Your Guardian Angel


Soojung pov


Right after when Zelo talked to me, I called Sulli

"Sulli! You need to find Eunmi! NOW! And don't let her escape understand!?" I shouted at phone


Aish, Eunmi you are really making me mad.

After about 30 minutes Sulli and Jieun approached me.

"hey, where is she?"

"we cannot find her."

"WHAT?!" You need to find her!" I shouted at them

"but we already searched almost everywhere, she's really not around."

"Aish, Zelo!, maybe she find Eunmi first!"

"I think not"- Jieun

"what? why?"

"B.A.P. is also looking for her, they even asked students to find her"-Jieun

"yeah, It can only mean that she's really missing" -Sulli

"what?! , aish Eunmi, where can she be?!"

"what should we do now?" Jieun & Sulli

"Keep looking for her! we need to find her first before B.A.P. does."

And we go to different places to find Eunmi. That girl, she's ruining my plans! I can't believe that my plan fails! What should I do now, I already put the note into oppa's locker! 

I was deeply thinking when someone bumped me

"hey! watch where you're going!"

"ah- Sorry, I'm really sorry" she bowed

wait, I know her. She's Mimi, the vice president of the student council. Geez she really looks tired. I felt lucky for being not part of the council, I don't like to look like a zombie. 

"hey, have you seen Eunmi?"

"ah, Eunmi-ah? no I haven't, maybe she's not back yet." she said

"you know where she is?!"

"uh-yeah. I....I think she's still at the mall.. I asked her to by stuffs for our booth.."

"She's at the mall?"

Mimi nodded. 

"When will she be back?"

"I don't know.. m-maybe after an hour or two.."

"okay, you can go now." and she hurriedly goes away. That's why no one sees her, cause she's really not here. And that busy nerd is the oly one who knows where she is. hmm. I think I will still succeed.

I walk along and stop in front of her locker, I looked around and when I don't see someone around, I slip a note inside her locker.


4:30 pm.

I lean on the wall and wait for the two of them, where are they, it stinks here. Then I heard footsteps, Its from zelo oppa, he hurriedly enter the room and look for Eunmi. I knew he'll be early

"Soojung?!" he exclaimed " where is Eunmi and have you done to her?!" Anger can be seen on his pretty face.

"Relax, you'll see her soon." I smirked, why don't you just chat with me for a while?"

His really angry now, he rushed towards me and pinned me hard on the wall, I was by it. He's really scary. 

"Tell.Me.Where.She.Is.NOW!" My eyes were wide open in shock but I can not let myself lose, until I noticed someone by the door. Eunmi. By that I immediately hooked my arm into Zelo's neck and pull him closer for a kiss. He stopped because of shock but eventually tries to pull away, but I try hard not to let go. Until we heard a metal rolling on the floor. We both look at the door and saw Eunmi with a shock face. 

"ah, s-sorry, I think I disturb you. I'll go now." she said then ran away. 

"Eunmi! wait!" Zelo shouted and ran outside.

I smiled an evil laugh to myself. "poor Eunmi"



Eunmi's pov


I ran as fast a I could away from that place, it really hurts to see them together, and now kissing. I know that I shouldnt be running but all I want to do is be gone from that place. from this school. I never expect to see such things. Why did Zelo even told me to go there in the first place? To let me see that they were already okay, that they make up already. yeah, maybe he just want to thank me. 

"Eunmi-ah!" I know its Zelo, why did he even try following me?

I stop running but didn't look at him. I quickly wipe my tears away and try to smile. He walked closer to me

"why are you here?, I ..I need to help the class, I'll be going now" I said without looking at him

"Eunmi, what you saw is--"

"I'm sorry if I ruin the moment."

"Eunmi listen to me"

"You're welcome!" I said then smiled even if it hurts inside


"You wanna thank me right, cause you and Soojung were already okay."

"Eunmi, just stop and listen, what happen in there is--he was cut when somebody calls him.

"Zelo!" its B.A.P. "oh so you found her already"

when Zelo looks at them, I got the chance to run away from him. He calls me but I ran into the crowd so he cannot easily follow me. I hide myself in everything, I breathed heavily. Air was thickening and my vision is getting blurry, when I am nearing the gates, somebody called me.

"aish, please don't let it be-" I murmured as I try to look at the person "-soojung?!"

she's smiling, she's really happy. unlike me, dying inside.

"she hugged you making it harder for you to breath. she then break the hug.

"Eunmi-ah, thank you so much, as you see, were okay now!" she beamed

"I'm happy for you" I said , liar..I'm  in great pain now because of them. I try to smile

"I should be going now" I said and walked away.

When I passed the gates I quickly lean on the wall, I hold my chest. I can feel my heart beating fast, and I really can't breath now. My face was already turning blue but I still tried to walk, then suddenly everything went black.





Double update! kekeke I'm getting excited but I don't know why xD


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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!