone."

"tss, as if you could fool us"

"psh" I just smiled and sit with them, but I am still thinking of Zelo, and that someone...


>>flash back<<


"who's that someone? that told you everything?"





"ZELO-YAH!" we both turn when someone called him.


it's Naeun, why can I feel pain just seeing her? before Naeun come near to us he answered my question


"it's her" her? Naeun? She told him everything? 

"ahh, I see" then Naeun stand beside him


"Eunmi-ah, I will borrow Zelo for a while" then she smiled brightly and go with Zelo


>>end of flash back<<


psh, how can she smile like that? aish, that girl is really pretty, I'm nothing compared to her. borrow? she'll borrow Zelo? tss  as if she will return him, and besides, he's not mine anyway. argh, but I'm wondering, how can she know about Zelo and his parents, and their problem? that girl is really someone, special?




October 15, 3:00 PM


"Eunmi-ah, you'll go to Zelo's party?" Jiyeon asked


"..." they dont say anything so I look at them

"waeyo? You'll go?"

"B.A.P invited us," -hyuna

"to be exact, Daehyun invited unnie" - Suzy

"yah! he's with B.A.P and I'm not the only one he's talking to" 

"unnie, what do you think of Daehyun?"-Jiyeon teasingly asked Hyuna

"tss, would you please stop teasing me to him," then she glared at Jiyeon" so, comin' or not?"


"were not going if you won't too"-Suzy

"huh? no, just go if you want"

"you think we will stay there without you?"

"but I don't want to see him,"

"but you already missed him, right?"

"ahh, I don't know anymore!"

"you're jealous with Naeun, aren't you?"




October 15, 5:00 PM



"Mrs. Jung!" 

"Eunmi-ah! why did you call?"

"uhm, can, can you help me bake a cake?"

"a cake? why? is baking your new interest now?"

"ah, It's a gift for someone, hehe"

"ahh, I see, okay so what kind of cake would you want to bake?"

"uh, chocolate cake"

"ah okay, oh wait I don't have all the ingredients for that, can you them for me?"



after I list the things needed I headed off to the market. I've decided to bake a cake for Zelo and will just left it to B.A.P ,  yeah that's what will I do, in that way I can give  him agift but I won't be seeing him. That would be alright cause I have already greeted him personally this lunch, and now he's woth Na-- aish  I shouldn't be thinking of them! 

after I bought all the ingredients, I already went out of the market, I was walking and stop by in front of a flower shop to see the beautiful flowers.

"Eunmi?" someone called me, I look at my side and saw Mr. and Mrs. Choi.


we went to  cafe nearby. I smiled ate them and they smiled back

"so, how are you now?" Mr. Choi started the conversation

"I'm doing good, "

"that's nice, don't stress yorself too much okay?, we can see that you are a bright kid, so you should always smile brightly too." Mrs. Choi said

"ne" I just answered, I really don't want to stress myself, but I can't help it, just thinking of their son makes me stressed.

"I just wan't to ask something." -Mrs. Choi

"what is it?"

"we know that you and Junhong are friends but, are you two dating?"


"dating? I mean, Junhong doesn't have a lot of friends, especially girls. And we saw her in the hospital with you, it seems that he cared for you so much"

"ah, ani.. we're just good friends, we're actually seatmates that's why we're close" I explained, that's the truth, we're just friends, he maybe more than that to me but it's not the same with him. i'm just his friend.

"ah,  but you two look good together," Mrs. Choi said and I just smiled awkwardly

"stop that, she's being embarrased


"but, I really like it if they would be dating rather than Mr. Son's daughter" Mr. Choi said to her husband.Zelo is dating someone? 

"he wouldn't do it anyways" Mr. Choi said, what are they talking about. then he look at me, noticing that i'm being left in their conversation

"Junhong already knew about the company and he's really mad," 

 I thought that he haven't talked to his parents yet about it? Mad? how can he be mad? Why would he be mad if the company is going down? Maybe he don't know the whole story yet that time but still, how can he be mad? I look at the couple in front of me

"You know the condition of our company, and our business partner agreed to sign on our papers if Junhong dates her daughter, Zelo heard us this morning . "

So they will make Zelo date someone because of business? that's why Zelo is mad, he's mad because he don't like to date that girl, because of Naeun? Ah Naeun, why i'm always thinking and hearing her name this day, She just popped out of nowhere with Zelo, why am I thinking too much? but,, i don't even know when did they start to go along with each other, Maybe that time when I didn't talk to Zelo

"we don't want to do it either, but we can't do anything, Mr. Son is our only hope in bringing the company back, "

Mr. Son? Son? wait, Naeun, isn't she Son Naeun? right? her family name is Son right? could it be her? 

"uhm, the daughter of your business partner, Could it be, Son Naeun?"

"you know her?"-Mr. Choi

"ah, yes she is, of course you know her, You go to the same school. Mr. Son knows everything in our family"

that's it, I don't know but there's pain. I can feel pain. Son Naeun, that's why she knows alot about Zelo's family.  Zelo knew eveything right, that's why he's not mad anymore when I talked to him, and top of it, he will be dating Naeun, and Naeun is the girl that she likes...

"what shall we do? Junhong is mad, maybe we should already tell mr. Son that the deal can't go further," -Mrs. Choi

"uh, I think Junhong is not mad at you now, and maybe he would do it, the date thing with Na Eun" I said

"how can you say that"

"Junhong and Naeun, they're getting along well with each other, I also think that Junhong likes her"


"uhm, I just saw them together this morning"

the couple just look at each other, I look down and quickly wipe the tears forming in my eyes, 

"ahm, I must go now, thank you for the coffee" I bow and go, but they called me again

"Eunmi, will you go to our house later? B.A.P is setting up a party for Junhong"

"I'm actually busy, but I'll try to come" I bow again and quickly left, I don't think I can go.





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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!