Your Guardian Angel



Zelo's pov


"she's really in trouble." Himchan hyung added.

"we need to save her!" said Jongup

then we all separated and find Eunmi. 

we asked every one about her whereabouts but we just really can't see her. As I got tired, I slowly stop and rest, I didn't notice that I was already in front of my locker.

"damn!" I said as I punched my locker, Im really worried now. but then a piece of paper fell from my locker. I pick it up and there was written
"If you want to see Eunmi, 
Come to the storage room at the back of the 
old building at  5 o'clock . She'll be waiting for you
there's no name but  I can tell that's its from Soojung
I looked at the time, it's just 4:30, I can't wait till 5:00, what if they were hurting her right now, and I started to ran to the old building. 

Eunmi's pov


I was walking to my class when somebody called me


I turned around to see that somebody, and that somebody turned to be Mimi, she's our class president and also the vice president of the schools student council. She must be really busy now, she really looked haggard already.

"yes?" I asked

"can you do me a favor" 

"what is it?"

"can you buy these in the mall?" then she gave me a list of art materials " we will be needing that for our booth and for our room" she said then gave me the money.

"ah okay." I smiled.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I don't have time to go to our room because I was so busy, Im really sorry." she said

"Don't worry, I'm fine." yeah I think that would be better, at least I'm going out of the school, I won't see Zelo or Soojung. 

"thank you so much" she said then started to walk away.

"hey, Mimi wait," she turned to me

"why?" I reached for my bag and get a sandwich. I made that but I was already full so I haven't eat it

"here, eat this, it looks like you haven't taken your lunch yet"

"ah, thanks, actually that's true, I'm really busy right now"

"don't overwork yourself okay? I got to go, bye!" I waved and walked away.


I ride a bus and a 15 minute ride to the mall. When I got there, I walked to the bookstore and find whatever I can  find in  the materials listed. I busied myself looking for materials, comparing which is more better and such. I don't like to think of the Zelo or  Soojung cause if I do, I will just make myself felt worse. I checked my phone but its running out of battery, I was surprised when it vibrated causing it to slip from my hand and fell in the floor. When I tried turning it on again, it opened but after a few seconds, the screen went black. my batteries are dead. How great. But who could have called you? can it be zelo?

"Aish, don't think of him!" I said to myself

I roam around the mall looking for other materials, and also looking at cute stuffs. I remembered that I need to buy a new perfume, and since I was already at the mall, I bought a perfume after I bought all the stuffs needed.  I also bought an Ice cream, and rest for a while. That's when I realized that I buy chocolate icecream, and instantly I remembered Zelo when he gave me one of his icecreams when I don't have enough money. I shook my head

"aish Eunmi! stop! Zelo again, stop thinking about him! you will just be hurt!" I nag to myself.

I look at my watch. it's already 4:00 PM, 

"I didn't notice the time, I should go back now."

So I stand up and carried all the things I bought and go back to the school.


When I get back to the school, I am carrying large bags so I can hardly walk, all of the things I bought were covering my face, there is just a small hole for me to see my way. 

"aish, no one even tries to help me, are they that busy?" I murmured

As I was walking, I can hear the student, 

"have you find her?"


"how about you?"

"I don't see her around."

I was curious about it, all the students I passed by were looking for "her" but who is "her"? that they were looking for. "Am I gone for too long to miss a big happening in the school?" I thought to myself. I just continue walking to my locker. I put down the large bags on the floor.

"wooh" I wipe my sweat on my forehead " that was heavy"

I took your bag and get the perfume I bought. I will put it first in my locker and just get it before I go home. As I opened my locker, a piece of paper fell from it. I put my perfume inside and pick up the paper. it says:


Eunmi, I wanna talk to you.

Come to the storage room at the back of the

old building at five o'clock. I'll be waiting for you



"Zelo? why did he want to talk to me? Aish, why now? I don't want to talk to him today" I said, "but if I don't go, he will get mad. aish"

I look at my watch it's just 4:30,  I carry again the bags and go to our room, they didn't notice me when I enter, they were all too busy. I put down the bags, I was too tired so I accidentally put it down with some force, making a sound of a falling object. Then I stretched my arms and noticed that everybody was looking at me. Shocked.

"yah! what are you looking at, here are the materials you needed. I'll just help decorating later because I'-- hey" I stop when they all gathered around me

"what are you looking at?"

"she's here!" one of them shouted and ran out, some also followed

"hey can you just tell me what's happening?"

"we were all looking for you! just where the hell did you go?!

"Mimi ask me to buy all these stuffs, but wait, why are you looking for me?"

"B.A.P said you're missing and they ask all the students to find you"

"what?! I'm missing?!"

So all along, the "her" they were all looking for was "me". How great. I rolled my eyes and see the clock, 5:00 it says,

"5:00! ok I had to go now! Can you please tell them to stop looking for me cause I'm not freaking MISSING!"

and I ran out  to the back of the old building.



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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!