Your Guardian Angel

zelo's pov


when I wake up, my parents were eating breakfast, they didn't notice that I'm already awake. they were talking about something, I mean someone, but I know it's not me.

"how do you think she is now?"

"maybe she's now fine" who's "she", i thought

"yeah, I hope she's okay now, hey, why don't we visit her? I don't know but there is something that urge me to see her" my umma said

"I think that's a good idea" 

I walked in to the kitchen and just get a glass of milk,

"hey, Junhong, good morning." 

"Good morning son, sorry for the last night and-"

"Good morning" I said coldly and then walk away, but I stop when my mom called me

"Junhong, wanna come with us, were gonna visit someone,she passed out the other day when we saw her. she's from your school too."

"just go without me"

now what? they care more to a stranger than their son. okay, that's nice of them to help but, why did they want me to go there too? to say to that girl whoever she is that I'm their son? to show the girl that I have good parents? the hero like ones? aish. I just prepared for school.

since Eunmi called me last night, I keep thinking of her,  as she said, I go to school and prepared for the festival, unlike yesterday, I don't look angry now, even Suzy and Jiyeon were surprised that this time I havent ask them anything about Eunmi. Some girls were still picking on Soojung. After I help the class preparing, me and BAP practiced for our performance for the festival. I was waiting for Eunmi's text, its already 3 in the afternoon but she haven't texted me yet.  

“Aish, I want to see her already” I was playing with my phone when I decided to call her, I don’t want to wait anymore.


“Hello, Zelo?”

“Yah Eunmi, I thought you will text me?”

“Yes, I said I would texted you why did you call? Can’t you wait for it?”

“Yeah I know that but…. I can’t wait anymore because…”


“Because I miss you…”

“….” She didn’t answer. Aish Zelo why did you say that?!

“Hey Eunmi? Still there?”

“Ah, yeah sorry.. and sorry for not texting you early, I just had a visitor.”

“then, I will just go there. You’re home right?”

“No you cant.”

“and why?”

“I’m not home”

“then where? I will go there.”

"just wait" I can hear talking to someone, they talk about something and that something would take some time.

"Zelo,  we'll just talk tomorrow?"

" no, I don't want. I want to see you right now, so please just tell me where you are."

she doesn't answer for a while.

"well, ok" then she told me the name of the place. it was a hospital. so she is really sick. I ruch to the bus stop and ride a bus to the place. But I was just wondering why is she in that hospital, that hospital was almost at the town and there is nearer hospital in the center of the city. Did she really want to hide to go to a far hospital? well, I know that hospital because that's where I often stay when I was young, when I still have cancer. when I et to the place, I asked the nurse for her room and immediately go there. I was about to knock when I heard laughing at the other side of the door. who can that be? maybe her visitor was still there, maybe that's a relative. then someone called me/

"Junhong?" it's her mom

hello, Mrs. Kim" I bowed

she smiled at me but I know she's not happy to see me. 

"can we talk for a while?" she asked, then we go to the hospital garden.


"did my daughter told you to come here?"

"ah yes.." 

"oh I see,"

"uh, Mrs. Kim." I called then she looked at me " I'm sorry" 


"I'm sorry for hurting your daughter, I know you're mad at me just like her father because I'm the reason why she's sick. if you want to punish me, I will whole heartedly accept it, but please don't let her stay away from me. I promise that I will protect her, I won;t let anyone to hurt her again, I won't let her cry anymore." i said while bowing 90 degrees. she didn't answer, I slowly look up and saw her smiling, did she forgive me?

"I'm glad to hear that from you, and I can see that you are sincere with your words, Eunmi is so special, she is oour only daughter and I don't want to see her suffering. If only I could take away the pain she's feeling then I will, but I can't. Junhong, I will ask you something and please answer me honestly."

"do you love Eunmi?"


Eunmi's pov


I was deeply thinking if Zelo will come or not. Then suddenly theres a knock on the door. it open and revealed Zelo popping out his head. I don't know what to feel, I missed to see that face.

"you came" I said

"of course, I told you Imiss you right."

I just stay there quietly, not knowing what to say, there's an uneasy aura that surrounds the two of us

"Sorry."  finally the two of us said.

"no, don't say that, I'm the one who's sorry, If I protect you from Soojung, you wont be hurt"

"no, Its also my fault, I'm so stupid to believe her"

"no, I shouldnt let her be near you, she's a bad person, she'll do anything to deceive you and hurt you."

"but,., hey may I ask you a question?"

"of course you can" he said

"are you and Soojung d-dating?"

"WHAT?!, Is that what she told you? Aish I really won't forgive her, why did you believe her?"

"that's what I'm telling you earlier! I'm stupid"

"hey, you're not stupid, your just.."

"just what?!" then I pouted

"hey, don't be like that, don't blame yourself"

"I just believe her because I saw you two quarrel one day,  I saw her crying, that day you were also out of yourself, and also the day after that when she told me that you were dating. I thought you just have a lovers' quarrel since its normal to couples, but then she told me that you fight because of me.  And when I try to talk to you about her,  you won't answer or just walk away. I thought that you just don't wanna talk about what's between you two. And that time you were also staying away from me!"

he didn't answer at first,

"okay, I see your point, but to clear things out. That day when you saw us quarrel, yes it was really about you but, it's just she's planning something not good to do to you if I won't stay away with you. I'm the one that's stupid that let her do what she want's because I'm afraid that she'd hurt you. okay, it's just.. Soojung's fault, everything is. She lied to you and threatened me. I'm also wrong because I'm not brave enough to protect you. So I'm sorry."

"but, It's also my fault,"

"it isn't"

"it is"

"it isn't"

"it is!"

"it isn't"



the two of us were shocked when my father shouted, yeah we didn't notice that he was sleeping on the sofa and he was disturbed by our noise.

"you two, you were both stupid for believing that Soojung and stupid for blaming yourselve's for her mistake! I don't know that Soojung, but I can see that's she done all this. And I won't forgive her for that"


"and you Junhong!" he turned to Zelo," were not done yet , I don't care if its not really yo're fault but I won't still forgive you for letting Eunmi be hurt!"

"appa! he didn't do anything."

"yah Kim Eunmi!, you also, I know you're my beloved daughter but I didn't took care of you to believe a stupid lie! How can you put yourself into trouble so much? huh? before you like to run around and now you cry all night for a stupid guy! you know that your heart is--"

"Appa!" I glare at him, I don't like  Zelo to hear anything more. Aish  father is really unconscious sometimes, just saying whatever he wants and not looking if anyone can hear it.

 when he realized everything, he just faked a cough

"you should'nt just believe her."

"And what's this commotion all about?"  my  mother said out of nowhere. she just popped out on the door with Mr. and Mrs. Choi. They were the couple that help me to get in this  hospital. They were so nice, telling you different stories. They also tell you some tips on how to take care of your heart more. We'll my father just had his nonstop mouth earlier so they knew about your secret. They also tell stories of their son, they said he was so talented and also intelligent, they were really proud parents. But I haven't heard the name of their son, they were Choi and... suddenly you looked at Zelo, could it be.... then I see Zelo's shocked face when he see the couple, I look at them and saw shocked faces two.

"son?" mr. Choi just said

And that answeres my questions. here I go again, stupidity is around again. How can I not notice?

"what are you doing here?"

that answered my another question, even if Mr. and Mrs. Choi said so many things about their son, except the name, I just can't Imagine it to be Zelo, cause Zelo is not in a good relationship with them. But as I can see, they really love their son, unlike what Zelo tells me. Maybe there's  a misunderstanding here.




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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!