Your Guardian Angel


Zelo’s pov


Eunmi’s father won’t let me see her, aish what can I do? Where can she be? Is she really sick? Can she be in a hospital? But which hospital is she in?! I am now walking but I don’t know where it will lead me, I just walk and walk until I reach the bus stop. I ride a random bus and sat at the back. Because of exhaustion, I closed my eyes and instantly, memories filled my head. It’s only her in my mind. I didn’t notice that I already fall asleep. When I woke up, I looked outside the window and noticed where am I,  I am back to my hometown. The place where I met Eunmi. I get down the bus and walk to the lake. She’s not here but I wish she is. I don’t know what to do now. I stay there for a while, it’s getting dark when I decided to go home.

When I opened the door, I heard some noise at the kitchen, when I get there, I saw my mom cooking and my dad setting up tha table. What are they doing here?

“oh, Junhong, you’re there. Just wait a little its already done.”

“why are you here?” I coldly said

“it's still our home." my dad answered.

"yeah, and your birthday is coming"

"so, son, where do you want to celebrate?"

"huh? are you kidding me? what have you eaten? are you sick?"


"stop talking like you care for me and my upcoming birthday cause I know you don't!"

"Junhong, don't raise your voice on your umma! yah Choi Junhong!"

he's not yet finish talking but I already ran into my room, I just can hear his shouts. I don't care about them. yes, I'm trying to believe what Eunmi said before, that parents always love their child, but I think not in my case. I try to forgive them before, hoping that they will change but they don't they were always away. For 12 years, I am already used that they won't come, and now they are expecting me to just accept everything? Even on noona's death anniversary, Its been 8 years since she died, but there just 3 times that they show up. 

I dragged myself to the bed and lay down. I'm near the edge, I put the phone near my head then I just closed my eyes and try to calm myself. I was startled when my phone beeps, with my eyes still closed I try to reach for my phone but it fell off the bed


i opened my eyes and turn my position with my chest lying on the edge of the bed while trying to reach for my pfhone on the floor, but because it was to far for my arms to reach, I eventually fall off the bed also

"aww, that hurts" my body was facing the bed so when I looked up, I can see what's under my bed, there are some boxes of old toys and books , and some things that I think were already lost, but what caught my attention is a small blue box. I straighten and reached for it, I sit properly and put the box on my lap, I blew away some dust, oh it's been years since I last opened this. The box is full of memories, the good ones, of my past. yeah for sure cause my past is not that good, these few good memories are the most cherrished. Like cherry, cherry tomato lol. There are photos of me and noona, and photos of my complete family, my umma, appa, noona and me, I think it was when I was 4, yeah that may be the happiest four years of my childhood. my family is complete and were happy. But suddenly everything changed, my parents become too busy, and starting on my fifth birthday, I feel like they have forgotten their son. On that box also was a small handmade skatboard keychain. Im still a little kid when I got interest on skateboard, but since I still can't ride a real one, they just buy me that, my name was also carved there. All memories were from my family, but there's one thing that has a big part in my memory and its from a stranger ,before...


Eunmi's angel doll



"i stand and plan to leave when i noticed something.. her doll. she left it. i picked it up and examine it..
psh guardian angel. should i keep it? or should i just leave it here? "



yeah, I kept it. That time, I really had no idea why I keep it, maybe because I think and believe that we will see each other again, After thinking of her and what she said, and because I liked to thank her, I want to give this back to her personally. yeah I totally forgot about this doll even if I already known her. yes, I will give it back, and maybe I could thank her properly now. there's just one thing that was in my mind, although I know it can sound stupid or what, but, did this angel bring me luck? or somehow make my life change? Or is it because of her connection to this doll that makes this happen? or this doll has some powers or somthing?

"hey doll, or Angel, that's your name right? I you're really an angel, can you guide me to find your owner and promise, i will protect her and i won't let anyone to hurt her,,, please. I promise to give you back to her, but please help me with her."

Aish what am I thinking? believing in a doll and worse talking to it?! then suddenly my phone suddenly rings . I totally forgot about it, I reached for the phone and look at the screen,


Eunmi calling


I immediately answered it,

"Zelo." " Eunmi" we said, at the same time

I try to talk but she stopped me

"hey, let me first okay?" I didn't answer

"okay, so..... sorry for making you worried , if you are" she said

" I am, but-"

"I'm not done yet."


"I called because I think... I think I needed to talk to you" she said stuttering with some pause like she's hesitating to say those "and, hey don't try to find me! I'm fine,go to school tomorrow and wait for my text okay! okay that's it bye!"  now, she said in a rush

"hey- Eunmi I, hey, hello? hello? Eunmi?!" 

Aish that girl,, but I feel relieve to know that she's fine. I looked at the doll on my left hand, well I think this doll really has some magic. a magic connection to its owner, even if they were seperated for years.  okay you can call me crazy now but. 


Thank you Angel...



sorry for just upadting now.I plan to update earlier but I can't cause I still can't get over DKFC! 

Like, EXO, SNSD, Infinite, UKiss, Tasty, and Tahiti. all that 6 group came to my country to have a big concert and because I'm effin poor, I can't afford to buy a ticket! 

EXO sang a tagalog song which I really like. Even if I was'nt at the concert, just watching/reading that they are speaking and singing using my language is Ahhh! I can't even have a word for it. HEWEK KEMEY!

And what's surprising is, that yesterday, BAP was also here in the Philippines to shoot for a cf. but since fans were at the concert, nobody noticed it. maybe it was planned? LOL nananadya ang BAP, naman eh! 

Life is really unfair, hindi na nga ako nakapunta sa DKFC, hindi ko rin nakita ang BAP! asar naman oh! kapag ako talaga yumaman ako pupunta ng South Korea!



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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!